Gensokyo 20XXV: New Beginnings (AKA Apartment Gensokyo)

Sakuya, Math Games, and Seeing Reimu, not "Sleepyblind"

According to Ran, we have been getting very good at mathemetics and counting. Of course, we have, as she is a rather stern teacher, who is really good at math. Sometimes, we would play little counting games, usually involving multiplication. However, we really couldn't guess what 6x20 was and Ran stated that we really wouldn't know as we are too young to know but she did explain she would teach us that when we were older. Weirdly, Reimu knew and she sleeps a lot. Apparently, she counts in her sleep and the answer to 6x20 was 120.

Sometimes, we would sit down after our math lessons and try to count to 198. She encouraged us to do that, as it helped to learn. When we got stuck, we had to try to figure that out, the missing number. When I did find it out, someone else would yell it out. I always hated that, especially when sleepyhead Reimu, Taddie, or Muh said it, and that is mostly because Reimu sleeps a lot and is barely even awake for our lessons, also the fact that she cannot even see, and Taddie and Muh are like two years old and they don't even know anything 'bout math! Of course, Ran always tells me that we all start learning as babies and that Sleepblind doesn't need to see in order to learn.

I let the Taddie and Muh thing go but I told Sleepyblind that she won't have any teeth if she continues yelling out my answers. She remembered to give me knuckle sandwich for that, saying, "If you care so much about me yelling out 'your' answers, then yell them out before I can say anything." I remembered not to hit her back because she would throw something at me and they would have my ass for that. When we started a multiplication game, Sleepyblind still yelled them out. I remembered to bring that to Ran.

When I did, she said, "Well, Sakuya, sweetheart, Reimu simply wants to play, too, after all, it is a game for everyone to play, and you shouldn't really be upset with her for yelling out your answers because you didn't say them. Yes, it frustrates you, of course it would, but, listen, as you know, she cannot see very well and is old enough to know how different she is from everyone else, something she doesn't want to be reminded of. Think about it, how would you feel if you were reminded of being different from everyone else? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like it, would you?"


"See? You wouldn't and that is how Reimu feels to some degree. Look, there's Chen. We know she requires a wheelchair to get around but we see her, Chen, not her wheelchair. Yes, Reimu has poor sight, of course, but we must learn to see her, Reimu, and not her blindness. Now, I'm not saying it was right for her to call out your answer and neither was it wrong but it is her way of saying she learns just the way you do and she only wanted to play along with everyone."

After that, I realized I shouldn't have been mad at her and that I should probably try seeing Reimu instead of Sleepyblind.
"Son-in law?"


"You never told us you have had relatives and they are here to see you."