To Love a Vampire...


We arrived at a restaraunt about ten minutes later and a waitress, in a white dress shirt and black dress pants, blonde hair in a ponytail, escorted us to a table. I nodded at her and we ordered our drinks. When she left, I started questioning Shawn as we looked at our menus.

"So why did you want to take me out tonight?" He look offended.

"What? I can't take a beautiful woman out to dinner for the hell of it?"

"Well there's got to be a reason." I suspected.

"Well..." He laughed as he thought. "Nope not really. Guess I just didn't have anything better to do on a Thursday night."

"Ha ha Funny." I giggled. "But seriously? Why have a first date now?"

"Technically it's our second date. Our first was a double date with Connor and Sam."

"Uh yeah. Double date. Emphasis on the double. I mean a date just you and me. Why now?"

"Like I really need a reason." He huffed.

"Shawn... seriously? You had no reason at all to take me to a restaraunt? You just decided out of the blue 'Hey I'm going to take Caitlin out to dinner. It'll be fun.' Right?"

"Well if you put it like that." He smiled at the waitress when she came back with our drinks.

"What would you like to order?" The waitress asked pulling out her ordering pad.

"I'll have the steak. Medium rare. No side dishes. Thanks." Shawn said.

"I'll have the chicken linguinie. No side dishes either. Thank you." I replied.

"You got it." She squeaked and she walked off.

"Come on. I'm being completely serious."

"Well I figured now that it's been four months since we met, I figured we might want to celebrate something."

"Yeah. I wind up in the hospital -"

"Alright it might have not been the perfect meeting but look at us now. A beautiful woman whom I would die for-"

"Whoa. Let's not get too ahead of ourselves. It's only been four months afterall."

"So negative. But I'm serious. A beautiful woman whom I love more than anything, is that better?" He laughed.

"A little. But you forgot something."

"I did?"

"You forgot a handsome man whom I love with all of my heart and more, who just so happens to feed on blood." I laughed.

"I'm handsome? I thought I was beautiful."

"You're a little bit of both."

"Well then." He huffed.

"Well what?"

"Well I guess I shouldn't give you your gift then."

"For saying you're handsome and beautiful? That's a little odd don't you think?"

"Yeah. Just a little bit."

"Wow." I shook my head and looked away.

"So you want your gift now or later?"

"You're actually going to give it me?"

"I'm still thinking about it."

"Now you're evil." I laughed.

"I know." He gave me that smile again. The smile that makes my heart melt.

"Now you're really evil."

"What? I didn't do anything."

"One, that smile! Two, you're denying me a gift that I can tell you want to give me but you're torturing me with anticipation as to what it is."

"Wow. Good guess. And I know the smile thing tears you apart inside." he laughed.

"But you're forgetting something." He leaned in towards me and smirked.

"And what would that be?"

"You're anticipating over giving it to me. I can tell. It's in your eyes."

"You're good."


"Okay. I'll give it to you."

"Yay. I win." He rolled his eyes and he reached into his pocket.

He pulled out a velvet box and I silently laughed to myself as I open the box to see a beautiful sterling silver ring with a black saphire in the middle. "Now I know that it's not as shiny as the necklace but I figured you might like this."

"I love it." I put it on my ring finger. "Perfect fit." He reached for my hand and pulled it up to kiss it.

"I know." He held up his glass of water at me. "Cheers."

"To what may I ask?" I held my glass up as well.

"To four months of pure delight and laughs."

"And supernatural things in between." I laughed. He joined me and we clinked our glasses.

The waitress came back with our plates and we ate in pretty much silence.
♠ ♠ ♠
trust me, you'll want to in order to get my little surprise next chapter lol....

XOXO Caitlin