To Love a Vampire...

I can't take it!

Caitlin’s POV

I hit the window for the billionth time and no break. I looked around for something metal. I found a chair and smirked. I grabbed it and started running towards the window. I almost released my grip from the chair when something grabbed it. I looked behind me and David was looking at me with an amused look.

“Now, now. We’re not doing this again, are we?” He took the chair and backhanded me.

“What do you expect? You think I’d like it there?” I sighed as I felt my cheek.

“You don’t like that I’m giving you special treatment?” He put his hand on his chest. “I’m hurt.”

“Good.” I growled and walked over the bed.

“I guess you don’t want to see the boy then?”

“Of course I do.” I shot up from my position and stood tall.

“Then why don’t you be a good little girl and apologize for disrespecting me?”

“Fuck you.” I spat in his face and ran for the door.

Unfortunately, David appeared in front of me. Then he laughed behind me. I’ve had this happen before. David has the ability to duplicate himself. He’s used it quite a few times when I’ve attempted to leave and find Shawn.

“Now that wasn’t nice.” Both David’s said at the same time.

He grabbed me and threw me across the room, landing on the bed. I tried to sit up, only to have him pin me back.

“I’m going to have to restrain you, aren’t I?” He smirked and I started flailing my legs.

“Get off of me!” I yelled and he just laughed.

“Are you going to be a good little girl?” He tightened his grip on my wrists.

“Fine.” I spat back and he tilted his head and let go of my wrists.

“I thought so.” He got up and called for a follower of his. “Take her to the boy. 15 minutes. Keep your eye on them.”

The man nodded and walked over and grabbed me. I glared at David as I heard him chuckle. I walked down a hallway and down a flight of stairs until he led me to a door. I took a deep breath and waited for the man to open it.

He opened it and I heard chains clinking together. I burst through the door and the man grabbed my arms and pinned them behind me.

“Do anything stupid, and I’ve been given permission to snap these pretty little arms of yours.”

“Don’t worry. I run. I don’t need my arms.” I growled at him.

He snarled at me and let go. I scoffed at him. I walked back into the room and gasped at the sight that I saw.

Shawn was lying there, in a pool of his own blood and he was whiter than he could possibly be. I ran over to his side. I checked his pulse, forgetting he barely had one. He still had a steady breathing and it sounded very pained.

This was what David wanted. He confessed it to me before. He likes to toy with other vampires. Push their limits. The strongest would survive and be forced to join him. The weak ones would die. I couldn’t tell what Shawn was at this point.

“Shawn, are you okay?” I nearly cried when I saw him open his eyes and they were dark as night.

“Caitlin…” He whispered and smiled.

I kissed his forehead and held his head to my chest. The man who was watching us scoffed and I glared back at him. I looked for a rock around me, knowing that there was some debris around us. I found one and was about to chuck it at him when Shawn grabbed my wrist.

“Don’t bother.” He chuckled. “I’m not letting yourself get hurt.”

“Alright.” I put the rock down and cupped his face. “You look horrible.”

“Yeah, well that’s what happens when I don’t feed and lose a lot of blood.” He smiled.

“You still make jokes? I’ll never understand you vampires.” I smiled back.

“All I can do lately.” He looked over at the guy standing by the entrance. “They’re still trying to get me to kill you. They’ll push me to my breaking point.”

“It’s working. I can tell by your eyes.” I looked at his face and noticed the way he was acting. He would look around like a predator. Like he was waiting for something. “Shawn,”

“Don’t. We’ve discussed this. I won’t harm you.”

“But, what if you took just enough to strengthen you? I can get blood back.”

“No!” He struggled to get up and I jumped at his outburst. “I’m not going to do it!”

“What do you want me to do? Wait here until you’re so weak you’re almost nothing!”

“It comes down to it, yes. I’m not going to take blood from you! I promised you I wouldn’t harm you!” He limped over to the other side of the room and ran a hand over his dirty face.

“You don’t have to turn me, dammit!” I yelled and Shawn looked back at me. I took a deep breath and continued. “I know you don’t want to. But you need strength. I don’t know what will happen but, god, I need you to listen to me.”

“Caitlin, please. Don’t make me do this. I can’t hurt you.”

“You won’t.”

“You don’t know that! I know what it’s like. I don’t want you to become addicted!”

“Who said I’ll become addicted?”

“When we feed off of humans, we release a venom. A venom so exotic, so pleasuring, it’s all you want. To feel like that when you get the first drop. It’s inevitable. I won’t.”

“Shawn, either you do, or we’re going to die here.” He sighed and walked over to me.

He pulled a strand of my hair behind my hair and cupped my face with one hand. He leaned in and slammed his lips into mine. I grabbed his hand and allowed him to pull me closer. I mentally rolled my eyes as the guard groaned at us. I placed my hands on his shoulders and gave into temptation. Unfortunately, he pulled away and I took a deep breath.

“You’re serious about this?” He sighed. I still didn’t have the breath to talk so I just nodded. “Then, I have a plan.”

He looked over to the guard -well, as far as he could get- and the guard crossed his arms to make him look more intimidating.

“Bring David in here.” Shawn demanded. The guard looked at him skeptically, then opened the door a bit and whispered something to another guard.

The guard closed the door and looked at the both of us. I just stood there where I was already at and looked at Shawn. What is his plan? Does he even have a plan!? He couldn’t know about David’s idea for him?

The door opened. David walked in, with 5 guards behind him. He winked at me and I heard Shawn growl.

“What is it, Shawn? Gonna let me drink from your love?” He chuckled.

“Alright. You win.” Shawn dropped his head. “I’ll do whatever you want.”

“Really? You convinced him?” They both looked over at me and I shook my head. “Are you sure about that?”

“Yes. I’m sure.” I glared at him and he smiled, fangs and all.

“Alright. So you’re going to what?”

“Release the shackles and I’ll show you.” Shawn negotiated and I looked at him.

“I don’t think so.”

“Well I kind of need my hands if I’m going to feed from a human.” He raised an eyebrow and David seemed surprised.

“You’re going to steal your girl’s blood?” He didn’t seemed to believe me.

“I can’t take it!” Shawn suddenly spat. “Her veins are…. Please.. Let me.”

David walked up to him and looked right into his eyes and smiled.

“Alright.” He walked over to me and grabbed my wrist. “Serge, release his shackles.”

The guard who was watching us, now named Serge, walked over and took the chains off. Shawn went to run, but Serge grabbed him.

“Let’s make sure you hold up your side of the bargain.” He pulled my wrist and I gasped as he withdrew a knife.

He held it to my skin and in a quick stroke, tore open a huge cut on my veins. Shawn freaked out and David laughed. He smelled my blood and pushed me over by Shawn. My eyes widened and I started shaking.


Shawn’s eyes were pure black. I swore I knew where I’ve seen it before. I heard a muffle outside and everyone looked over to the window. Shawn grabbed me from behind and sighed. Then I heard it. A howl.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh-oh! lol