To Love a Vampire...


A week later...

It was around five in the morning. My parents just got up when I got in.

"Where'd you go?" My mother asked.

"I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk."

"Okay. Happened to me last week." She laughed.

My parents are so gullible! They'll believe anything I say. I was actually hanging out with Shawn. We always hang out at night for some reason.

"Someone called for you I guess, Caitlin. Someone named Keira," My father had announced around 10:50 a.m. "I wrote it down. It's there on the counter. Apparently, it was from yesterday."

I picked it up and it read:

Hey Caitlin. It's Keira. We need to talk to you. Meet us at the spot around noon. Talk to you then.

"I gotta go meet them. I'll see you guys later."

"But it's not even 11:30 yet. Plus, what's 'the spot'?" My mother asked.

"It's just a place where we go to hang out. Don't worry. I'll be fine."

At noon, I found Roxy, Keira, and Chris around the pond.

"Hey guys. Why did you guys call me?"

"Come with us, Caitlin. There's something you ought to know about Shawn." Chris explained. He had the sweetest voice, almost as sweet as Shawn's.

We went for a walk and a few minutes later, we arrived at this clearing. Shawn was sitting on this gigantic rock just staring at the sky like he didn't know we weren't even there. He looked our way and they pulled me back far enough to not be seen by him.

"What's he doing?" I asked.

"What he always does. He just sits around thinking about you all day." Roxy sighed.

"Aww how sweet."

"Not really. You see, he hasn't been like this in a long time and we would hate to see it go away so we think you should know something. Shawn is a..." Chris explained but he cut himself off.

"A what?" A few minutes went by and I didn't get an answer. "Damn it! Will someone tell me?"

"A vampire. I know it sounds stupid but it's true." Kat explained as she walked out of the bushes.

"You're kidding right?" I laughed.

"Look! Like it or not we all are so either accept it or leave before you break Shawn's heart."

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Shawn yelled.

"Are they telling the truth? Are you a vampire?"

"Damn it! You guys told her that!"

"We thought she ought to know." Keira cried.

"Are you?" I looked deep into his eyes.

A few minutes went by and there was nothing but silence.

"Yeah I am. Go ahead and leave. I'll understand." He started to walk away. I ran in front of him and put my arms around his waist.

"I'm not leaving," I whimpered. "I'm not like that. Even if you are a vampire."

"Why not? Everyone else does."

"You really don't know me that well to think anything like that."

"Well the last person who knew tried to stab me with a stake." He chuckled.

"What?" I freaked.

"Calm down. She couldn't do it. She was still in love with me."

"Oh. An old girlfriend?" I sounded disappointed.

"No. Just a really good friend. But, I'll never forget her."

"What was her name?"


"What happened to her? Did you bite her? Are you going to bite me?" I panicked.

"Calm down, Caitlin. I'm not gonna bite you. I've never bitten anyone since I converted."

"When was that?"

He paused like he was counting how long it's been.

"Well??" I asked.

"Like three- hundred years ago."


"Hey I was gong to tell you. Just not now." He stuttered.

"Then when?"

"When I thought the moment was right."

"When would that be, Shawn?"

"Like when you wouldn't be scaring the shit out of me!"

"Fine. But answer me this? Are the myths true about vampires?"

"Like?" he asked.

"Like you can't walk in sunlight, turning into bats, holy water and garlic could kill you, stuff like that."

"Are you kidding??" he howled.


"Well I can walk into light as you can see, but, I can't turn into a bat. I get around with my Porsche."

"You have a Porsche?"

"Ya. Wanna go for a ride?'' He smirked.

"Hell yeah!"

"Hey watch it. I've been there. Not fun."

"Whatever. So let's go then." I laughed.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the back of the cabin and there were several cars; a Ferrari, an SUV, a Volvo, a Jeep Wrangler, and then I saw the Porsche.

The Porsche was pitch black and the windows were tinted. The interior was leather. It was like the coolest car I've seen in ages.

"Wow." I was just so amazed.

"Thanks. I thought you would have been more surprised than that." He laughed.

"Well I am. I just don't want to embarrass myself."

"I see... Well do you want to for a drive?"

"He-- Heck yea! But where would we go?"

"Wherever you want to go. Before I forget, how would you like to meet my family?" His beautiful hazel eyes glimmered like he was begging me to say yes.

"Wow. Meeting a friend's family who just happen to be a clan of vampires."

"Don't worry. I'll be sure no one bites you," He started to laugh like he was kidding. "So will you?"

"Umm... I guess I could for like an hour or something."

"Great! I'll pick you up around five, okay?" I nodded as he started the car.

So, we went around the town and then we went to the park for an hour. It was so amazing as he told me everything about vampires.

"So what about garlic? Can it hurt you?" I asked.

"Nah. Just some species of my kind."

"Wait... how many are there?"

"I really don't know. There are vampires all over the world. Just many roam at night.”

“Oh. Okay. Well what about those crusifix things?" He started laughing.

"Nah. They don't do shit."

"It was just a question." I pouted as we drove back into town.
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comments anyone???