To Love a Vampire...


It seemed like I blinked but I guess I dozed off. I looked over at the clock. 11:30 p.m. I looked around and noticed that Shawn wasn't in the room. I heard the door open and Shawn came walking in with his clothes on. He looked like he just got out of the shower. He smiled and walked over to me.

"Sleep good?" He laughed as he kissed me. He sat down and I pulled the sheet over myself.

"I swear that doesn't happen often." I laughed as I grabbed his face and kissed him.

"Well you have a half an hour until I have to take you home. Anything you want to do before you have to leave?"

"Yeah. A shower." I ran a hand through my hair. "Um.. bathroom?"

"Down the hall to the right." He smiled. I gave him a quick kiss and muttered a thanks.

I grabbed my clothes and walked down the hall. As I walked into the bathroom, I couldn't help but smile. I got the water just right and jumped into the shower. Ten minutes later, I got out and tried as hard as I could to dry my hair and I used my fingers to comb my hair. I put it back into a ponytail, that I always take with me everywhere, and let some of my hair fall into my face. I put my clothes on and walked out and into Shawn's bedoom to find no Shawn.

"Shawn?" I called to nothing.

"In the living room." He called back. I walked down the hall and back into the living room and I saw Shawn, facing the window.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I walked up to him.

"Looking into the night." I looked out at the stars and smiled.

"It is beautiful. That's what I love about living out of town."

"But you live in town, Caitlin." He laughed.

"Yeah but not always. My dad built a house for us when I was just born and we lived in it until I was about fourteen. Then a fire started and burned it down. So we moved into town. Although my parents hate it."

"I didn't know that."

"There's alot of things you don't know about me, Shawn. Just like their's still so much I don't know about you." I gazed at him but he didn't look my way.

"Maybe that's a good thing; you not knowing that much about me. It could keep you safe."

"What do you mean?"

"In my three hundred years of being a monster, I've done things that I'm not proud of. And I won't allow my past to harm anything or anyone I love." He said with a stern look.

"Shawn, I understand. Trust me, I've done things in my past I'm not too proud either. Sure, they're not as bad as something a vampire could do," Shawn started chuckling. "But I don't want anything from my past harm those I care about either. And I may sound like my father when I say this but sometimes you just have to face the facts that yeah you fucked up a few times so what! You shouldn't live in fear of waiting for something to happen. You shouldn't be paranoid, Shawn." I lectured. "Man I am starting to sound like my dad. Dammit." Shawn smiled and looked at me.

"I'll keep that in mind. But for your information, I'm not paranoid thank you. I'm just protecting you and everyone I love." We locked gazes and it was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Who the hell?" Shawn walked to the door and I followed. As he opened the door, Kat came flying through the door.

"Shawn!" She slurred. She hugged him so much I think he got even more pale. I had to laugh and that brought her attention on me. "Shawn's girlfriend!" She then ran to me and attacked me. "Sorry I don't remember your name." She slurred into my ear. Connor walked in the door and stared at me as I hugged Kat. I mouthed "I don't know." and Connor started laughing. He pulled her away from me and she rested on him.

"Found her stumbling through town. Figured you were probably home by now so I brought her here." He smiled over at me and I smiled back. "Hope I wasn't interrupting anything."

"No, Connor, you weren't interrupting anything. I should probably be heading back now anyways."

"Yeah you're right. Connor, hold on to her until I get back and then I'll keep her away from you." Shawn laughed as he ushered me out the door.

"I'll hold you to that." Connor laughed as he dragged her away and then I heard a hysterical laughter. I looked Shawn and he was trying not to laugh so I figured it was Kat.

"She's going to go through hell tomorrow." He laughed and closed the door behind him.

"Lightweight?" I laughed.

"Nope. She just won't remember half of the things she did tonight although she's going to be harrassing me about tonight." He winked and I had to look away.

"Great. Kaya and Sam will be the same way." I laughed and he kissed my temple.

"You'll have more fun with this than I will then." He chuckled and he opened the car door for me. Shawn walked around to his side of the car and he pulled out of the driveway. About ten minutes later, we made it to the house with five minutes to spare.

"I had fun. Thank you." I laughed.

"Me too. See you around."

We both leaned in and kissed each other good-night but it lasted awhile; Probably longer than a good-night kiss should actually last. As I was about to get out of the car, a thought hit me. I wonder if Dad ignored me and is sitting on the couch waiting for me right now.

"Yeah he is."

I looked back to see what he meant and I understood what it was he meant before I even asked. I laughed and kissed him again.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too. Now go on you have three minutes to spare." He laughed.

We kissed and then I started walking up to the house. I looked back when I got to the door and I saw Shawn smile and pull out of the driveway. As I walked into the living room to get up to the stairs and I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye. I turned to see my dad sitting there with a grim look on his face.

"You shouldn't have stayed up, Dad. You're going to be crabby for work tomorrow." I laughed as I walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

"Yeah well I wanted to see if you would have actually come home tonight. I had my doubts when it was quarter to." He said sternly.

"Dad. Of course I would come home. And it's not like you would never see me again anyway."

"Well you never know what could happen when your little girl goes out with some punk you've never seen in your life." He mumbled.

"Dad. You can trust me. I'm eighteen for gosh sakes. You had me take self defense lessons and you know I can kick some serious ass if I have to." I laughed.

"Well. So what? I still don't trust him."

"Fine. I don't feel like arguing because tonight was amazing and I'm beat so I'm going to bed. Good-night." I kissed his cheek and headed for the stairs.

"Hey!" I quickly turned around. "Why does it look like you got out of the shower?"

"It's hot outside, Dad. It's sweat. Good-night. Go to sleep." I walked up the stairs in a daze and tried to keep myself from laughing.

I walked into my room and went to my closet and changed into shorts and a black tank top. I then walked into the bathroom and brushed out my hair and straightened it, or at least tried to, and then I washed my face and then headed off to sleep. I put my new ring into its box and set it next to my necklace on my dresser and got into bed. It took me a while to fall asleep but when I did, I dreamt of my night with Shawn.

*********************Shawn's Pov********************************

I had just dropped Caitlin off and I made my way back to the cabin. I wanted to check up on Connor and Kat before I headed back to the house. As I opened the door, I noticed it was really quiet. I went passed the couch and smiled, knowing that's where it had all started. I saw the kitchen light on and walked in there, seeing Kat passed out on Connors lap.

"Okay a deals a deal. You need rest, Connor. I'll take it from here." I laughed. He helped me get Kat off of him and onto a chair. I got her a glass of water and Connor still didn't leave. "I said you can leave."

"I know. I want to know how the date went." He laughed.
"It was fine. I gave her the ring and we had dinner. No big thing." I smiled to myself and tried to keep it hidden from Connor.

"I'm not talking about dinner. I'm talking about after." I looked back at him and he gave me a look that meant he knew what happened.

"Why do you care?"

"Cuz I'm a guy and I want to know." I rolled my eyes and helped Kat to her room. "Spill. How'd it get from dinner to sex?" And that's when Kat HAD to wake up.

"What about sex?"

"Nothing, Kat. Get some sleep." I said sternly and she walked the rest of the way to her bed and crashed on it.

I walked up to Connor and pushed him into the living room. "Keep it down. I don't want Kat to harrass me about that too."

"Well.... answer the fucking question."

"I don't know how it did. After we had dinner, we came back here. We hung out for a few minutes, had a few laughs and then.... it went to sex I guess." I laughed.

"Was it good?" He smirked as he cocked an eyebrow.

"Not that it's any of your business but ya it was." I suddenly felt thirsty and I got off of the couch. "Hey did you feed already or no?"

"What? You didn't get any from Caitlin? Shocker." He mumbled.

"I'm not going to bite her, Connor. I won't put her through the hell that we're going through."

"Dude. You don't have to Convert her. Just take as much as needed. She'll be fine and you'll be satisfied. Win/ win situation."

"Still. Not yet. Are you going with me or not? Cuz if not, I'm leaving you here with Kat. I've got to get back to the house soon anyway."

"Yeah. I'm coming with you."

We walked out of the cabin and took off for town. After looking around for a while, we went into a bar where our prey usually hangs out. My eyes locked with a brunette woman walking away from the bartender. I looked around to see Connor trying to get a blonde petite woman outside. She finally agreed and they left the building. I returned to my target and she walked over to a booth, alone. She had a crimson red tank top on and a leather skirt. She looked over at me and she batted her eyelashes. I manuvered over to her and introduced myself.

"Hey there. I'm Shawn."

"Darlene." She licked her lips and held out her hand. I took it and kissed her hand.

"Pleasure." She smiled at me and I knew I had her. "Do you want to get out of here? To a more... quiet.. place?"

"Definately." She got up and linked her arms around mine. I escorted her out to an alleyway. "I thought you said a more quiet place. I thought you meant like.... your place?"

"Don't worry. We're taking a short cut." I cracked a smile and I felt my fangs emerging. A few moments later, we hit a dead end.

"Okay? What the hell?" She looked up at me and her eyes widened. "What are you looking at me like that for?" I pinned her to the wall and tilted her head to the side. "Help!!!"

"Shhhh... this won't hurt. Well maybe a little bit." I felt my fangs against my lips as I talked and couldn't bear the sound of her veins pulsing and her heart racing.

I skimmed her skin and when I found the right spot, I bit into the nape of her neck and immediately was greeted with her blood. I felt her shudder as I sucked in more and more. I took in maybe more than needed but when I finished, I tried all I could to make her forget about what had happened.

As she walked out of the alleyway, I headed back to the house. I snuck through the window and as my feet touched the floor, the lights turned on. I winced at the bright light and I saw Shannon, an average height woman with looks of the late 20s and long curly brunette hair and brown eyes, walking into the room. Behind her was Mitch, a tall bulky man in his mid 30s with jet black hair and green eyes.

"You're back late. What happened?" Shannon asked.

"I lost track of time with Connor." I answered.

"Feeding?" Mitch said and I nodded as I realized there was a bloodstain on my shirt. I chuckled and went to the closet and changed my shirt.

"Shawn, where have you been going lately? You smell like human. And not just one like if you were just feeding." I tried to remain calm as I walked back out to face them.

"That's all I was doing. Nothing else."

"Then why have you been paying Roxy and Alana off to take Greg and Michael out?" Mitch smirked. My eyes narrowed as I saw Roxy and Alana and they stared back at me. "They didn't tell us. I read them. Now what's going on, Shawn?"

"Who is she?" Shannon asked. Both Mitch's and my eyes shot at her. "I'm a female. I can figure these things out. Now come on. Your caught so spill." I finally gave up.

"She's a human that I met awhile ago." I admitted.

"How long's awhile?" Mitch asked.

"A few months. Four at the most." Shannon raised her eyebrows in suprise.

"You've been secretly running around with this girl for four months?" I nodded and I sat on the bed behind me.

"Does she know about us?" I nodded again. He let out a silent curse and ran his hand through his hair. "Are there any others?"

"One more. She's sort of seeing Connor."

"So Connor knew all this time? Who else knew besides us?" Mitch yelled.

"Pretty much everyone."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Shannon asked as she sat down beside me.

"Because I don't want her involved with all of us. I don't want her to get into danger."

"We'll protect her, Shawn. If you really care about this girl, we'll protect her." I looked at Shannon, then at Mitch, and at the floor. "I promise, Shawn. We'll treat her as if she were our own. You should bring her here sometime. Instead of that cabin you're always at."

"How did you guys-?"

"We've known. Followed you a couple of times to see where you were going." Mitch chuckled.

"You two sound like real parents."

"We should. Trying to keep up this act is hardwork. Especially with all you kids." Shannon laughed as she kissed my cheek. "Well we should all get some rest. You boys have alot of training tomorrow."

"That we do. And Shannon's right. You should bring her here sometime, Shawn." I nodded and they walked out of the room. I laid down on the bed and slowly drifted off into slumber.
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well... i guess i shouldn't even bother with asking for comments. i've only had one. whatever..

srryy not in a very good mood at the moment so ya.

enjoy the new chapter
