To Love a Vampire...


* * * Third Person * * *

“Rich where are we going?” Alana groaned as they went through yet another alley.

“Just wait.” He smiled and started climbing up a fire escape.

“You’re sure this is it?” Shannon called as she climbed up after him.

“Yes, Shannon, I’m sure. I was here a month ago.”

Everyone, including Brett and Collin, climbed up the fire escape after them and Rich started pounding on a window. A young girl peeked in and her eyes widened. She quickly opened the window and ushered everyone inside.

The apartment was pretty big, completely dark, walls were a green color, furniture was wrapped as if someone had just moved in, a flat screen T.V. in the living room area. The sound of growling came from one of the rooms caught the groups ears.

“What was that?” Troy asked suspiciously.

“I smell another lycan.” Brett said.

“No, it’s another vampire.” Michael countered.

“Actually both.” Rich explained.

Everyone looked at him, except for Shannon who started walking towards the door where the growling was coming from. She looked back at Mitch and he nodded.

“Expect the unexpected.” Mitch chuckled as Shannon opened the door.

Inside was a girl in about her 20s, with chocolate brown hair. She was hunched over a guy with his head tilted to the side, his eyes closed. Everyone thought she was just another vampire until they saw her teeth. She looked up, blood pouring out of her mouth, eyes as black as night. Her teeth were razor sharp and covered in crimson red. And instead of the usual puncture wounds, they were all of her front teeth. Everyone had pierced his neck.

Alana and Roxy gasped and Michael and Chris held them back. Brett and Collin looked away in disgust. Troy stood there, shocked as could be. Mitch cleared his throat.

“Brianna.” He called and the girl dropped her feeder.

“Master Rich.” She sighed as her eyes changed to an intoxicating brown and her teeth shrunk into their normal shape. “What are you doing here? Hello, Mistress Shannon.”

Shannon nodded and smiled.

“Brianna, these are our friends and family.” Rich explained and gestured to the group.

“Of course! Alana, Roxanne, Michael, Christopher, Troy. But I don’t - My god!” She jumped back at the sight of Brett and Collin. She stared at them and licked her lips.

“It’s okay, Brianna. They’re allies.” Shannon called and she backed away and hung her head.

“Lana’s not like us.” Rich began. “She possesses both traits. Vampire and Lykan. I’ve been helping her survive for years.”

“And you didn’t tell us.” Alana scoffed.

“I didn’t. She’s still under severe surveillance. She doesn’t possess enough control over her thirst to be near most civilization. Which is why she’s here. She’s killed many vampires and lykans in her time. I didn’t want her near you guys unless is was a last resort.”

“Then why are we here now?” Chris asked as Brianna eyed him hungrily.

“She’s also a tracker.” Rich informed.

“Shawn liked to run off when he first joined us. Went off and hunted dozens of humans. Lana would help us find him.” Shannon continued.

“So she knows his scent.” Collin guessed. Shannon and Rich nodded simultaneously.

“Wait a minute!” Everyone went quiet and looked at Brianna. “Who says I want to help you?”

“Come on Brianna. He’s our family.”

“Yea? Mine was killed in front of me. Losing one isn’t a big deal.”

“I’ll let you kill a few vampires if it comes down to it.” Brett pointed out and Collin nudged him. “I mean, if Shawn has Caitlin, then maybe we’ll find some vamps along the way.”

“That might be a good idea.” Troy spoke and everyone looked at him. “We can use them for information. Brianna could be the threat.”

“Smart and cute.” Brianna smiled his way.

“Taken thanks.”

“Troy does have a point. Would you do that for us Brianna?” Roxy asked and Brianna thought about it for a while.


“You’ll do it?” Rich asked.

“Only, if I get to feed on some vamps. They’re so much better than humans.”

“Not that that’s interesting,” Brett called and gagged a little bit. “But they’ve been missing for a week now. Can you still find them?”


“Our cousin is Shawn’s girlfriend. She’s probably with him.” Collin declared.

“I don’t know her scent.”

“We do.” Brett and Collin said in unison and smiled.

“Then it will take awhile but I think I can find him. Where do I start?”

“We’ll show you.” Rich grabbed her arm and they were off.

* * * ** * *
Shawn’s POV

I didn’t know how long I’ve been here. Feels like months. Weird to hear from a vampire I know. But I haven’t feed for days, maybe weeks.

I lost my ability to stand up hours ago. My body’s just too weak from the loss of blood. David’s truly torturing me. I could barely crawl anymore.

I haven’t even seen Caitlin in days either. I miss her so much. I yearned to hold her. To tell her everything was okay. To just feel her. I hope she’s still okay. I lost the concentration to get into her thoughts. Every time I tried, it only weakened me more.

Damn that David. If he tries anything with her, I’m going to kill him where he stands. Just the thought of him trying to lay a hand on her turned my stomach. And if he tries to bite her… I can’t even imagine what I’ll do to him. And then it hit me…

That has to be the reason why he’s paying extra attention to her. He’s going to make her a pet. Take her blood and take his pleasure from her. She wouldn’t even be able to put up a fight.

“Shawn.” I heard Linda sing.

She walked in with a huge smile and kneeled in front of me. I couldn’t move or turn around so I just shut my eyes. She petted my hair and kissed my cheek.

“Stay…away…from…me.” I managed to say.

She said nothing but smiled instead. She stood back up and used her heel to push me onto my back. She sat on my stomach and started kissing me.

This was how it started. She came in here a few times to try and chat and get a piece of me and when I refused, she would weaken me more by taking some of my blood that’s still inside of me. Lately, the feedings were more re-occurring since I’ve been getting weaker and weaker.

“You…fucking…bitch.” I whispered before I felt her sink her teeth into my neck and I passed out after a few moments.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, I'm going to try to get more updates in before my school starts up again!
If you like this story, go check out my other original stories, Treaty and Vampyre Hearts!
I would love you all forever!!!

Will Brianna find Shawn in time???