Gensokyo 20XXV: New Beginnings (AKA Apartment Gensokyo)

Yuuka's Musings: No Rest for the Wicked

I awoke to the early morning to a terrific thundering sound and then the sound something crashing. I blinked and initially thought Flannie had blown up another door but, as to be expected, it was Huzi making crystal meth. Of all things, why couldn't she have been a booze hound. Of course, Huzi seemed to have been looking for something to make her forget that event where she's had her shoes taken from her, so she's taken to becoming a meth addict. In these times, drugs and things run rampant and are much, much easier to obtain and there really isn't much that can be said or done. Many has resorted to...unethical methods to get what they need or want. Saddening really, but we all have to satisfy our thrills and get what we need. No rest for the wicked, I suppose. Times may be difficult but I suppose it would be good to look on the bright side, even if it be rubbish.

On a more honest note, Yuyuko has taken to owning a tavern, where she can serve booze and food. Naturally, people trade her anything to get food and or booze, explaining why it is she has such nice things. As for us, she is quick to give us things free of exchange. If she isn't doing things in her tavern, the which she runs either within her own flat or somewhere within the lower levels, she is a seamstress and she's made most of her clothes herself. Having a tavern and being a seamstress is much more honest than manufacturing drugs. As aforementioned, there isn't much of any rest for the wicked. However, on Huzi's note, I do hope she intends to sober up.

After being arose from my slumber in a rather impolite way, I stumbled out of bed and, whilst still in my bedclothes, I cautiously opened my door and peered down the hall, where I had seen Huzi thrown up across it. As aforementioned, I was not surprised by this as she, Kaguya, and Suika had a habit of playing rather foolish games that involved trying to swing into a window, so a meth-lab explosion isn't too far outside of that particular realm. After looking at her in befuddled confusion and amusement and watching her get up, I had gone back into my flat and went back to bed. I concluded on staying there for a while, as the excitement has tired me out.