To Love a Vampire...


Shawn’s POV

“Then maybe you should leave.” Caitlin said as she walked out of her cousin’s room. I had thought about going after her but I knew she was already upset.

I jumped out of the window and started heading for town. I had to process the fact that I was in love with someone who had my enemies blood running through her veins. I didn’t want to believe that but there was just something about her.

I walked down a sidewalk and I saw this couple on the other side of the road on a stoop. Their thoughts were all about how they loved each other and it read all over their faces as well. It made me think of the day that Caitlin found out about me.

She never ran away from me. She never looked truly afraid. She never had an ounce of doubt.

How could I have been so stupid! How could I not have noticed how different she was? Thinking back, she was so calm about it because she’d already been through that!

I’d been too distracted by her to realize that she wasn’t normal. That night we’d made love, she said she’d done things she wasn’t proud of. She pretty much confessed it to me and I couldn’t realize it because I was too busy thinking of her!

“Damn man, she’s got you hard.” A voice interrupted my thoughts. I quickly turned and saw Connor sitting on the roof of a building.

“What are you talking about?” I chuckled.

“Dude, you’ve never been like this in the whole two hundred years I’ve known you. You’ve been tense ever since you left that place. What the hell happened?”

“She’s…. related to Lykens, Connor. How could I not have see it?”

“I knew. You were just too busy with your problem with the fact that she found out about you.”

“What? You knew about this?”

“I figured it out when we had her go to that clearing you go to so much. She wasn’t freaked out or anything when she found out. She didn’t seem to want to run away or anything.”

“Why didn’t you tell me before all of this?”

“Because it was too late. You already fell for her.”

“Awww. How cute. And you couldn’t see that?” A voice called from around us. I kept looking around but couldn’t find anything. I heard a scuffle behind and I turned.

Connor was being tackled by some guy. He was about 5’ 10” and pretty built. His muscles and entire head was covered in symbols. I was about to step in but something caught my attention.

“How have you been, Shawn?” A female called from behind me.

She caught up to me so fast I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t, scratch that, couldn’t hear her thoughts at all.

She had long brunette hair blowing in the wind. Her eyes were a hazelnut brown and an evil, seductive smile.

She walked up to me and squinted her eyes at me. Then she smiled and placed a hand on my cheek. I flinched away at first but as soon as her hand touched my skin, I saw pictures, images of her past.

A little girl in ripped clothes running around with a boy in some neighborhood. The boy pulled her towards this jewelry parlor and as the jeweler had his back turned, the boy snatched a necklace from the table and dragged the girl away. They ran behind a house and he showed her the necklace.

“This is for you.” The boy whispered. “You deserve it.”

The girl looked about ready to cry as the boy put the necklace around her neck.

“It’s beautiful, Shawn. Thank you so much.” She whispered back and wrapped her arms around him.

“Now do you remember?” She asked me.

“Linda.” I gawked. She nodded and went to wrap her arms around me but I took a step back. “This can’t be possible.”

“But it is. You see, Shawn, after you left me for dead, someone found me and saved me.” She looked at Connor on the ground and back at me. “Looks like you’re doing good for yourself. Best friend who’s there for you. An entire family you never truly had. And a little girlfriend who seems to be the only thing on your mind.” She squinted her eyes at me again. “Did you two get into a fight?”

“Leave her out of this.”

“Just what is so special about her that you didn’t see in me? What does she have that I don’t.” She placed her hand back on my chest and I immediately pushed it away. “We’re perfect, Shawn. Two everlasting souls that would never lose their love. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?”

“Sounds to me like you need to leave. There’s no purpose for you here.”

“Oh really? Well I’ll have you know it’s not my place of business. It’s David’s.”

“Who the fuck is David?”

“I am.” A stern voice called out. I looked at Linda and she smirked past me.

I turned to find another very built man, around 5’ 11” with medium length black hair and covered in the symbols I was explaining to Caitlin.

He walked up to Linda and wrapped an arm around her. He stared back at me as I looked at his symbols.

“And just what is it you want?” I asked.

“Oh that’s quite simple really. You.” He put his hand near my face and before I could do anything, the world went black.


I woke up to face a dark wall. I felt the cold floor against my cheek and side. I sat up and looked around.

Why am I in a warehouse?
“Because at the moment, we actually need you.” I heard a voice call out. My eyes widened and I sprang up and started turning around to try and find where the voice came from.

After a few seconds on whiplash turning, there was a chuckle. I spun around to where I thought it was coming from and all of a sudden, there was a woman standing there and backhanding me. I fell straight to the floor but caught myself before any damage could be done.

“What the fuck?!” I yelled and I looked back. The girl was beautiful. Brown eyes, brown hair, pure white…. canines? “Who the fuck are you?”

“Linda how’s it going?”

Linda. Shawn told me about her. She’s dead! There’s no she could…. Could she?

“You’re a…” I cut myself off. This was a lot to take in. She was all of a sudden in my face and I had to fall back a little bit.

“Vampire. Afraid so. I see you know about me. Shawn. Ring a bell?”

“Why?” She said nothing but smirked.

“Thought so. See, Shawn doesn’t need you anymore. He has me.” I looked at her and glared.

Okay, maybe Shawn’s a hard head sometimes. And he can get under my skin when he uses his vampire Whatcha-call ‘ems. But I love him with all my being. And there’s no way in hell that he’d just dump someone.

“See, that’s where you’re wrong.” She wrapped something in front of my eyes and tied something around my wrists that I swear hurt like a bitch.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“I’m thinking I’m going to invite you lunch.” She laughed as she pushed me in front of her and we started walking.


I opened my eyes and tried to look around but it was too dark to tell. Even with my enhanced senses. I stood up and tried to walk around but something was attached to my wrists. I used all I could to break them apart but they wouldn’t budge.

“It won’t work.” I heard a voice call. It was Connor!

“Connor, what the hell is going on?”

“I don’t even know. All I remember is some chick touching you and I was out dude.”

That’s when it all hit me. What had happened? One second I was in town talking to…. Linda.

“Linda! What the fuck did you do to me!” I started yelling. A masculine voice chuckled and a light turned on. I could only see a little bit clearer. I saw that guy, David, in the light and I looked down and my wrists were in shackles. I looked over at Connor and he actually was bleeding. “Dude, what did you do?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re bleeding, you idiot. You don’t realize that?” He touched his neck and saw the blood and looked at David.

“You fucker!” He stood up and started running at David. He doesn’t have shackles. He was maybe a hundred feet from him when David flung his hand out and Connor went flying towards the wall. I heard a shatter and a thump before I could even react.

“Connor! You alright?” Silence. “ CONNER!

“What a shame. Could have used him.” David was mumbling.

“What the hell do you want?” I yelled at him as he started walking towards me.

“Didn’t we establish this before?”

“Yeah sorry if I seem to have forgotten. You seem to have blacked me out for a period of time.” I went to punch him when he was within distance of my fist but the shackles held me off. And as soon, as they pulled me back, I felt a little dizzy and then it hit me. When did I last feed?

“Thirsty?” He chuckled and looked back when a door opened. My heart and stomach sank at what walked through the door.

Caitlin was blindfolded and tied up in front of Linda.