Gensokyo 20XXV: New Beginnings (AKA Apartment Gensokyo)

Ran and the Children

Reimu still doesn't respond to pain and doesn't seem to comprehend why it is she isn't allowed to put her hands into hot food, especially while it is being cooked. Of course, Yukari did note that she has put her hands into hot things so many times she probably doesn't feel it anymore because, in her words, "if Reimu's put her hands into something hot so many times, then there is a pretty good chance that if it did hurt then it doesn't, as she is probably used to it." and the fact that she doesn't learn. I should have expected this to be so, as she's endured so much mental trauma that it will take ages to erase. However, she did seem to recover from some of it. Aside from being absent a sense of danger or not responding to pain and or injuries and still requiring braces or wheelchair (she can't walk long distances), she is very much a normal child and is even more capable of enjoying this world.

Of course, that sort of thing puts her in some sort of conflict with the others, especially when she is told she isn't allowed to do something. I've dealt with her putting her hands into the food, especially while I am cooking it. I tell her not to but she does it anyway, so I pawn the problem off to Yukari, who gives her the same reprimand, "That's no good, Reimu, you have to mind what Ran says." She usually doesn't listen but, then again, what is there really to expect from that? Children don't often listen and tends to do things because to them it is right, while to adults it is wrong, and that is why they have to be guided, as they are innocent and ignorant to what sort of dangers there are, Reimu especially, doubly so in these anarchistic times.

Naturally, I do hope that the children could go outside and play without needing to be watched over so often, but there isn't anywhere for them to really play, not without them possibly getting injured, getting taken somewhere, or getting into and or eating and drinking something they probably shouldn't, something we've dealt with one time too many, especially after the incident with the flowers. We could get them some education but there isn't that many schools and the ones that are around aren't very safe and many of the teachers are closer to that of students than they are teachers, so we teach them at home. Sometimes, when I go out, I might take one or a few of them with me but that in itself has resulted in my putting them on leashes or carrying one of them (i.e Reimu) and that one time with lead pipe and I would be damned if I let that happen again.

When at home, the children are simply content or running around in the hallways to some of the tenants' dismay. Often, I am usually taking care of them, while Yukari rents out rooms and handles paperwork and Ren is usually searching for or buying food with the money Yukari tends to give him. If they aren't running around in the hallways, they are usually watching videotapes (The Moomins is a favorite) or something they tend to amuse themselves with whatever, if not sleeping.

Recently, Chen and Sakuya got into a little spat over a can of sardines and the former considered on running over the latter with her wheelchair. This wasn't the first one and it wasn't definitely going to be the last. They always had spats like this and, frankly, I have confronted Sakuya on it but she has a fondness of very much picking on the others because she thinks she's the oldest and the biggest (Chen is a little smaller than she is), therefore she can do what she wants. It always went like this with Chen saying, "You always eat my sardines!" to which Sakuya says, "I don't see your name on 'em!"

"You don't even like 'em but you eat 'em because I do and you don't want me to have 'em!"

"Yeah, well, you eat to many of 'em anyway!"

"No, I don't and I never had any because you are always eating them!"


"Ran-mommie, Sakuya's hitting me again!"

"You're a crybaby! Crybaby, crybaby, cry, cry, cry!"

Naturally, I intervene and say, "You stop hitting Chen or you can go right back next door with Remilia and Flandre, after all, if you going to live in the same apartment with us then you'll abide by our rules, two of which is we don't hit others and we don't eat someone else's snacks." She would cross her arms and turn away, huffing. Sometimes, I wonder why it is we don't send her live back with Remilia and Flandre but, then again, they would most certainly send her back at her insistence, so that is why she lives here. Never could understand why, though.