Gensokyo 20XXV: New Beginnings (AKA Apartment Gensokyo)

Miko's Visit

Surprises most certainly come and they certainly had as Chen had invited someone for dinner, greeting us with a, "Hey guys, I invited someone ovew fow dinnew!" To much surprise it was Miko and we haven't seen her very much since she had first moved in. Of course, I do wish Chen had told us we were going to have someone over for dinner. Nevertheless, we welcomed her, happy to have a visitor. She had been quiet, only asking about our affairs, speaking seldom of her own, except that she normally doesn't get out much, to which Reimu naturally said, "Neither do I, except that one time." It prompted Miko to strike up a conversation with her and it seemed to be rather interesting, especially since Reimu thought it be fit to converse with her eyes closed.

As the two were talking, Chen, being a tad inappropriate, asked, "Hey, Miko, do you want to heaw about the time Wan and Wen did the two-beast?" Ran shot a glance at her said, "No, Chen, no one wants to hear about that!" She waved her off and continued on her with story before I cut her off saying, "Chen, we've talked about you making inappropriate dinner conversation." Miko blinked and said, "No need to tell me, I am all too familiar with that story, as I could hear it from four doors away." Ran and Ren were easily embarrassed and asked to pardon themselves, Miko reassuring them, "No need to be embarrassed, you're in love and it was after you two were wedded."

As the night dragged on, she did ask to stay, saying she and Reimu had much to talk about. We agreed she was to stay the night but she'll have to share with the children, not that she or they really minded. She told them stories and talked with them. She left the next day, promising to visit again, stating she enjoyed her visit."
"Nitori, Nitori! What're ya doin' in there?"