To Love a Vampire...

Concert I'll Never Forget

We left Connor and Shawn's and Sam dropped me off at home, I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. When I woke it was already two in the afternoon.

"Crap! I gotta get ready." I murmured and got into the shower.

After my shower I dressed in an a7x shirt and black pants, pulled my hair back and put on a headband. Did my make-up and brushed my teeth. Then there was a knock on the door downstairs. I rushed down and there stood Sam in a black shirt with death bat wings on the back and black "emo" jeans with a hole ripped into them, and a red ribbon tied in her hair, her make-up done just right.

"Hey! Ready to go?" She asked.


"See you later hunny." My mom said and i closed the door behind me.

"I'm so excited to see them! I missed them so much." Sam said as we climbed into her car.

We went to Connors and Shawn's house picked them up and Sam kicked me in the backseat so that Connor could sit by her. I just sat really close to Shawn so I was ok. Avenged Sevenfold's "Scream" came on the radio and Sam nearly blew the speakers in her car. She was screaming the lyrics. I didn't know them so I wasn't listening to her. *I can't believe this! We're actually going to an Avenged Sevenfold concert!* I could hear Shawn chuckle from underneath me. I just looked up, kissed him and continued to stare out the window. Sam was still screaming to the radio and Connor was just enjoying being with her. It was so cute. I nearly fell asleep when Sam screamed "You had my heart... At least for the most part.... 'Cause everybody's got to die sometime...We fell apart...Lets make a new start.... 'Cause everybody's got to die sometime yeah... But baby don't cry-y-y-y-y...."

"Wow Sam you're really enjoying this." I laughed.

"Hells yeah!! I can't wait to see the guys again. You'll love it trust me." Sam hollered over the music looking into the mirror.

"Just keep your eyes in front of you."

"I won't crash if that's what you're thinking." She glared.

"I know."

"Whatever..... 'Cause I really always knew that my little crime would be cold that's why I gotta heater for your thighs and I know... I know it's not your time but bye-bye... And a word to the wise when the fire dies you think it's over but it's just begun baby don't cry..." I just rolled my eyes and I saw Connor chuckle.

"You're gonna be shocked at what this little thing will do at the concert AND backstage. It's crazy." I yelled back.

"Shut up!!! No one asked you." We all burst out laughing except Sam. "I am going to get crazy...and I am moshing. Just to let you all know! And YES I will absolutely freak when I see the boys again." Sam said as her eyes flickered from the rear veiw mirror to the road. "We'll be there in about fifteen minutes."

"Ok." I said and looked at Shawn who smiled down at me. We soon pulled up to the venue and Sam pulled up and pulled out a little pass.

"Ok Ma'am, you go right this way."

"Thanks." Sam said as she turned and pulled up behind the tour buses.

She parked and opened the door going to climb out when the rest of us just sat there. "Oh come on ya wussies." She mumbled and we all rectlenty climbed out the car. We followed her not really knowing what to do. She walked to the front of the line and a lady stopped her,

"Excuse me you need to go to the back."

"Umm...I'm with the band...and so are they." Sam said flashing the pass again.

"Oh sorry come with me."

The woman motioned us to the side and we all followed. "You'll need to take everything out of your pockets." She murmured and once again we all looked to Sam, she nodded approvingly pulling her own phone out of her pocket, then the lady patted her down. "You’re good." She said and then checking me and a guy came over and checked Shawn and Connor. "Ok now you all need these wrist bands, then go straight into the venue to the front." She said as she put a yellow wrist band on all of us. I linked hands with Shawn so I didnt lose him and We followed Connor and Sam.

"I'm so excited!" I said as we walked in and I was in awe, this place was awesome. We were the first ones in too.

"Ok guys you have to hold onto this railing and eachother for dear life. Seriously if you don't you'll end up in the mosh pit or crowd surfing...even if you don't want to." Sam said as we reached our destination.

Then people came RUNNING into the venue, people just pouring in. It was amazing; i've never seen that many people in my life! The sound guys for the opening band...The Confession came on and did the sound check and before I knew it they were on stage. Everyone was a little pumped up for them but the real thing came when Avenged got onstage. The mosh pits were going like crazy! Everyone was screaming their heads off. People were actually trying to pull all of us back so they could get in front but none of us gave up our spot.

Their opening song was Almost Easy. Everyone was full blown rocking out, screaming the lyrics...I'll tell ya one thing there in NO breathing room in there. I looked over and Sam was rocking out as hard as possible. Half hanging over the railing. She was the screaming the lyrics. Then I realised that I was too.

Then the guitar for Beast and the Harlot started and everyone freaked again. It was indescribable. After that Shads says,

"God! I fucking love playing Detroit. I really love you guys!" Everyone screamed. "Well Detroit I know I make you wanna.....SCREAM!"

We all once again started rocking out. Sam started moshing and I didn't see her for awhile until Unholy Confessions where Zack jumped up onto the middle stand and started the song. Then she was there...of course. M.Shads bent down and high fived me, Shawn, Connor and Sam. Grasping Sam's hand for a sec to let her know that he knew it was her. She beamed back. I absolutely freaked! M.SHADOWS touched me. I watched A7X and memorized everything they were doing so I could remember this for the rest of my life. They also played,Remenissions, Burn It Down, After Life, Seize The Day, Critical Acclaim. After the concert we just stood there sweat soaked and grinning.

Shads picked up the mic and said, "Sam get your ass up here right now!"

"I'll be right back." Sam squeaked to me and jumped the guard rail hopping up on the stage and running over to Shads hugging him. Then she turned and waved us over. We WALKED around to the stage and Sam introduced us. I was shaking I was so happy.
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okay so Sammi wrote this after she went to an Avenged concert so give the props to here on this!