To Love a Vampire...

Questions are stirring

We watched as the tour buses pulled out of the venue, I turned to Connor, touching his arm lightly,

"Are you gonna be ok?"

"Fine....lets just go." He said as he climbed into Sam's car.

"He okay?" I asked Shawn before we got into the car.

"He'll be fine. He just needs some time I think." He replied as he opened the door for me and I climbed in.

"Let's hope so."

The whole ride home was nothing but silence. I could see Connor from the backseat. I sat in the back by myself, Shawn sat in the passenger seat and Connor drove. Sam wouldn't let me drive her car back, probably thinking I'll crash or something. I was seriously going to miss her. I sure do hope she'll be okay with Avenged. She's like my sister and I can get a little overprotective. She's the same way with me. But I know Sam and she already told Zacky about Connor so I don't think that he'll try anything. At least I hope not!

As we got up to the house, I looked up at Connor and I saw depression in his eyes. It was unbelievable that he cared that much about Sam. He looked up at me and I quickly looked away. As soon as we pulled into my driveway, I quickly got up and wrapped my arms around Connor. He looked pretty shocked.

"She'll be alright, Connor. I know her and she's never loved anyone more than she does you. You have nothing to worry about." I whispered.

He just nodded and put his hand on my one arm and Shawn got out to take me inside. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before getting out of the car.

"Night Caitlin." Connor yelled. I just looked back and smiled. Shawn led me up the pathway and we just stood there for few minutes.

"Are you sure he'll be alright? I'm worried about him."

"He'll be fine, hun. Don't worry. He'll just be a little quiet for a while." He lifted my chin and brought his lips to mine and we kissed. But I broke it off when I heard the door open.

"Caitlin? What are you doing out here?" My mom asked. I looked at the corner of my eye and saw Shawn smirking.

"Hi mom. Um.... this is Shawn. Shawn, this is my mom." I laughed.

"It's nice to meet you, Shawn. Caitlin has told me absolutely nothing about you."

"That's okay. It's nice to meet you, too."

"Would you like to come inside?" My mom gestured to the living room.

"I would but, I gotta get some people home. Maybe some other time. It was nice to finally meet you though." He looked at me and winked and walked away.

"Bye." I whispered as I walked inside. *Meet me in my room. I'll have the window open.*

"Was he the man who you and Sam were talking about kissing you before?"

"MOM! Stop listening to my conversations!" I yelled completely exhausted.

"What are you two arguing about?" My dad asked coming into the living room.

"Caitlin's got herself a little boyfriend." My mom giggled.

"What? Why didn't you tell us?"

"Just shut up please! It was none of your business." I muttered under my breath as I started to walk up the stairs.

"Hey get back here young lady! We need to talk about this." My dad yelled at the end of the stairs.

"Can we talk about it tomorrow? I'm really tired and I need some sleep to think clearly."

"Okay but, as soon as you wake up, we're talking." My dad yelled.

"Sure sure whatever now let me go to sleep!"

"Night hunny." My mom said and I didn't even look back at her.

I just gave her a little salute and went straight into my room, opened the window like I said I would, and went straight to the bathroom to take a nice, much needed, shower. After I got out, I blow- dried my hair not even paying attention to the fact that it'll just get frizzy. I parted my hair, pulled it back into a ponytail, brushed my teeth and got in my pj pants and a Killswitch Engage t-shirt, about three times my size. When I got out, I was relieved when I saw Shawn laying in my bed.

"Have fun with mom and dad?" He laughed.

"You were listening to that, weren't you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Kind of. What are you going to tell them?"

"I don't know. Help me cheat and tell me what they're going to ambush me with tomorrow." I smirked evilly and sat next to him. He laughed.

"They're just going to ask how you know me, if they now my family, what my parents are like, and your mom thinks I'm very handsome and you have good taste in men." He smirked when he read my mom's head.

"Well you're pleased with that. That's all going to be hard to explain."


"Because I don't know how they would take it if it said, 'I met Shawn about three months ago, when I fell and knocked myself unconsious and he just came along and took me to the hospital where I stayed for a few hours. Oh and I lied to you about losing track of time with my friends when really I was with a teenage boy who I later found out had an abusive father and an alcoholic mother and three sisters and one little brother. Then I find out he lied about that. I also found out that he and all of his friends and family are vampires. I sneak out of the house just to be with him, if I forgot to mention that. I really hope you're proud of me mom and dad.'"

"Well don't tell them that." He suggested. "Parents don't have to know everything."

"Well what should I tell them?" My head was starting to hurt. He got up and pulled me to his lap.

"Try..... one of your friends introduced you to me and we just really hit it off and after a while, I asked you out and you agreed."

"Sounds easy enough. They believe anything I'll say. I could say I met you at a bar and would believe me. But what about you? What am I supposed to tell them about you and your family?"

"That won't be so simple." He pondered that thought for a moment. "How about my dad travels the world and makes documentaires, which is something Mitch actually does, and Shannon, well you don't have to tell them about her."

"You're dad makes documentaries?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yup. I join him on some of his trips. I think it's exciting to see some of the world."

"Where's your favorite place?" I asked really interested.

"Hmmm..... I'd have to say Africa or Australia. If this lasts, I'll probably take you with me one of these times."

"That would be so amazing." I said thinking about me and him in Australia.

"You've got a good picture in your head. Maybe that thought will become a reality for you." Shawn laughed as he nuzzled my neck.

"What are you talking about? You'd actually take me to Australia?"

"Maybe. If you really wanted to."

"You're lying. I can tell."

"Maybe I am, maybe not."

"I hate you." I said with the most serious look.

"No you don't."

"Yeah I do."

"I don't believe you. You love me." He smirked his smile. Damn it! It's the look! Fuck you, Shawn. I looked away from him. He just started laughing and I had to join in. After we calmed down, I heard footsteps from down the hall. I was stiff with fear.

"I'll be right back." He whispered and disappeared.

I stared into space for a while and quickly l got underneath the blanket on my bed and pretended to sleep. The door opened and they came closer. I snap my eyes shut and try to look asleep, which apparently worked. I could tell it was my mom from her touch on my head. She muttered something and walked away, shutting the door behind her. I open my eyes to darkness. I felt something behind and I start to smile. I turned to see Shawn laying next to me again.

"Told you."

"I'm glad."

"But, I can't stay for long."

"Why not?"

"Because you look like you need some sleep."

"I do not. I'm fine. Stay, please."

"Fine but only for a little while."

"Thank you." I got up a little bit and kiss Shawn. I got a chill down my spine as my lips press against his cold, icy, lucious lips. "I'm pretty lucky to have found you."

"Technically, I found you while you were knocked out." He pointed out.

"Well I'm still lucky."

"Yeah, you smack your head and get knocked out. But, with your luck, had no damage done and you meet me. Even though, I'm a vampire and every time I'm around you, I risk killing you. Yeah, pretty lucky indeed." He frowned.

"Well, I don't see it like that."

"Then how do you see it?"

"I see it as I got knocked out, like you said, and, yes with my luck, have no damage done. Plus, I meet you, the most sweet, caring, handsome man I've ever met who I love with all of my heart."

"Sweet?" He laughed. I nodded as we stared at each other.

"You offered to take me to Australia. Can't compete with that."

"I thought you didn't believe me."

"I don't. But you still said it and I think it's sweet." I replied trying to keep him from leaving.

"You're really something. But, I should get going. I might want to check up on Connor."

"How's he doin'?"

"Quiet. We didn't speak when we went back."

"I know you told me he'll be fine but, I'm still worried about him. Can he make it for a month without Sam?"

"He's strong. Hell, if he wanted to, he could go to California and stalk her just to make sure she's okay."

"He better not! If she found out, I don't think she would trust him anymore."

"Well then you'd better hope he knows that. But, I do have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. I promise."

"I guess I can't make you stay." I sighed. He laughed and we kissed again. "I love you."

"I love you, too. I'll see ya tomorrow." He kissed me again and went out the window. I just laid on my bed, staring into the darkness again, until I drifted off to sleep.