To Love a Vampire...

Spying on Vampires

We got out of the car and made our way into Sears and we tried to find them and we found them by the jewelry store. I looked stunned and looked over at Kaya and she nodded over to go towards them. We were pretending to look at hats right next to it. We tried to sneak our way closer to hear what they were saying. *If only I could hear them. Like Connor usually can. Or Shawn and read their thoughts.* We finally got close enough to hear them without them seeing us.

"Dude why are we here again?" Troy whined.

"Because Sam's coming back in a few weeks and I'm going to give her something." Connor said in a daze, looking at rings.

"She left yesterday! You have... how long?"

"Three weeks. And she's been gone for a week, Troy." Connor sighed.

"So why don't you wait until it gets closer to her return to buy her something."

"Cuz Shawn kicked me out! He said I need to get out of the cabin and stop moping."

"So then why am I here?"

"Because I knew that Kaya, that girl you were oggling at the party, would be here today. I wanted to see your face." Troy lit up.

"She's here? Then what the fuck am I doing here?" Troy started walking off. I looked over and Kaya started blushing and smiling.

"Dude.... do you even know where she is?" Connor smirked. Troy stopped dead in her tracks.

"No........ do you?"



"Because she's here with Caitlin. I know that because she's not with Shawn and he said they were off shopping." Kaya and my eyes widened.

"Oh. Well let's go find them!" Troy laughed.

I looked over at Kaya again and I mouthed the words "Told you so.". She stuck her tongue out at me. "Come on." I mouthed again and we got up and linked arms and started walking towards them. Troy starred at us as we came by. Connor looked back and smiled.

"Speak of the devils."

"Hey to you too Connor." I laughed.

"Hey Troy." Kaya smiled. He nodded towards her.

"So what are you two doing here?" I asked smiling at Connor. We locked eyes with each other.

"Just looking. What about you? I thought you were hanging out with Shawn today."

"No... I'm shopping with Kaya and I was going to meet Shawn tonight."

"Oh." We both looked over at Troy and Kaya and they were starring at each other.

"OKAY That's it!" I walked in between them and I broke the connection.

"Hey!" Troy yelled. I turned to face Kaya.

"If you're not going to, I will." I turned again to face Troy and he was still pissed. "Troy, Kaya wants to date you but is too scared to ask you so I'm doing it for her." Troy was shocked and he looked at Kaya who was blushing like crazy.

"Sure. You wanna catch a movie later or something?" Troy laughed.

"Uh... uh.. uhh.... ya I'd love to." Kaya smirked.


"THANK YOU!!!!" I threw my hands up in the air and started to walk away. Connor grabbed my arm.

"Hey get back here. I need to talk to you."


"How's Sam doing?"

"She's fine Connor. She's starting school tomorrow. She says she misses you terribly and she loves you...... and she'll call you when she gets free time."

"Thanks." He released my arm.

"No problem. Don't worry so much, Connor. Trust me, she does love you. She wouldn't do anything too stupid."

"I know. I'm just over protective at times."

"Ya you and Shawn." We started laughing. "Well we need to get going. I'll see you later." I hugged him and went after Kaya. "Sorry loves, we got to get going."

"I could give you a ride home if you want, Kaya." Troy said.

"Okay. Is that okay with you Caitlin?"

"Yeah. Go have fun on your date!!" They both started laughing as Troy put an arm around Kaya and they walked away. "You need a ride, Connor?"

"Sure. I dont think I'd want to be with those two.... alone... in a car." I laughed.

"Okay come on."

We made it out to my car and when I turned the car on, "Only One" by Yellowcard came on. I started bobbing to the music and lip syncing. Connor laughed as I was singing.

"What? It's a good song. Dont blame me for liking this"

"Just keep your eyes on the road, Caitlin." I rolled my eyes and continued to lip sync.

About fifteen minutes later, we were at the cabin. I didn't see Shawn's car in the driveway so I didn't stay.

"See you later, Connor." I waved from my car.

"See ya." I pulled out of the drive and headed for home.