To Love a Vampire...

Trust Me, I Just Saved Your Ass

It was an hour before Shawn was coming to get me and Kaya still didn't leave. Kaya and I were playing guitar hero to make the time pass. We were playing Beast and the Harlot on medium when the phone rang.

"Yeah?" I asked as I tried to keep playing but it wasn't working out too good.

"You haven't left yet?" Sam yelled. "What the fuck?"

"An hour left."

"Well I'm getting ready to go to Chain Reaction with Syn and Rev. Zack, Johnny, and Shadz are meeting us there."

"Lucky. That would be so fucking cool." I laughed.

"So what are you doing?"

"Playing Beast and the Harlot on medium with Kaya. You just called so now I'm talking to you." I paused the game and sat down on the couch.

"Well good luck with your date. I just wanted to see how it was going but you haven't left yet." She chuckled with an edge to her voice.

"I said I would call you tonight. You're just impatient sometimes." I laughed.

"Yeah ya. I'll talk to you later! Brian just got here!" Sam said.

"Kay. Bye!" I hung up and went back to my game, which I was winning by the way.


The hour went by quickly and Kaya immediately did my make-up and I kept my hair down. I got my outfit on and went downstairs. My parents were sitting in the living room and my dad stared at me.

"Why are you dressed like that?"

"I haven't seen you wear that skirt in ages." Mom laughed and her face brightened up as she realized what was going on. "Oh."

"What?" Dad asked, being a guy and completely clueless.

"She's going on a date. Please tell me it's Shawn."

"Yeah. It's Shawn. He's taking me out tonight."

"Oh no he's not." My dad argued.

"Why not?" He looked like he was looking for a good enough reason. Didn't work.

"Because I've never met him before. I don't trust him."

"Well sorry to dissappoint you but it's not your choice. It's mine. And I'm going."

"Not if you're grounded." My dad pointed out.

"Uh no. I'm eighteen and I can do whatever. You have no control."

"Well it's my house."

"Actually, I think it would be mom's since she's paying the bills, Dad. But if you want it that way, I can always move out."

"No! You're not going anywhere. Ed, she can do whatever she wants. Go and have fun." My mom smiled.

"Thank you. Don't wait up." I walked into the kitchen with Kaya.

"You argue with your dad alot. Did you ever notice that?"

"Yeah. We're both thickheaded. We tend to collide a time or two." I laughed.

"Well... you've got a point there."

"Gee thanks, Kaya." I laughed.

"No problem, Cate." We sat in silence for a while. "So are you ever going to move out of here? Graduation was like a year ago. If you want, I can help you look for an apartment." She smiled.

"I have been thinking about it actually. Here's the thing. One, I have no money. Two, I'm trying to get a job so I could get the money for an apartment."

"Oh. Well I'm sure my parents could loan you some money for a while. They love you."

"NO! I'm not going to ask your family for money, Kaya! You know I would never do that!" The doorbell rang and I took off. "We'll talk about it later Kaya. Bye mom and dad!" I ran in front of my dad who was just about to open the door. "I said I got it."

"I hate when you do that." He grabbed the door handle behind me and I quickly turned as he opened the door. Shawn was leaning on the side of the wall wearing a white shirt and jeans. His hair was spiked like always. He scanned me over and smiled as he looked at my dad. "You Shawn?"

"Yes sir." He said as he shook my dad's hand.

"Well don't just stand there. Come on in." I looked at my dad.

"No that's okay. We'll just go."

"Nah that's okay, love. We can leave soon." Shawn interrupted me and kissed my cheek and he whispered in my ear. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks. You're pretty handsome yourself." I whispered back.

We sat on a couch and Kaya ran passed us, jumped over a chair, and out the door. I started laughing. Shawn gave me a confused look. "Don't worry. She was helping me get ready."

"If you say so. She's going off to meet Troy right now anyway." He laughed.

"Aww how cute. Sneaking around to meet a teenage vampire. Won't Mrs. Mason be proud." I giggled and my mom walked into the room behind my dad.

"Hello again Shawn." My mom said.

"It's nice to see you again Mrs. Chandler." Shawn smiled.

"Please just call me Janet." She replied. Shawn nodded. How many times have you done this. It's like you know exactly what to do. My dad just beamed his gaze at Shawn.

"So you're the guy I've been hearing about huh?"

"Depends on what guy you're talking about sir." I widened my eyes and glared at him. My parents did as well. "It was a joke." I bonked my forehead.

"Oh thank god! I thought you were serious." My mom laughed. Shawn rubbed the back of his neck nervously. I decided that I better save him from fucking up.

"Well we better get going. I do have a curfew don't I?" I looked at Mom as I stood up.

"Uh. Yeah. Midnight. Go have fun." My mom understood what I was doing so she got my dad to shut up.

"Right. Midnight. Don't wait up, Dad."

"Yeah yeah." Dad mumbled.

"It was good to meet you." Shawn said. I pulled Shawn up and we headed out the door. "What was that all about?" He laughed as we got into his car.

"I can tell when my parents dissapprove or think people are really nervous and when that happens, they'll pick at you until you run out of the door. Trust me. I just saved your ass." I closed the door.

"Well thanks I think." He laughed. He leaned over and kissed my temple. "You do look beautiful by the way." I returned his kiss.

"Thank you. You look beautiful too." Shawn started laughing again.

"I don't know if I was just complemented or insulted." I shrugged and stared at the road.

"Too bad you'll never know." I laughed as I looked back at him.

"Why not?"

"Because what would be the fun of that?" I winked.

"You're evil sometimes."

"Aww that's sweet." I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "But you're still not gonna know."

He glared at me as I sat back in my own seat.
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srry it took me FOREVER to update!
i just got my internet so i'm trying to update as much as I can!

more comments will get you more updates.. and trust me I have a shitload!!!

XOXO Caitlin