To Love a Vampire...

Meeting the Band

Connor on the other hand wasn't so happy...i think it was because Sam was hanging on Shads like a monkey and Shads didnt seem to mind. "Where's everyone else?" Sam asked looking around the now deserted venue.

"They'll be out here in a sec. Are you ready to tour?" M. asked as he finally set Sam on her feet.

"YEAH!" I just stood here with a giant smile on my face.

"SAMMI!" We heard someone yell and we all turned to face The Rev.

"JIMMERS!" Sam yelled and ran over to him hugging him. Her face was buried in his stomach. "Jimmy these are my friends...this is Caitlin, Shawn and Connor."

"What up?" Rev asked, his arm still around Sams shoulder...i swear I heard Connor growl.

Shawn laced his fingers through mine so I think he was a little insecure about me being around Shads. I looked up reassuring him it was all good.

"Not much." I murmured. Rev smiled and started talking to Sam.

"GET OFF OF MY GIRL!" We heard a raspy deep voice yell.

"BRIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sam squealed as her eyes lit up just hearing his voice. Then out of nowhere Synyster Gates flipped Sam up onto his shoulder. "AHHHHHH!" Sam screamed and he walked over to me offering me the hand that wasn't holding Sam.

"I'm Synyster....or Brian." He said as I shook his hand.

"Caitlin." I said and he winked and introduced himself to Shawn and Connor. Connor was not happy........ AT ALL.

"Hey great show." Shawn said to Synyster as they shook hands. Syn nodded thanks.

"BRIIIIIIIANNNNNNNN!!!!! PUT ME DOWWWWWNNNNN!" Sam yelled beating on Brian who was totally unphased by her blows. "Please?" Sam asked and Brian set her on her feet. She kissed his cheek. "Thanks."

"NO FAIR!" Jimmy yelled. "You give him a kiss but not me?"

"Oh my god." Sam murmured slapping her forehead, I was laughing.

"Right here. Gimme a kiss right here." Jimmy said as he bent down and put his cheek next to Sam.

"Fine." she said as pecked his cheek. He smiled...."Happy now Jimmy?"


"Hey now don't forget about me."

"Oh my Shads you’re stupid." Sam growled as she kissed his cheek. Then he walked over to me,

"You too."


"You...can kiss my other cheek."

"Ahh, ok?" And I quickly pecked him on the cheek. Then my cheeks burned, I looked at Shawn. He was smiling so I knew that I wasn't in any trouble.

"ALRIGHT WHERE IS SHE?" Johnny yelled.

"I'm over here!" Sam yelled back and then was in a bone crushing hug by Johnny.

"How ya doin Girl?"

"Goood, good. These are my my friends...guys introduce urselfs."

"Hi, I'm Caitlin." I waved.


"Connor." He grumbled crossing his arms arossed his chest. Sam gave him a quick glance but brushed it off and came over to me,

"Oh my god! The only one not here is Zack! I'm so nervous." She whispered.

"Just stay calm." I said touching her shoulders. She nodded and walked back over to the guys.

"I'ma go talk to Connor, go...mingle." Shawn said as he gave me alittle push. So I went and joined Sam. It was so easy to talk to them like I had known them for awhile. When all of the sudden...BAM! Sam was on the ground.

"ZACKYYYYYYY!" Sam laughed as she rolled onto her back Zack on the ground next to her.

"Hey girly, how are ya?"

"I'm good. Excited."

"Me too." Zack said as he pulled himself to his feet and helped Sam up.

"Why'd ya have to tackled me Zack? Stage hurts."

"I was excited....whos ur friend...s?"

"This is Caitlin....her boyfriend Shawn and Connor."

"Nice to meet ya." Zack said as he hugged me.

"You guys were amazing tonight." I said.

"Thank you...we try." Zack shrugged as he said this and I laughed.

"Well...Sam we're gonna have to get going soon so....ya." M. said and he waved to Shawn, Connor and I. "Nice to meet ya'll."

"You too." I said.

"Ok Well we will be in the bus waiting for you Sam come when your ready." Brian said as he walked off of the stage, Sam nodded and once everyone was gone she attacked me.

"I'MA MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!!!" She cried.

"I know me too." I said as we hugged. Tears had welled in both of our eyes. She let go of me and hugged Shawn.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Shawn!!" She cried.

"Ya I'll miss you too, make sure you take care of yourself ok?"

"Ok I will." She said as she stepped away from him and looked at Connor.

"SAM! COME ON!" Johnny yelled.

"HOLD ON A FUCKING MINUTE!" She yelled. Johnny put his hands up in defense and walked away. "Connor." She whispered and I pulled Shawn outside.


Connor pulled me into his arms and held me against his chest.

"Sam...promise me you'll be safe." He whispered.

"I will, I promise." I said as I kissed him. He kissed me back,

"I love you Sam."

"I love you too. I'll be home before you know it." I said as I pulled myself out of his arms but he gripped my hand.

"I love you."

" know I love you. Nothing is gonna happen."

"SAM!" Matt yelled.

"I gotta go." I whispered.

"I know." He said still not letting go of my hand, he pulled me into one last kiss. One that made me lose my breath. "Go." He said and let me go. I could see the pain in his eyes as I turned away, one tear rolled down my cheek as I ran to the bus in the chilly November night.