To Love a Vampire...

About Time

As we pulled into the cabin's driveway, I started to reconsider coming after my freak-out earlier.

"Maybe we shouldn't." I choked.

"Why? We're already here. Wait - Is this about the kiss thing?" Sam smirked.

"No! Well maybe. I don't know." By then, she had already turned off the ignition.

"What is it?"

"This just feels awkward. First, I nearly kiss him after he tells me he likes me. Then, he tells me he wants to give me something."

"Well how do you feel about him?"

"I think he's a sweet, caring guy. Plus, telling me that big secret of his, it makes me fell special. And hugging him and being inches from his lips, it's unbearable! You know what I mean?" I sighed.

"Ya I do know. That's how I feel about Connor... and Zacky Vengeance." She laughed.

"I'm serious! I don't know what to do."

"Well, wait until after tonight to make up your mind."

"Yeah. Besides, I'm pretty anxious to see what he wants to give me." I started to smile.

"Me too." She screamed as she turned the car back on.

When we got there, Connor was up on the roof asleep. Sam went to join her boyfriend. I went looking for Shawn. I heard his voice coming from his room. I opened the door to find something I'll never forget.

On his muscular figure, there was this huge streak on Shawn's back. I nearly fainted.

"Oh my god!" I yelled.

"What?" He hurried up and looked behind him. "Caitlin hi!"

"What happened to your back?!"

"Oh. You noticed that, huh?" He squeaked.

"Yeah! How couldn't I see that giant line on your back? Who------ did your dad do this?"

"No! It's not like that!!!"

"What is it like then???"

"I'll explain later. When you're not histerical like this." He came towards me and I felt weird having him take me to his bed and feeling his abs on my side. It was a 6- pack!!!! "Come here. Let me show you something."

After I sat down, he went underneath his bed and grabbed this small, shoebox.

"You want to show me shoes?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Just open it." He laughed.

As I opened it, I saw that the shoebox had a picture from the 1800's in it. It was of him and a woman.

"Is this your mom?" I asked pointing to the picture.

"Yeah. My real mom."

"Is she -"

"No, Shannon's my vampire "mom". I just live there. Although, I have to say she's my mom so I don't blow our cover."

"Well, it seems like you live here more." I laughed.

"Like I said, it's an escape."

"You know, I've never been in your room before. It's nice." I stare at the picture when suddenly, Shawn scares me and hands me a box.

"What's this?"

"Look and find out." He replied as he sat down.

When I opened the box, I was lost for words. All I see is this beautiful, gold, necklace with a diamond in the middle.

"Oh my god." Was all I could choke out.

"I can tell you like it. Here, let me put it on." He took the necklace and gently put it in front of me. I pulled my hair back and he placed it around my neck and puts it on.

"I love it. Thank you." I hugged him and we looked into each others eyes. All I kept thinking was This is it. I'm going to kiss him. As we were centimeters from each other, out comes Sam and Connor... again!!! By now, I'm completely pissed.

"What are you two doing in here?"

"Shawn, are you trying to get your freak on??" Connor laughed as he saw Shawn next to me, on his bed, shirtless!

"NO DUDE! I'm not like you! I have self control." Shawn laughed.

"Oooo....i likey." Sam said pointing at Shawn's six packs.

"Thanks." Shawn laughed. I laughed too since I knew she wasn't hitting on him. She just likes good looking guys and I can't disagree with her there.

"Oh yeah if you like that look at this!" Connor yelled pulling up his shirt exposing an eight pack.

"Me likey even more!" Sam murmured running her fingers over his stomach.

"Showoff." Shawn muttered under his breath, I leaned into his ear and said...

"That’s ok I love yours." He grinned down at me and kissed my forehead.

I looked back at Connor and Sam who were now in the hallway Connors arms locked around her waist and her arms locked around his neck, he moved one hand under her chin lifted it up and pressed his lips lightly to hers. That is IT! I AM KISSING SHAWN TONIGHT!!!!

I got up and closed the door leaving Connor and Sam in the hallway. Shawn sat up when I got up and when I sat back down he took my face carefully into his hands, He leaned forward a little his lips just above mine. He hovered there not touching them but I could tell they were so close I just went on instinct lifting my chin a fraction of an inch and my lips met his. Finally. I waited for this moment for so long, I closed my eyes and let the sensations take over. When Shawn broke away i gasped for breath, then I looked up at him his cheeks were flushed and his eyes wild. He smiled at me...


"Wow." I agreed, he took me into his arms and laid back pulling me onto his bare chest. I listened to his even breathing and nothing else.

* * * *
Connor broke away from Sam and smiled down at her...she smiled back brushing her warm hand over his cool cheek. He loved the warmth that radiated from her. He moved his hand and held one of hers walking to his bedroom. He sat on his bed pulling her onto his lap. She buried his face into his neck inhaling the sweet sent of his skin. She ran her fingers through his hair and sighed. She was happy that she had him...vampire or not. She shifted so she was lying on his chest.

" it hard for you and Shawn to be close to Caitlin and me?"

"In a way."

"How?" she asked.

"Well the scent of you...and Caitlin for Shawn. The smell that comes off of your skin is really...intense and just I don't know how to explain it to you but, yes its hard but there is no way I'm going to let that stop me from being with you." He whispered into her hair kissing the top of her head, she shifted so her lips were accessible and he kissed her.

* * * * *

As I fell asleep that night, I kept thinking about the kiss I experienced. It was the best thing I could imagine. I'm surprised I didn't freak out. But, I kept feeling the sensation in my lips.

"Good night..." The wind blew to me. He was here; watching me.