To Love a Vampire...

The Second Party

"Hi dad! Is Caitlin there?" Sam asked.

"Um... yeah she's in her room. Hey did you see two fancy-smancy sports cars go by?" He asked her.

"Um... no I think you're seeing things again." She giggled.

"Maybe that's exactly what Caitlin said too." And with that, he walked off into the house.

"Sam what's going on? I thought you left with Connor." I whispered coming down the stairs.

"Sorry I had to leave I wanted to talk to you."

"Okay well hurry up. I'm still trying to get ready. As you can see, I'm still in my pjs." I pointed at my black cami and Rolling Stones pj pants.

"Okay let's go upstairs." I said and I climbed the stairs with her. She looked a little stressed out. "What's up?" I asked as she plopped on my bed in the same spot she had with Connor.

"I don't know I'm just like stressed out. My Dad is really bugging me the whole going to Cali for the semester, you know how I told you about the chance to go to that music school?" She asked looking over at me. I nodded and she continued,

"Well he really wants me to go...but now that I have Connor I don't want to go I would if Connor could but you know about the whole sun thing right?"

"Yeah it doesn't burn them but it does hurt if there is too much, and in Cali it’s all sun."

"Yeah, but I talked to Zacky last night and he says I should go, it would look good to start my career. And you know how badly I want to play guitar and start my own band. And I trust him because he is a rock star and he went through what I am now."

"I know...I think you should go. Sam if you really, really want this go. I mean Connor will wait for you and it’s not like you'll be gone for years it'll be like a month. Plus you can come home for breaks." I said to her.

"Yeah I think your right. But there is one more thing...Zack talked to my dad and he said that if my dad wanted that I could finish tour with them and then go to the school....AND STAY WITH HIM WHILE I'M THERE!"

"WHAT? He said that without asking you?" I yelled.

"Yeah." She whispered.

"Isn’t there like dorms or something?"

"I think so, but my dad said that he wants me to say with Zack and his brother Matt while I'm there because Matt goes to the school anyway and they know their way around so...yea."

"What are you going to do?"

"I think I will stay with them and if it doesn’t go well, I'll get a dorm."

"All you can do is try it." I said to her, pulling her into a hug I knew she was going to have a hard time telling this to Connor....then something set in."Oh my god!"

"What?" She asked.

"You leave in two days!" I cried.

"Caitlin, it'll be alright! You have Shawn, Connor, Kat, and Keira...all of them!"

"It still won’t be the same!"

"I know, I know...I promise to call you every chance I get! And plus you are the one who told me to go ya dipstick!" She said laughing. I laughed too and stood,

"I gotta get ready so you can stay and keep me company if you want." She nodded and I went into my bathroom and brushed my hair, teeth and did my makeup. Then I changed into a simple black tee and jeans. "Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah but I'm think I'm gonna drive my car over ok? Just in case I want to leave early."

"Sure." I said and she and I walked out together then she went to her car and got in and I did too.

She took off and I followed her. Damn she drives so fast! I thought accelerating to keep up with the red blur that was her Ferrari. She whipped into the driveway and sped down the excessively long drive way and when she stopped she slid and ended up sideways then I heard her engine cut off as she parked and turned her car off. I pulled beside her (straight).

"I'm surprised you've never gotten in an accident." I laughed walking towards her.

"Shut up! I'm just excited."

"Why don't we make this your going away party." I giggled running towards the cabin.

Suddenly, Connor and Shawn were right next to us.

"Who's going away?" Shawn asked as he hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"Um.... Sam want to say it?"

"I'm leaving in like two days for Cali."

"Why?" Connor looked hurt.

"Don't give me that look. It's for a month for school. I'll be fine and I'll come and visit whenever I can." Sam explained as she kissed Connor on the neck.

"So are we gonna have a party or what?" Shawn yelled from the cabin.

"You know what? We still haven't had that bet fulfilled yet?" I smirked.

"So true!!! What do you say Shawn?" Connor laughed.

"Um... I say bring it!" Shawn screamed.

"You're in a good mood today." I snickered to him.

"It's just because now I actually have a say in something." He joked.

"I'm not really up for that today maybe some other time." She sighed.

"Fine." I said sarcastically. "We could always do something different. I actually want to go back to that boulder we were at last time."

"Whatever you want." He made that luscious half-smile. I love that smile!

"Thanks I love the look on your face when I make it." He whispered.

"What boulder?" Sam looked dumbfounded.

"Oh that's right. You weren't here when I found out about everyone. Well, when I found out, I saw Shawn on this huge rock and at the party; we went there and hung out."

"That's why I never saw you guys there."

"Yeah." I laughed.

"Well you should take me there one of these days."

"How about after you come back?" Connor suggested.

"Yeah that works." She giggled.

"So, where are Kat and everyone?" I suddenly noticed that it was only the four of us.

"Oh. They're around here somewhere. I think Kat's with her boyfriend or something."

"Oh okay. Well has this party been announced yet?" Sam screamed with excitement.

"Yep. And I got Avenged Sevenfold playing tonight for you."

"Speaking of Avenged Sevenfold... Sam.... can I talk to you... IN PRIVATE!!" I glared at Connor and Shawn so that they would leave.

"I get it!" Connor laughed as he walked out.

"Don't be long." Shawn whispered as he squeezed my hand.

"And NO listening in!!!! Connor!!!"

"Oh come on! You can trust me!" He smirked.

"No! You can't listen to this! It's too personal."

"OK! Jeez...Am I so untrustworthy??"

"Yes. Now go. We need to feed before everyone shows up anyway." Shawn laughed as he pushed Connor out of the doorway.

"So what's up?" Sam asked slightly confused.

"Have you made up your mind about staying with Zack or not?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna stay with him. I mean I told him about Connor and all so I don't think he'll do anything he does have alot of respect for me."

" is Connor taking it?"

"I don't really know...he tries to act happy but I can see it in his eyes that he thinks something is gonna happen and I won’t want to come back to him."

"That’s not true is it?" I asked her, she played with her fingers for a second before answering.

"No...I love Connor! I would never want to hurt him like that. It's just that he obviously doesn’t trust me fully and that’s what bothers me."

"I think it's because he is insecure about himself so...ya."

"Ya maybe. Do you think they're back yet?" she asked.

"WE'RE BACK!" Connor yelled.

"Yep." I said standing.

Sam laughed "He had perfect timing doesn’t he?"

She left the room and bounded down the stairs to Connor throwing her arms around him...he kissed the top of her head.

"Did you miss me?" Connor asked. She buried her head into his side...

"Yes." She mumbled. "And I am going to so much while I'm gone."

"Then don't leave." Connor whined.

"Connor I'm going and that’s that. This is a once and in a lifetime thing ok? And I really want to start my career. Oh! Caitlin I talked to Kaya and she is wanting to play bass for me."

"That’s awesome Sam." I said...see Sam was starting a band...I'm in it but I'm not really into the whole touring thing so I just play the piano for the demos and the play it in the background. "When are you recording?"

"Umm well after I get back."

"You have a band?" Connor and Shawn asked her at the same time.

"Yeah it’s called Finding Forever. I started it last year; I'm surprised you guys have never heard me play before. I played some of the local places like The Beacon and the lockdown at the Firebird Theater. Now we're actually getting a chance to start it big. Zacky is taking our latest song to Larry Jacobson. Which is so exciting."

"Good for you Sam." Shawn said to her.

"Thanks Shawn."

"Wow my girlfriend is a rock star!" Connor laughed.

"Not just yet but I will be." Sam giggled. We all laughed and people started walking in. "KAYA! You made it!!"