To Love a Vampire...

Phone Call

"Who is it? Is it Sam?"

"Yeah." I said as I opened my phone and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey Caitlin! Guess who?"

"It's Sam I know. How was the tour?"

"Amazing!!! I wish you guys were here though. I miss you so much!"

"I miss you, too. We were actually just talking about how much we missed you."


"Yeah. Kaya and me. Hold on." I put her on speakerphone. "Okay. Kaya say hi."

"Hey hunn!! How's Zacky???!!!" Kaya laughed.

"HEY KAYA!!! He's doing good. He's recording with the guys right now. I'm just chilling with Matt! Matt Baker not Matt Sanders." She laughed.

"Hey Matt!!!" We yelled into the phone.

"He said hi girls."

"So have you started music school yet?" Kaya asked.

"Nah. I'm starting tomorrow and I can't wait."

"Sweet. I wanna hear everything about it." I said. *Man I missed her so much.*

"So, Caitlin, how's Connor?"

"Quiet. I haven't really talked to him lately. Shawn's saying he's doing better but I don't know."

"Oh. Well tell him I miss him terribly and I love him and I'll try to call him when I get free time."

"Will do, Sammi. So.... when are you coming back???" I laughed.

"At least a few more weeks, Caitlin. Then, we're going to party!" We heard Matt in the background cheering. We started laughing and cheering with him.

"What's all the cheering for?" We heard a voice call on the phone.

"HI JIMMY!!" Sam laughed.

"Who you talking to? Hello? Who is this?" He took the phone from her apparantly.

"Hi Jimmy. It's just Caitlin from the concert and Sam's friend, Kaya."

"OH YEAH!!! I remember you. HI SAM'S FRIEND, KAYA!"

"Hi Mr. Rev." Kaya laughed into the phone.

"Hey! That's Mr. Reverend Tholemew Plauge to you."

"So, Mr. Plauge, find any more stallion ducks lately?" I asked with the most serious voice I could as we walked out of the mall. People starred at me as I said that like I was crazy.

"No! God the fuckers are hiding from me." Jimmy pouted.

"JIMMY!! GIMMIE MY PHONE!" We heard Sam yell.

"Reach!" Jimmy laughed.


"Jimmy, what are you doing?" Another laughed. I knew that voice immediately......M.SHADZ!!

"Talking on the phone." Jimmy said.

"Is that Shadows?" I asked.


"Put him on." We yelled.

"Fine don't wanna talk to me no more." We heard him pretending to fake cry.

"Well give us your number and we'll talk to you every day!" Kaya suggested.

"Yeah. Now what do you say, Revvie?" I laughed.

"Nah. I'll just steal Sammi's phone again. Hey, M., catch!" There was a bustle of wind and Sam yelling.

"Not cool! Gimmie my phone!"

"Hello?" M.shadows said into the phone.

"Hey Mr. Shadows." I said.

"Hello Ms.----- whoever you are." He laughed.

"It's just Caitlin from the concert and Friend, Kaya."

"OH hey how's it going?"

"Mattie!!!!!!!!! Please gimmie my phone." Sam laughed.

"Sam, please I'm trying to have a phone conversation." M. Shadz said.


"Hey we'll be Avenged Sevenfold's friends!!!!" I yelled into the phone.

"Seriously?" M.Shadz laughed.

"Fuck yeah!"

"Yupp!!" Kaya yelled.

"Cool. Hey Jimmy we got friends." We heard a huge crash.


"Way to make a mess out of Zack's living room, Rev." Matt B. laughed.

"Ah well... We'll tell him someone broke in- ninja style- and tore apart his living room." Jimmy suggested.

"Oh yeah that'll totally work, Jimmy." Sam said sarcastically.

"Wow." M. Shadz laughed.

“Matt! Gimmie my phone!!!” Sam yelled and we heard a thump.

“Get off of my leg!!!” M. laughed.

“Gimmie my phone!!!!” The thumps were like in a beat or something. Kaya and I look at each other then back at the phone.

“Uhhhh….. what’s going on over there?” I was afraid to ask.

“SAM!!! LET GO OF MY LEG!!!” M. yelled.



“Whoa!!! What’s Sam doing to your leg!!??” We heard a voice call.

“Brian! Tell Matt to gimmie my phone!!!!” Sam whined.

“Who’s on the other line?” He asked. He had a deep voice.

“Caitlin from the concert and their friend.” Matt yelled and, yet again, we heard a bustle of wind. Then, we heard more thumps.

“Seriously, what’s Sam doing on M. Shadows’ leg!!” I yelled.

“She just really wants this phone. So how’s it going?” Brian asked.

“It’s going good, Brian. Uhhh…Hold on. There’s someone calling in.” I laughed.

“Okay I’ll wait. Sam, seriously, you’re going to make him pull a muscle in his leg or something.”

“LET GO!!!” Matt laughed.

“Never!!!! Stop shaking me!!! I’m getting dizzy!!!” We laughed and switched it to the other line.


“Caitlin?” I heard my mom call.

“Yeah. What’s up?”

“We just wanted to know when you were coming back. Your father and I are going out tonight so we just thought we’d check in on you.” I drove into a parking space at some store and parked over.

“Okay. Well I don’t exactly know when I’ll be back but I have a key. Go out and have fun. I gotta go. I’m talking to Sam right now so I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay hunny. Tell her we say hi.” And I hung up on her and switched it over to Brian again.

“Okay we’re back.” There was silence on the other line. “Hell-“

“Shhhh!!! Don’t say anything we’re video taping something.” Brian whispered. Suddenly, we heard a blood- curdling scream! After that, we heard a huge crash!

“What the hell!!!!!” Kaya called into the phone.

“Shhh!!!” Then we heard Jimmy’s voice.

“I am the ninja from the land of Toilet Paper!!! Fear me!!!! Give me all your alcohol!” He screamed, making himself sound more stern.

“What the fuck, Jimmy!!! Trying to scare the shit out of me!!!” We heard a voice yell.

Then, we heard an outburst of laughter. Kaya and I look at each other and we knew who it was that screamed…..Zacky.

“Sorry Zack. I couldn’t stop them.” We heard Matt B. laugh.

“You little shit!” Zack yelled. Then, we heard Matt B (Man that gets confusing) scream.

“LET GO OF MY HEAD!” I burst out laughing. Kaya was rolling in my car.

"Okay what's going on?" I asked, trying to catch my breath.

"Hold on. We'll send it to you." Brian laughed.

A few minutes went by and suddenly my phone started beeping, that happens when I have a new message. I opened it and it was a video. I didn't play it yet.

"Brian? What did you send me?" Kaya and I asked.

"A video....." He laughed. Then he started yelling. "Sam! Get away from me!"

"BRIAN ELWIN HANER JR!!!! GIVE ME MY FUCKING PHONE!!!!" He started laughing.

"Catch!" The bustles of wind came again and a voice, not Sam's, started to laugh.

"Hello?" The voice called.

"Okay which one are you?? I can't tell." Kaya asked.

"It's Zack."

"HI ZACKY!!!!!!" We yelled.

"Wow.. no wonder you're Sammi's friends, you're really loud." He laughed.

"Well at least we didn't have to eat egg whites and oatmeal for weeks!!" I laughed, knowing he knew what I was talking about.

"SHUT UP!!! It wasn't my fault."

"Yes it was, Zachary James Baker." I mumbled.

"Okay.... how do you guys know so much about us?"

"Internet." I smiled proudly. There was silence on the other end.

"I knew it." He laughed.

Then, Kaya nudged me and pointed to outside. i looked over and I saw Troy and Connor. We watched them as they walked into the mall.

"You thinking what I'm thinkin?" I whispered.

"Oh yeah. Hey Zack can you be a dear and put Sammi on the phone?" Kaya laughed.

"I guess... you guys are ruining their fun i hope you know." Zack sighed.

"Yeah. Now put her on!" I laughed.

"Okay okay jeez." Then a shriek came on the phone. Along with a hellwhole lot of moans and whining on the line.

"Finally!! Johnny fuckin' Christ!"

"What???" We heard someone yell.

"NOT YOU JOHNNY!!!! Helloz?" Sam laughed.

"Sounds like you gotz yourself a handfull over there."

"Yeah.... They're usually not this stu... never mind. so whats up?'

"Just thought I'd let you now that we just saw Connor pass by and he looks fine. Maybe you should call him." I said.

"Yeah you're right. I'll call him later."

"Well we're gonna go spy so we'll give you a heads up later." Kaya laughed.

"Have fun with Avenged! We love them all" I laughed.

"Oh I will. Don't have too much fun without me there. I'll be back in like three weeks so.. just don't get arrested!" Sam laughed.

"I would but Shawn would kill me.. then he'll pay to get me out of jail." Sam started laughing.

"True dat. Well I gotz to go!! I love you!"

"Bye! See you in a few weeks!" I laughed. We hung up and Kaya and I burst out laughing.

"Well let's go ninja spying on Connor and..... Troy." Kaya laughed.

"That's it! If we get caught... I'm asking that boy out for you!"

"FINE!!! Let's go!"