To Love a Vampire...

The Life of Shawn

"SAMMI! oh is this Connor?"

"Yep this is Connor, and Caitlin's man Shawn."

"Wow he IS almost hotter then Zacky."

"KAYA! SHUSH!" Sam cried putting a hand over her mouth and giggling while Connor looked at her dumbfounded. "But anyway everyone this is my new bassist Kaya."

I knew Kaya. She had long hair with a bunch of crazy layers in it and a bright pink peek-a-boo. She was about the same height as Sam.

"Hey Cate!"

"Hey Kaya, like the new peek-a-boo."

"Thanks just got it done yesterday. And Sam you're gonna hate me but look what else I got done." She showed us an industrial peircing on her right ear.

"I HATE YOU!" Sam yelled playfully punching Kaya in the arm. "That’s ok...I'm gonna get...." She whispered the rest in Kaya's ear.

"OH MY GOSH! That will be wicked cool!" Kaya cried. Connors eyes lit up so it had to be something good too.

"Well are we gonna get this thing started or what?" I asked.

Sam and Kaya screamed and ran to the center of the dance floor. Just totally up and leaving Connor, Shawn, and I.

"I'll see you later Shawn, I better go with Sam and Kaya." I said before kissing him and walking to Sam and Kaya.

They were being retarted as normal. But then the Taste Of Ink came on and Sam rushed off to find Connor, it wasnt a slow song but it was their song. So there was Connor and Sam in the middle of the dance floor slow dancing. They looked ridiculous but they didnt care one bit. The song ended and they kissed. It looked like Connor wiped away one of Sam's tears from her cheek. Kaya came to my side,

"They really care about each other dont they?"

"Yeah...they do." I said.

Then Sam and Connor came our way, they were holding hands, and yes Sam had been crying I could tell because her eyes were red.

"Hey Caitlin Connor and I are gonna go for a ride in my car, we'll be back later." Sam said her voice weak.

"Ok, yeah sure." I said as she nodded and walked past me.

Connor mouthed me a thank you as he passed and I smiled. Shawn appeared out of nowhere,


"Johnny Christ you scared me!" I cried.

"Sorry Hun. Where are they going?"

"For a ride."

"I thought so." He said slipping an arm around my waist. "Looks like Kaya and Troy are getting along well."

"Oh! That’s so cute!" I said when I seen Troy talking to Kaya and she looked thrilled. Kaya had the biggest smile on her face. Suddenly, I remembered something. "Wait, wasn't Connor supposed to dj?"

"Yeah but, we have back up." He looked up at the dj-ing booth and saw Chris and Roxy up there trying out music. "So... are you ready to go?"

"Yeah. But, just letting you know, I got some questions for you."

"Like what?"

"You'll see." I laughed as I started walking. He just followed me outside and grabbed my waist hoisting me into the air.

"Seriously, what do you want to know?"

"Put me down! Maybe I'll tell you." I screamed as he put me down.

I ran off and headed towards the path. Unfortunately, he was quicker and he caught up with me. "Showoff." He just smirked as he grabbed my hand and we walked towards the opening. I jumped on top of the rock and Shawn climbed up after me and he pulled me to his side and I just leaned on him.

"Will you please tell me what you wanna know? You're not even thinking about it. It's killing me here." He laughed.

"Okay since we're finally alone.... I actually wanted to know how you became a vampire, you're life before all of this, stuff like that."

"I was wondering when you were gonna ask me that. Well I don't remember much, I mean it was like three centuries ago, but, I do remember a few things. I was born in like the 1670s. I really don't remember where," He chuckled. "Ummm... what else...."

"What about your mom?" He smirked.

"She was an amazing women. She was a doctor back then. I remember when she got really ill and I had to take care of her. She taught me so much when she was sick. Unfortunately, she died when I was like 16. So I was pretty much living on my own until I was about to turn 19. I was talking to this person and suddenly they attacked me and I became this. It was all so weird... and the details are still a little fuzzy. I still remember when people started to put missing signs for me."

"Does it hurt when they bite you?"

"Like hell it does. I thought I was on fire. Still do sometimes. Why?" He looked down at me and met my gaze.

"I don't know. Just curious I guess."

"I think you're too curious for your own good." He kissed the top of my head. I just smiled and looked up and our lips met.

"There's one thing I'm extra curious about, though." I said as I looked at the trees surrounding us.


"Tell me about that girl."

"What girl?"


"Oh." He sighed. "We met when my mom was still alive. My mother was taking care of her brother. He was mauled by some creature. I went with her to help her out. Linda was about 15 at the time. We hung out for a while and she somehow became attracted to me. When she told me this, I was speechless."

"Well I can't really blame her. I mean, look at you." I laughed.

"Why thank you. But, I wasn't attracted to her in that way. So, I stopped going over there and after the whole vampire thing happened, I went looking for her. I just had to see her again. I found her in Chicago and she was still looking for me. I must have been spotted by her or something because I was feeding and suddenly she showed up with a wooden stake.

"I looked into her eyes and all I could see was a mixed fire filled with hurt and desire. As I said before, she still had feelings for me. But, she did attack me. I pushed her back and she spoke the words that still haunt me to this day 'I'll always love you, Shawn. If I can't have you, There's no point to living without you in it.' And with that, she stabbed herself. I couldn't stop her. I just left her there because then I'd become a suspect and I didn't need that after what had happened. So, I ran again and I ran into the family that l live with now." I was just so speechless.


"Yeah." I just layed there on Shawn's chest as we looked into the trees again.

"I'm so sorry."

"For what?"

"For everything that's happened. You've been through so much." I felt tears building up in my eyes. I tried so hard to fight back. I was terribly losing. He lifted my head and used his finger to remove a tear that escaped my eyes. Then, he moved towards me and kissed my jaw.

"I remember you telling me you were going to explain where that scar on your back was from, too." I looked up at him and then looked away.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I think I can handle it."

"Ok... Well you know we aren't like regular vampires, right? 'Cuz, unlike regular vampires, we don't attack people for blood." I nodded. "Well I was trying to stop a rouge vampire and I kind of got a little too carried away and it turned into a huge fight. When I went to attack, he dodged me and I fell off the side of a building into a window and that's where the scar came from."

"Oh my god! That's freaky. Were there more?"

"Yeah. But, I already found Connor, Greg, Micheal, all of them and they took care of them."

"Hey, let me get this straight... so Kat's not your cousin and Roxy, Alana, and Keira aren't your sisters, right?" I asked trying to gather everything together.

"Right. I just couldn't tell you that because, well, honestly, no one's really supposed to know about us."

"Oh. I kind of screwed that whole thing up, didn't I?" He just laughed.

"Yeah kind of. But, I don't care. I'm glad you did. You're honestly the best thing to happen to me in a long time." I looked down at the necklace Shawn gave me and I blushed. I could hear him chuckle behind me.

"Would it be kind of awkward if I said you're the best thing to happen to me, too?" I laughed. He went to kiss me again and this kiss actually lasted a while. I was so happy. When he pulled away, I was so disappointed.

"Not at all." He pulled me closer and we just sat there for a few more minutes. "Great."


"Connor and Sam are coming back soon."

"Oh come on!" I laughed. "You want to head back so they don't come looking for us?"

"Yeah sure." I got up and Shawn followed me. I jumped off and he wanted to be funny and caught me as I came down. He carried me a while up the path bridal style.

"Okay you can put me down now."

"No I don't think so." He winked.

"Seriously put me down." I was being serious this time. He laughed and finally put me down. We were almost to the cabin that I could see the lights blaring from it. "Let's go. There's gotta be hell in there."

"Yeah you're probably right." He wrapped an arm around my waist and gestured me into the room. All I could hear was the speakers being blown with booming music.

* * * * *Sam's POV* * * * *

Connor held my hand rubbing circles into the back of my hand. I sighed,

"I wish you could come with me, But the just wont work."

"I wish I could too." He whispered looking out the window. I slowed to a stop at the end of the drive way and turning to go away from town.

"It'll only be for about a month though. And when I get back you and we will spend it all together. I promise."

"But how do I know you won’t find someone better then me? Huh? Someone who is a human who won't have to worry about killing you every time he gets close to you?!?"

"Connor! How could you say something like that? No how could you EVEN THINK that?" I yelled.

He brought his hand to his face rubbing it over his face,

"I...I didn't mean it. I'm sorry hun."

"No it's ok Connor. But listen to me no one, NO ONE is gonna take your place. Ok? So don't even doubt me. I love you and I would never do anything to hurt you." I said as I turned onto another road.

"I don't doubt you, I just...I don't even know. I'm just gonna miss you so much, I'm gonna be miserable without you."

I smiled at him, "You have Shawn and Caitlin to keep you company and everyone else too."

"Yeah, but they aren't you." He whined and I shook my head.

He laughed and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. Just then Avenged Sevenfold's Dear God started playing. He leaned over and kissed my jaw. I kissed him back.

"Well we should probably head back."

"I guess your right." He said and I turned the car around and headed back.

When we got back Shawn and Caitlin were just coming out of the woods. We headed back into the party and it was about 3:30 before everyone left.

"Connor...I'd better go. I'll...we'll be back around 4:00 so that we can be at the venue by 5:00 and ya'll can meet the band i will be with for the next month. Ok?" I asked as I hugged him.

"Yeah you."

"Love you too." I turned to Caitlin..."Are you ready?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow Shawn."

"Bye Cate...see ya Sammi." He kissed the back of Caitlin's head.

"Bye Shawn." And we left.
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okay the whole not attacking ppl for blood thing i got the idea from the twilight series in case any of you are wondering!