In the Claws of an Angel

Chapter Eight.

The walk back to camp through the woods was just as peaceful and serene as the walk out.

The sun was higher in the sky now, casting light straight down on the trees. The sunlight filtered through the canopy of leaves, speckling the forrest floor in glowing ribbons.

Logan tromped a few paces in front of me, leading the way down the narrow, beaten path between the trees.

Every so often, he would point out a specific bird or flower, telling me its name and a few fun facts about them.

"Yellowhammer." Logan said as he once more pointed up into the branches of a tall tree. "Emberiza Citrinella, if you wanna get fancy. Alabama's state bird."

As Logan fed me this slightly random information, I stared up into the lush green leaves above us where he had pointed. Perched on one of the lowest branches was a small, brightly colored bird.

Its head was neon yellow, and the feathers on its wings were a sandy brown color, edged in white. Near its tail was a smudge of fuzzy, fire engine red feathers. I smiled a little as the Yellowhammer's cheerful, chirpy tune filled my eardrums, mixing with the buzz of the locusts.

"How do you know all this stuff?" I asked Logan as we started walking again.

"I've been around a while." He replied to me while glancing over his shoulder.

It was quiet for a second as we walked, the sound of twigs snapping under our feet taking the place of our voices until I decided to speak up again.

"How old are you, Logan?" I asked curiously.

When he said he'd been around a while, it had made me realize that I didn't know his exact age, and he didn't know mine.

"Is that your personal question of the day?" Logan replied back in a question, and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Umm." I hummed thoughtfully before shrugging my shoulders, "Sure."

"Well, I've lost track of a few birthdays, but I'm somewhere close to 42." He said to me, which utterly confused me.

I remembered the night before at Denny's when Logan told me he thought he was from Canada... How does a person not know where they're from, or their own age?

"How 'bout you, Ana?"

Logan's question caught me off guard. I'd gotten lost in my thoughts for a second, totally losing the conversation.

"Hm?" I said, signaling him to clarify what he meant.

"How old are you?"

"Is that your personal question of the day?" I repeated Logan's tone from earlier, hearing him chuckle.

"Why not." He said, "We've got plenty more days for other questions."

I smiled at the thought of staying with Logan... surfing the highways, camping... It wasn't a life for everyone, but it suited me just fine. It was a hell of a lot better than being alone, like I was before.

"I'm almost 27. My birthday's in three months..." I informed Logan, "Wait, we're in June, right?"

He nodded his head of dark hair, yanking the leather strap that held the bundle of wood to his back to get a better grip.

"My guess was about right, then." Logan said as he stepped over a fallen tree trunk in the path.

He turned around and watched as I repeated his actions, making sure I didn't trip. When I was safely on the other side of the trunk, Logan turned around and started walking again. I followed behind him.

"I think we're pretty close to the campsite, now." He said, but suddenly halted in his tracks.

I stumbled to a stop, almost slamming into the bundle of firewood on Logan's back.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I started to step around him.

He raised a finger to his lips, signaling for me to be quiet. Then he nodded his head up ahead of us toward a large buck, right in the middle of the path.

His head was lowered, grazing on a patch of green grass sprouting up from the ground. He lifted his thick neck and chewed his cud, the magnificent antlers on his head casting long shadows down on his muscular body.

Suddenly, the large animal caught sight of us, snapping his head over in our direction. His eyes were bright and alert, and his ears twitched underneath his antlers as he watched us.

My breath caught in my throat as the buck took a few steps forward, never taking his eyes off us.

Logan tensed, his arm instinctively shooting out in front of my body and nudging me back behind him a little bit.

We stayed perfectly still as the buck's smooth brown hair began to raise on the back of his neck. I thought for sure he was going to charge us.

But suddenly, the bushes to the left of the buck began to rustle softly, catching his attention. Shortly after, a doe emerged from the leaves.

Her body was slender, her legs long and lean, giving her an elegant look. White spots formed a pattern down her back, all the way to her white fluffy tail.

The buck seemed to calm at the sight of the doe. She twitched her ears at him, walking over and nuzzling his neck lovingly.

The buck responded, leaning down to gently nibble the side of the doe's face. It almost looked like he was kissing her.

Then, just as quickly as they had appeared, the two animals took off, bounding through the trees and completely disappearing.

Logan slowly lowered his arm back to his side, and I let out a breath I hadn't even known I was holding.

"Wow..." I breathed.

"Yea..." Logan grunted in agreement before setting off again. "That was pretty close..."



The truck's doors hung open, and the radio was set on a rock station, blaring an old Alice in Chains song that I wasn't really familier with.

Logan and I were just lounging around the campsite, watching the day slowly pass. Birds chirped around us, and the sound of the fresh stream trickled lightly in the background.

While Logan sat comfortably kicked back in one of the wicker lawn chairs, beer in hand, I layed on my stomach in the grass. My elbows were propped on the ground, and my chin was rested in my palms as I stared at the tall green blades.

One by one, I zeroed in on them at close range, plucking them from the ground with my mind. I could feel the same kind of pressure building and releasing somewhere inside my head, but in much smaller bursts.

It was much easier for me to control in those small amounts, but plucking blades of grass from the ground wasn't exactly satisfying... It wouldn't do any good for self defense, either.

But it was the only thing I could do without hurting myself, for now. I let out a sigh, rolling over and laying on my back in the grass. Above me was nothing but sky and clouds, and I pictured shapes in the billowy white fluff.

I saw a unicorn at first, but slowly the wind morphed the cloud into a gnome,  then a sort of lopsided heart. After that, it just became a huge floating blob.

"Hey, star gazer," Logan called out to me.

I sat up to look at him, and he was standing up, downing the last gulp of his Budweiser. He crushed the can in his strong grip before looking down at me. "You want a sandwhich?"

I nodded at him, standing up and brushing loose blades of grass from my shorts.

"Yea, that sounds good. I'll come with you." I said, following Logan as he started walking toward the camper.

Right as he grabbed the handle and pulled the door open, the Alice in Chains song on the radio faded out, and another one started.

The tune sounded extremely familier to me, and within seconds I caught onto it. 'Warning' by Incubus, one of my favorite bands.

"Oooh, I love this song!" I gasped as Logan and I walked inside the camper.

"Oh, yea?" He replied while getting all the sandwhich essentials out from the cabinets and mini fridge, "I never listened to much Incubus."

My mouth hung open for a second as I stared at Logan in disbelief.

He caught my facial expression out of the corner of his eye as he layed four slices of white bread out on two paper plates, and raised one of his eyebrows.

"What? I'm more of a Johnny Cash, George Straight, Lynard Skynard kinda guy..." He defended himself.

"Well, it's your loss." I told him with a shrug as I hummed along with the words.

"They don't sound too bad," Logan said as he began to assemble the sandwhiches, "Mayo?"

"A little bit." I made a gesture with my pointer finger and thumb, squinting at him through the small space between them.

Logan nodded and turned back to the small counter, throwing ham and provologne ontop of the bread and finishing the sandwhiches. He tossed a handful of BBQ chips on each plate, dusting the orange seasoning off his palms and onto the legs of his jeans.

He moved rather quickly, putting the meat, cheese, bread and mayo away. When he walked the plates over to the small booth-like table and set them down, he nodded me over to him.

"C'mon, sit down." He told me, moving over to the cabinets again and opening the one that held the glasses.

"You know I can pour my own drink, right?" I said slowly as I sat down behind one of the plates, "I'm a big girl."

Logan didn't say anything and simply sat a glass of sweet tea next to me, then scooted into the seat across from me with his own.

"I don't mind." He responded, just before biting one of the corners off his sandwhich.

"Well, you'd make an excellent waiter." I joked, raising my glass of tea to my smirking lips and taking a long sip.

Logan rolled his hazel eyes at me as he finished chewing the first bite, then took another small one.

We were quiet for a minute, minus the sound of chips crunching between our teeth. Logan and I were beginning to get more comfortable with each other, but there were still times like these where I just didn't quite know what to say.

My eyes drifted around the camper, listening to the radio commercials coming from the cab of the truck.

"So make sure you tune in tomorrow from 2:00 to 5:00, 'cause ya gotta listen for the hidden clues." The twangy voice of the DJ energetically rambled on, "We're givin' away some biiig prizes, guys, I mean HUGE..."

Eventually I tuned him out, and found myself staring at Logan, like I often did... Honestly, I tried not to, I really did... But I just felt so drawn into him. And, yes, he was physically attractive.

Very attractive.

He rested one elbow on the table and stared down at his plate, having already finished his sandwhich, and now picked through his chips. I chewed slowly, only halfway done with my sandwhich.

Logan's dogtags dangled from his neck, swaying back and forth with his natural movements. I stared at them, wanting so bad to question them, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it... I was too nervous.

Plus, I had already used up my personal question of the day, anyway.

"You got yourself pretty good with that rock, didn't you?" Logan suddenly asked, and I blushed as my eyes snapped up to his.

"H-huh?" I stammered as he smirked at me, getting up to throw his now empty plate away.

But I knew I heard him right, because my hand instantly shot up to the small knot above my eyebrow self conciously. I winced as my fingertips grazed the tender area. "Does it really look that bad?"

Logan chuckled as he rinsed his glass out, gave it a quick pat down with a paper towel, and placed it back up in the cabinet.

"Relax, I was just joking." He assured me while leaning against the counter and crossing his arms over his chest, "You look fine."

I felt my eyes stick to him for a second, admiring the stance he was in. The toned muscles in his biceps, backarms and forearms were clearly visible as he crossed them, and his eyes sparkled in the ribbons of sunlight that leaked into the camper through the small window.

My stomach felt like it was twisting inside out as Logan flashed me a half smile, and I realized I was staring for a little too long...

"Spacin' out...?" He asked me, causing me to instantly look back to my plate, my pale cheeks burning.

I thanked God for my long, grown out hair, which hung in my eyes and hid my face.

"Uh, sorry, I didn't mean to..." I spoke quickly and struggled for my words, feeling the anxiety rise up inside of me, " stare."

"Whoa, slow down," Logan said with another light chuckle, "I know it's only been a few days, but I think you've noticed I'm a pretty easy going guy by now."

He paused and I heard his hollow footsteps walking toward me, and suddenly his hand gently rested itself ontop of my head, catching me off guard.

"Like I said before, just relax. Loosen up." He ruffled my hair as he spoke, and I looked up at him as he withdrew his hand, "I know I have these damn claws, but I'm not gonna scratch ya."

I blinked up at him, not really knowing what to say. 'Loosening up' was easier said than done... But I was sure it would happen in time.




Sheep after imaginary sheep bounded over a wooden fence inside my head as I desperately tried to lull myself to sleep. When sheep number 134 cleared the fence, I gave up and opened my eyes.

They didn't feel the least bit heavy... and I just couldn't get comfortable on the couch. A frustrated sigh escaped my lips as I lifted my head to look at the digital clock on the table.

3:17 AM glowed in red text. The light from the clock mixed with the subtle, pale luminescence from the moon leaking in from outside, giving the entire room a pink tint.

I flopped my head back into my slightly flat pillow with a low, restless groan. I absolutely hated nights like these... Why couldn't my mutant ability be turning night into day? Or speeding up the passing of time? That'd be pretty cool.

I let my mind consume itself in what my life might be like if I really did have either of those abilities. But after a few minutes passed, I began to hear strange sounds.

My body's natural reflex was to hold very still, and my breathing became shallow as my ears tuned into the noise.

Low grumbles and moans, coming from up in the loft. It was Logan, and they gradually grew louder. I could hear him lightly thrashing about in his sheets, sounding like he was struggling with something. Most likely a dream or a nightmare.

I kept listening, but only a few words were audible.

"...No..." Logan growled, his voice escalating, "!!"

He was almost yelling now, and part of me wanted to see if he was alright... But suddenly, he let out an abrupt roar, scaring me half to death.

I covered my mouth so he wouldn't hear my cry of surprise. I knew he was awake now, I could hear his heavy breathing followed by a few select curse words.

My stomach fluttered as I felt his weight shift, rocking the camper just slightly. His footsteps softly padded toward the ladder that led down to my level.

I quickly yanked my blanked up to my nose, hiding my eyes behind my long bangs. I was still able to see, but it was so dark there's no way Logan would be able to see my eyes.

I held very still and leveled my breathing as Logan quietly made his way down the four-step ladder, placing one foot at a time onto the floor.

My eyes were glued to his back as he made his way to the mini fridge, popping the door open and snagging the milk jug from the top shelf. He let the door swing to an almost silent close, straggling into the kitchenette.

He reached up and grabbed the handle of the glass cabinet, but paused and held the jug up, studying how much milk was left. He pursed his lips, swirling the milk around at the bottom of the plastic container.

There was only enough left for maybe a small glass and a half, so Logan took his hand off the cabinet and simply unscrewed the cap, tossing it in the trash and taking a swig straight from the jug.

He lowered the jug from his mouth, wiping away the milk mustache with his forearm. His eyes looked exhausted and troubled, staring distantly out the window above the table. The beams of soft moonlight caught the sharp, distinct features of his face and body, illuminating him in a pale aura.

In that moment, he looked so calm and serene, almost like some sort of angel.

Logan finished the milk in the jug in just threw quick gulps, then quietly disposed of the empty container in the trash can. I watched as he ran a hand through his rumpled, slept on hair, seeming to debate whether to go back to bed or not.

When he sighed and crossed the floor of the camper, careful to step lightly as he passed by my "sleeping" body, I knew his choice. He snagged his leather jacket off a hook next to the door, pulled it on over his grey sweat pants and black tank top, then silently opened the door and crept outside.

When the door clicked shut, I tossed my blanket off of me and sat up. I tossed my legs over the side of the couch, stood up and crossed the floor. I gripped the door's handle, gently squeezing it and popping the seal as quietly as I could.

I pried it open just slightly, peering through the crack. I squinted one eye to get a clearer view. Logan was standing in the clearing, just staring up at the half moon in the open sky.

I heard him let out a groan, sounding exhausted and angry.

Finally, I stood up and pushed the door open. The chilly night air rushed around my body, only covered by a light green tank top and a thin pair of flannel pajama pants.

"Logan...?" I called out meekly as I wrapped my arms around my slender frame, "Are you okay...?"

He seemed surprised, quickly turning to look at me. His facial expression told me I'd caught him off guard, but he quickly disguised that by twisting his face into a serious look.

"Go back inside, Anabelle." He told me firmly, "It's cold out here, and you should be asleep. I'm fine, just needed some air."

"I've been up all night," I countered him as a breeze passed through, making me shiver a little, "I heard you talking in your sleep..."

"Ana, I said go inside...!" Logan snapped, raising his voice a little bit, "It's too damn cold out here, you're shivering."

I ignored his commands, and stepped off the steps leading from the door to the grass. The dew almost felt like ice on the bottoms of my bare feet, but I just ignored it.

"I told you earlier, I'm a big girl." I reminded him, "I'll be okay."

Logan glared at me and instantly shrugged his jacket off his shoulders as I approached him. He draped it around me when I got close, giving me a disapproving stare.

"Why couldn't you just listen to me and go back to bed?" Logan asked me in a low, husky tone, almost sounding like he was pleading.

"Did you have a nightmare?" I pressed, ignoring his question to me.

His eyes searched mine, and I could see the strain as he tried to think of something to say. Finally, he exhaled and ran both hands through his hair.

"Yes." He confessed, "It was a nightmare, one I have a lot actually... But that's it, I'm fine, I'm sorry I woke you up, and now we're both going back inside and going back to bed."

As Logan spoke, he placed his hands on my shoulders, turning me around to face the camper.

I could tell he was avoiding talking about the details of this reoccuring nightmare, but I didn't want to upset him anymore... So I didn't pry too much.

"I told you, I've been up all night." I said to him as he walked me up to the door, reaching out and holding it open for me.

I stepped up inside the small living space of the camper, and Logan was close behind, clicking the door shut.

"Alright," He grumbled as he lifted his jacket from my shoulders and placed it back on the hook, "Bed."

"...You mean 'couch'?" I replied, earning a gentle nudge on my back.

"Smartass..." Logan grumbled again, "You know what I mean."

I flopped down on the couch, curling into a ball and letting out an exhale as I pulled my blanket up to my chin.

"G'night." Logan said as he started up the small ladder.

"Night.." I replied back, quickly adding in, "...Logan, if you have another nightmare... Could you be a little quieter?"

I made sure he could hear the joking grin in my voice, and in turn heard a soft chuckle in his.

"Yea, yea... Go to sleep."

xxx TBC xxx