Gensokyo 20XXV: New Beginnings (AKA Apartment Gensokyo)

Interesting Day

Every morning, almost at the crack of dawn, Ren wakes us up. At least, he doesn't a can and a ladle but he does clap his hands. He always wakes us up just when breakfast starts and then he goes down the hall, to the door at the end, to wake up Yukari, who sleeps on the second level in this apartment in two-story room. If I had it my way, I would sleep the rest of the day but he and Ran are so damn insistent. I tried not to wake up but he really wasn't fooled and picked me up and placed me in wheelchair anyway, saying, "You wouldn't wish to miss breakfast, would you? Of course not." He wheels me into the dining room so we can eat. Everyday, it is the same old thing, usually eggs and rat sausage, with a piece of apple. After breakfast, we start our lessons and when we are finished we go about business.

As we were about her business, Sakuya the brat decided to pitch to a fit and say, "I want to be a normal kid and do things normal kids do." Of course, it surprised us all. I blinked and said, "But, Sakuya, we are normal kids."
She narrowed her eyes and said, "No we're not!"

Reimu blinked and asked, "How?"

"I'll you tell you how! For one, we can't go to school and we are eating rat sausages, what is normal about that?"

"Lots of kids don't go to school and some kids don't eat anything."

"And some kids are traded for stuff."

"Yeah, well, I want to go to school and not eat ratburgers."

"I like ratburgers."

"Reimu, you eat anything in which it is you pick up, so ratburgers are not a far cry from that."


As we were talking, we found Ran standing over us, listening to everything we had said. She looked at Sakuya and said, "Something tells me you don't adjust too well to changes and that is why you've been acting the way you do but I say what I have to say. Listen, the reasons we don't take you to school are because there aren't that many and they all aren't very safe, along with the fact that you're not going to be learning too much of anything as the teachers are more like students, so, in simple terms, we don't as to better provide, and the reason we eat ratburgers or whatever is because that is what is available to us. Food is scarce and we have to make the most of it. I'm sorry if that is how you feel." After that, Ran left us alone and Sakuya cried. That shut her up for a while and she became much nicer.
"Reimu got out."