To Love a Vampire...


After we went to a restaurant, we dropped Sam and Connor back at the cabin and Shawn and I went to my house. There, we just sat in my bed at listened to music.

"So how did you enjoy the music I sang?" I asked while getting in my bed and sitting on his lap.

"You really surprised me. Where did you learn to sing like that?"

"Um... the shower." I laughed. We just sat in silence for a while.

"I really like you, Caitlin."

"You're not so bad yourself." We stared into each others eyes until I looked away. I really liked him but I couldn't kiss him. Something was holding me back.

''Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." I sighed. He kissed my forehead and we just went back to the silence.

"Caitlin? You in here?" My dad called walking up to my room.

"Oh crap. My dad! You've gotta go." I panicked.

"Okay. Meet me at the cabin tonight. There's something I wanted to give you."

"Okay bye!"

And just like that, Shawn was gone. I started felling really guilty about not kissing him.

"You awake, honey?"

"Yeah, dad. What's up?" I was pretending to brush my hair.

"Nothing, I didn't hear you come in. Where's Sam?"

"Oh uhh... She went home. Wanted some alone time for awhile."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"CAITLIN!!! ARE YOU IN HERE!!!!!!?” A voice called.

"Ugh! Sam." I muttered with annoyance.

"Caitlin I have to talk to you! It's about Conn- Oh hi dad!!!" She screamed.

"Hi Sam. I'll leave you two alone." My dad had mumbled.

"Good night," I yelled to my dad. "What's wrong with you? You know my parents are always home! Now what is it?"

"Oh right. Connor just asked me out!!!!!!" Sam screeched.

"What? I thought you two already were."

"Yeah but know its official in like the mortal kind of way." She joked.

"I can't believe you're enjoying dating a vampire. Doesn't it feel strange?" I asked. That was how I felt about Shawn. Strange. Like I shouldn't like him.

"Sometimes. But then I look at him and I know that it doesn't bug me. Why? Hey wasn't Shawn here a minute ago?" She babbled.

"Yeah but then my dad walked in. I have to meet him tonight. He wanted to give me something. Should I go?"

"Why not?"

''I don't know. It's just there's something holding me back when I tried to-" I cut myself off.


"Well if you would breathe once in a while, I would explain." She just sat in my bed and just sat there not saying a single word.

"We were talking and he said how much he liked me and I told him I liked him too. We just stared at each other and I looked away-"


"Shut up! Anyway after I looked away, I heard my dad coming and he just left. After that," I continued. "I started to imagine what it would have been like. If I did kiss him, what would it change? Was I supposed to kiss him? I don't know."

"AWWWW!!!! It's fine. Maybe you'll kiss him later tonight."

"Who's kissing you?" My mother burst through the room like a cannon.

"HELLO? PRIVACY, MOM!" I screamed.

"Sorry honey. But I want to know. Since when have you had a boyfriend?" She went on and on and on.

"I don't have a boyfriend! It's nothing!" And my mom left knowing she wasn't wanted there.

"Anyway, are you coming or what?" I asked.

"HELLO???? WHY WOULDN'T I??" She yelled. "My... hehe... boyfriend is there!!"

"Fine then lets go!"

"My car or yours?" she asked.

"Don't care."

"MINE!" she screamed grabbing her keys and running down the steps "BYE MOM! BYE DAD!"

"Have fun you two don't be out to late." My father said not looking away from the paper.

"Bye Dad." I said and closed the door behind me. Sam was in her Ferrari blasting Almost Easy....Avenged Sevenfold’s latest song. Laughing I got into the passenger side of the car.

We were half way to the cabin when Sam just blurted a bunch of questions.

"Are you gonna kiss him? You should I mean Connor and I have been together shorter than you've known all of them and we've already kissed for gosh sakes!"

"I know. I know. I don't know why. But, I feel weird when I'm like kissing length away from him. It's so strange. I can't even describe it."

"Oh... Are you gonna TRY to kiss him tonight?"

I just roll my eyes. "Maybe. I'm trying to figure it out."

"Ok, Ok I won’t bug you about it anymore. K?" She frowned "I hate finding this place. It's hard to catch the driveway. But anyways. So you are coming to the concert in 4 days right?"

"Oh my gosh! I totally forgot! But yes my mom said I could go so ya."

"Good, Connor wants to come but I don't know because like when I get around Zack and Brian and all of them...well you know me I flirt and I dont want Connor getting pissed off at me."

"Well that is something that Connor is going to have to deal with. You've always been a flirt....always will be. And if he can't deal then he's not right for you. Maybe Zacky will be."

"SHUT UP! You'll act the same way with Matt!!!" Damn... she had me there. Matt is the lead vocals in Avenged Sevenfold. His name everyone knows is M. Shadows.

* * * * *

"So what are you going to give her?" Connor asked.

"It's nothing, dude. Shut up!"

"Come on! You can tell your best friend!"

"I'm not telling you!" Shawn hissed.

"It's the necklace isn't it? I can't believe you're finally getting rid of it!" Connor laughed.

"SHUT UP!" Shawn's eyes quickly faded into pitch black rage.

"Calm down! Don't want you killing me!"

"I can't or else Caitlin would kill me for killing her best friend's new boyfriend." As Shawn starred at the small, velvet, black box, he thought about whom it belonged to, Linda.