Status: Completed!

Never Let You Go

Chapter 16

The door to the room swung open. Tyler glanced up from the bed and turned to look at the frame, where Arielle stood, glaring at him. He pushed himself off the bed at once and got to his feet. He wiped his eyes, as she stalked forward.

He was still naked. In her arms, she held a pair of swim trunks, (not the Speedo) which she dressed him with. She removed the socks as well from his feet. He was grateful to finally have himself covered down there. He didn’t mind showing his legs and definitely didn’t mind baring his chest to her. (It was his duty, as a handsome made man to show off his sexyness to others.)

She reached to the side, behind him and picked something up. He glanced down and saw that she held a syringe in her hand. She stuck it into his arm and then pulled it back out. He didn’t feel any change in his body, but she smirked, as she set it back down.

“I’m sick of hearing you fight with me, so I want you to stay still and let me smooth a piece of tape over those pretty lips of yours, okay? Can you let me, or will you fight me?”

“I guess. I can’t seem to win anyway!” He nodded to her, maintaining a stern look in the process, as she shot her hand out to the side once more.

She snatched up the roll and tore off the appropriate sized piece to her liking and then stuck it over Tyler’s mouth, silencing him. She ran her fingers across, making sure that the adhesive stayed in place. He moaned to her.

Then she removed the cuffs from him. She tossed those onto the bed. After that was done, she made an “eh” groaning sound. As an extra, she spun him around and pinned his arms together behind his back, so he wouldn’t fight her or remove the tape. She still didn’t trust him. She took one of the manila ropes and tied it about his wrists.

After he was trussed up and gagged with the tape, she found that anklet once more and clasped it around his left ankle. She turned on the dot, which glowed blue once more. She smiled and stood back up.

His eyes glittered with fury and annoyance, as she grabbed him by his arm and forcibly led him out of the room, half dragging him. Sure enough, he began to fight with her, wanting to walk himself. She refused and shoved him forward, ahead of her.

They left the dungeon room and entered another, bigger room. Tyler glanced around at the setting, observing the doctor’s waiting room. It was plain in color and the only thing that peaked his interest, was the set of four chairs. Two by two, across from each other, allowing a small walkway in between the sets. To his right side, Patrice and Jonathan sat, unconscious. He took note of how they were fully clothed. Patrice looked the best out of the two. Jonathan’s red marks stood out to his eyes.

The poor Blackhawk Captain, Tyler thought, feeling sympathy for the man.

On the left, in the far seat, Patrick Kane slumped. He was gagged over his mouth, with similar tape to Tyler’s. And his wrists were bound with the same adhesive material, placed in his lap, delicately. Oh and the shaggy blonde haired Blackhawk was shirtless.

At least Tyler wouldn’t feel alone or completely embarrassed. Patrick had put up a fight, apparently. Good for him! Way to go Kaner!

Arielle shoved him into the chair and ruffled his hair in farewell. “Even though you fought with me to the end, I still love you. We’ll have to see each other and resume this again! Good bye my Segsy!” She giggled and bounced away, leaving him there.

“Fuck you!” He screamed into the tape, as she vanished from his sight.

He felt the anklet, keeping him prisoner, if not that he already felt that way about the rope and tape on him. When she wanted to, she could activate the jewelry and have him under her control. He struggled in the ropes that held his wrists together behind his back. He wanted to get that damn anklet off of him!

Tyler felt himself losing consciousness, as his vision became blurry and before long, he joined the others, blacking out.