To Love a Vampire...

Trust Us, You're Special

At 11:45 p.m. that night, I started to get ready to meet Shawn. Instead of the usual jeans and tank top, I had on some dress pants and a jacket.

I wonder if he has a girlfriend, I thought to myself. A guy that handsome must have a girlfriend.

So, exactly at midnight, there Shawn was, in my window.

"You're seriously not thinking of going hiking dressed like that, are you?" he laughed.

"Well if I'd known we were going to go hiking, maybe I wouldn't look like this." I said sarcastically.

"Well, change then. I like your ripped jeans and tank top."

"Well, fine. Turn around or sit in the tree." I threw a pillow at him.

"Do you want to wake up your parents? Let's go already!" he whispered cautiously.

When we left, we had like 5 minutes of silence so I decided to break it.

"So where are we going anyway?" I asked.

"Remember how I said I had secret place I go to? Well, that's where we're going. I want you to meet some people."

"Um okay." Suddenly, I noticed he had a black eye and cut lip. The light was too dim to notice it before.

"Hey what happened to you? Did you get into a fight or something?" I laughed.

He paused for a moment. Then, he went and asked me a dumb question.

"Can I trust you to keep a secret? If I tell you, I'll need to trust you." He sighed.

"Of course you can trust me. Who would I tell?" I joked. But he didn't think it was so funny.

"Okay. I did get into a fight... with my dad." He looked really pissed off.

"Oh my gosh! What happened? Why would he do such a thing?" He could tell I was scared.

"Well because of my little brother. You see, my brother has a big mouth and he told a bunch of people something pretty bad and my dad blamed me for it because he was with me when I found you and I sort of just left him there to run his mouth."

"What did your mother think?"

"She passed out when it happened. She's a horrible drunk. I told you that I have to get away from my life once in a while. Hey we're here!"

It was the most beautiful place I've ever seen! There was a huge, sparkling pond, and this beautiful cabin type house. It was just like I'd died and gone to heaven.

"You like it?"

"I love it! It's so peaceful!"

"Yeah and the best part about it is, no one knows about it. Not even my parents."

"Wow! You must feel pretty safe here."

"It's great. Come on!"

When we came inside, it looked like a mansion! Plus, there were five guys and three girls.

"Caitlin, I want you meet my friends, Conner, Michael, Nick, Chris, Troy, and my sisters, Roxy, Alana, and Keira. Everyone, this is Caitlin."

"So you're the one Shawn's been talking about for three hours? You must be pretty special." Conner smirked.

Shawn's face went from his beautiful tan to a rose red. I started to laugh at his embarrassment. But, nonetheless, it was sweet.

"Why are you blushing? It's so cute. You know, Caitlin, you're Shawn's first crush in a long time. Trust us, you're special." Laughed Alana.

"Shut the hell up, Alana! Can't you see he's already as embarrassed as it is?" Chris yelled.

"Why don't you shut up, Chris? You're so annoying sometimes." Keira screamed at Chris.

Surprisingly, it made him not say another word.

"What the fuck is your fucking problem, Keira?!" Troy yelled.

"Don't fucking get yourself into this, Troy. It may just turn into a blood bath. Remember last weekend in Reno? You and Michael were too drunk to walk and it turned into a huge fight for no reason." Roxy explained.

"Don't mind these people." A mysterious voice called from behind me. I jumped and Shawn caught me and was laughing at me.

"Kat! What are you doing here? I thought you were in Australia!"

"Didn't Rich tell you I was coming back for a visit? What happened to your face? Did Uncle Mitch beat you up again? I swear I'll beat that little bastard so hard!" She blew up. But that rage soon faded when she caught a glance of me. "Who's this, Shawn? Your little girlfriend?" She smirked.

"Kat! We're just friends! But if you must know, this is Caitlin. Caitlin, this is my cousin, Kat."

"It's nice to meet you, Kat." I said nervously.

"Well has Shawn told you our little secret?" Roxy asked. Shawn gave her this really strange glare.

"Um no I don't think so." I asked mysteriously.

"Oh well, forget I said anything." Roxy stated.

"Wow! Look at the time I should probably get you home, Caitlin." Shawn announced.

"Okay. It was nice to meet all of you."