Status: work in progress!

Basil Dean and the China-Boy Blue

Four-Dozen Boxes and a Boy

They moved in on the thirteenth of October, in the lot behind Basil Dean’s coffee shop, carrying with them three large, pea-green suitcases and an empty birdcage. Basil knew this because she was watching from the roof of the building. She watched with mounting interest as they emptied the contents of their beat-up blue Volvo, and using an old spyglass she read the labels on the nearly four-dozen small, cardboard boxes they brought into the building:




Most of them read BLUE/WHITE or MISCELLANEOUS and were duct-taped shut on all sides. Basil was almost certain it was a secret code. She watched as they loaded the last of the boxes and disappeared into the building, shutting the plexiglass doors behind them with a final, rattling thunk.

Their names are Quincy and Cassius Blue, Basil thought, as she shut her spyglass and descended into the building.

They’ve brought with them three pea-green suitcases, a birdcage, and four-dozen cardboard boxes… And a boy.
♠ ♠ ♠
So excited to begin this story! I hope the contents of the boxes aren't too obvious... :P

Also, as always this is a very rough first draft, so any comments/suggestions are greatly appreciated!