To Love a Vampire...

Losing Control


Caitlin just stood there, heart beating like crazy Linda held her in place I swear, if I wasn’t chained.

“Let her go! She has nothing to do with this!” I struggled to get up but didn’t have the energy.

“Shawn?” She called.

“It’s okay, Caitlin. Everything’s going to be okay.”

“Awe. How cute.” David chuckled as he started walking towards Caitlin.

“Don’t touch her!”

“Or you’ll what?” He cupped her face and took a long look at her. “Beautiful. Simply beautiful. You sure know how to pick them.”

“Get away from her!” I could feel myself losing control. I needed something to drink.

“You know, you should be more polite. One flick of my pinky.” He ran a finger over her throat. “And you won’t have to worry anymore.”

“Please, let her go.” I couldn’t hold it anymore. I never wanted her involved in anything like this. I felt my stomach turn as I heard blood drip onto the floor.

I looked up and David made a cut on his arm. This guy is truly delusional!

“That ought to hold you for a while. Come Linda. Oh, bring these two with us.” He gestured to Caitlin and Connor.

“Don’t hurt them!” I yelled but I stopped abruptly when the smell of blood hit me.

The smell was mouth watering. After not feeding for a few days, it was like a drug. I leaned in closer to get a better whiff of it.

Linda saw me and chuckled. She grabbed Connor and squeeze his neck a bit in front of me. Some of his blood came out and landed in front of me. I could do nothing but send death glares at her. She laughed and drew some of the blood onto my face and then, without warning, kissed me.

I tried to head but her but she leaned back and smirked at me. She picked up Connor and pulled Caitlin out of the room. I called for Caitlin but my response was only Linda laughing and the door shutting.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Its been three days since Caitlin left to go look at apartments in Ohio. Jess told me that she’d call when she got back but I got curious and called her cell a few times. No answers.

“Don’t worry, babe.” Troy called from the deck after I tried for the millionth time to get a hold of her.

“It’s not like Caitlin to not answer her phone. She could be in the middle of sex, and pick it up.”

“Well I don’t know about that. But I do know, sometimes someone needs their alone time. Away from their normal lives. I’ve done it. Hell, I’m sure you’ve done it.”

“Maybe you’re right.” Troy chuckled in victory before pulling me down on his lap and kissing my neck.

He pulled my face closer and we were joined. He pulled me even closer and I put my knees on both sides of his legs. He ran his hands up my back as he slid his tongue into my mouth.

“Shit. I’ll be right back.” I giggled and got up.


“Bathroom.” I kissed him before I walked inside.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -

Kaya walked inside and my phone started going off.


“It’s Michael. You need to get to the cabin.”


“Just get here will ya?”

“Tell me what the hell is going on before Kaya gets back, Mike.”

“We’ve got company. Dogs. Looking for Shawn.”

“Alright. Be there soon.” I closed the phone and started to come up with an excuse.

“Alright. Where were we?” Kaya smiled as she walked back outside.

“Kaya, you know I wanna.” I couldn’t help but grab her and pull her close.


“But I got a call from work.” Smooth, Troy. “Guy called in sick and they need me to fill in. I gotta go.”

“Can’t they get someone else?”

“Nah. I’m the only one. I’m sorry.” I gave her a quick kiss.

“Alright. Gotta do what you gotta do.” She pouted.

“I’ll call you as soon as I’m out.” I kissed her again and went to my car as fast as I could so I didn’t go back.


I was caught by the smell of dogs when I pulled into the drive. Roxy was waiting for me outside.

“Why are they looking for Shawn?”

“We’re waiting for you. Just about to find out.”
We walked into the living room and were met with two guys. They looked straight at me and the black haired one was glaring at me.

“What the hell are you looking at?” I glared.

He said nothing but growled. The other guy held his shoulder and whispered something into his ear. It sounded like “calm the fuck down.” but I couldn’t make out some of it. The one glaring tilted his head, not breaking eye contact with me, mumbling something about me having someone’s scent on me.

“What did you just say?” I called to the kid. He looked at me with a “come again” look. “You said I have a scent on me. Whose scent you talking about?”

The guy stood up, as did I, and when we were eye to eye. He narrowed his eyes.

“You know a girl? Kaya Masen?” That’s when I snapped. Michael knew and immediately held me off.

“How the fuck do you know Kaya you fucking dog?” I yelled and I could feel my fangs coming out in my anger.

“She’s a friend of our cousin. She’s the reason we’re here.”

Everyone looked around at each other. Looking for Shawn, and a friend of Kaya’s.

“Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Hold up! You’re Caitlin’s cousins?” I yelled. I let Kaya go near them!

“Don’t worry. Your little girlfriend or whatever she is to you is fine. It’s Caitlin.”

“What about her?” Michael asked.

“She’s missing. We wanna know where Shane has her.”

“It’s Shawn.” I glared.

“Who gives a fuck! We know he has her! He was the last one to see her!”

“Look!” Alana yelled when her and Greg showed up. Alana sat next to Michael and Chris went by Roxy. “Just start from the beginning. Who are you?”

That’s when the younger guy spoke up.

“I’m Colin. This in Brett. We’re cousins of Caitlin’s. And before you freak, she doesn’t have the traits like us. We got into a little trouble a few days ago and we ended up in the hospital. That’s why Caitlin,”

“And Kaya.” Brett muttered and my attention was directed to him.

“And Kaya, thanks Brett. Anyways, that’s why they went to Lansing. Caitlin’s like a sister to us. And when we found out about this Shawn kid, we knew his secret immediately. The night after they showed up, Caitlin was attacked.”

“Attacked how?” I had to ask.

“Our sister was almost attacked first. Caitlin walked in before the bloodsucker could do anything. He almost got Cate before we showed up.” Brett announced.

“We went to watch over her. We broke out of the hospital. When we got there, Caitlin was about to get bitten in the neck and I stopped him. But then Shawn showed up and ruined it.

‘The vampire got away and Caitlin and Shawn got into an argument or something. That’s the last time we saw her. Shawn has something to do with this. We followed his scent and lost him in town. Then we took his scent from where he came from, hoping to get an idea, and it led us here.”

“So, Caitlin’s missing, Shawn’s missing. Anyone else?”

“Connor.” Greg remembered.

“Shit. Something really is going down.” I groaned. Someone cleared their throat and all of our eyes went to the door. Rich was in the door way with Shannon.

“I might just know how to help you guys.” He smirked.
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so a few more chapters left with this one too lol

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<3 Catie-Lynn