To Love a Vampire...

Getting Ready

The next morning, I immediately had to call Kaya and see what happened. After the first two rings, she picked up. She was in a better mood today.

"So how was it?" I smirked as I went downstairs to see my parents not home.

"Amazing!" I owe you one, Cate!" She squeaked.

"I know. You know how you can pay me back?"


"By helping me get ready for my date tonight." I heard a noise that sounded like she dropped the phone.

"No way."

"Way. Shawn said it's about time he takes me out." I glanced at the note on my dresser and it plastered a smile on my face.

"Where's he taking you?"

"I don't know. I'm supposed to be ready by 6."

"Oh. How cute! He's suprising you! I'll be over in an hour."

"Okay. Hey tell me about last night. I'll tell you tomorrow about my date."

"Deal. So after we left you and Connor, we went to see Prom Night. Dude it was one of the greatest movies ever! But half of it I don't remember since I was with Troy and I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. When the movie got over with, we went out for dinner and we talked. About an hour later, he drove me home and walked me to my door and we kissed and it was amazing! But quick question, is Shawn's lips cold? Because....." She rambled on and on forever. I finally got her to get off the phone half an hour later. I had to call Sam and tell her about tonight. I grabbed my phone and looked at the clock. Eleven Thirty-Five. I still had seven hours to get ready and I puched in Sam's number.

"Hello?" She moaned.

"I need your help." I said straight out.


"I've got a date and I've got seven hours to get ready. You know me better than anyone. Help?"

"Bout time you went out on a date. How long has it been?”

“A while. Now are you going to help me or not?”

“Do you still have that black skirt in your closet from like last summer?" She asked.

"I think so. Let's me look." I walked over to my walk-in closet and went through all of my old clothes that I would never wear and found my little black skirt with a red tie belt with it. "Found it but should I keep the red belt thing?"

"Nah. Lose it. Okay, so now you should......... get out........ your........ white tank top."


"Just do it. It's probably the only nice shirt you got."

"Fine." I got out the tank top. "Now shoes, and I'll leave you to do whatever it was you were doing."

"Either flats or those American Eagle heels you adore so much." She laughed. "And I wasn't doing anything but I was sleeping. Now I'm awake. Thanks, Cate."

"No problem. I'll talk to you later to tell you how it went."

"Okay. Bye! Love you long time!"

"Love you too!" I hung up and the doorbell rang. I jumped off the side of the stairway and raced my dad to the door. "I'll get it." I opened the door and Kaya ran in, grabbed my wrist and pulled me back up the stairs and ran into my room.

"Hi Kaya!" My dad yelled from the bottom of the stairs. She poked her head through the doorway.

"Hi Mr. Chandler." I pulled her back into my room.

"Okay. I talked to Sam and she said that I should wear this. What do you think?"

"She always did have good taste in your clothes."

"Okay then you're opinion on this." I pulled out my two pairs of shoes.

"Flats all the way. You're already too tall for your own good." She laughed.

"You're doing my make-up like usual right?"

"You know it!" She grabbed all of my make-up and pushed me onto my bed.

"Kaya. I still have six hours. Hold the make-up until then."

"Fine!" She went to lay on my bed and she caught a glimpse of my flowers from last night. "Shawn?"

"Yeah. I just got home and there was a rose on my windowsill. I went to go get a small vase for it and when I got back, there were a shitload on my bed," I picked up the black rose and went back to my bed. "Including this one."

"God Shawn's such a romantic."

"Just wait until you're dating Troy for two/three months. He'll probably be just as bad!" I laughed.