To Love a Vampire...


"Why did you do that?"

"Look you're an interesting person," I explained. "You need to go outside of that cabin. Meet new people."

"Fine!" He grouched at his defeat.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and I went to go open it.

"You behave!" I demanded.

There was Sam, with her extremely short hair (which was totally her); all dressed in a black Avenged Sevenfold tank top, Paris Blues denim jeans, and her leopard print Airwalks, at my door with the biggest smile on her face.

"I got his number! I got his num---" She yelled. "Who are you?"

She went up to Shawn and started poking him on the shoulder. She looked so short compared to Shawn it made me laugh. Shawn didn't think it was so funny.

"Sam, this is Shawn. Shawn, this is my best friend Sam." I announced.

"Hey." Shawn said.

"Why are you cold? OMG!! Are you a--?"

"No he's not!!!" I screamed.

"An ice cube!!!! Hehe!" She joked.

I let out the world longest sigh after that. I wondered what would happen if she actually guessed that he was a vampire.

"No I'm not a fricking ice cube. I'm just cold blooded." He responded with a jokingly tone.

"Oh okay."

Then he gave her this strange glare. I knew what he was doing and I smacked him to make him stop.

"What was that for?" He yelped.

"You do not read her mind!" I whispered.

I guess she heard me and wanted to see if I was serious.

"Okay I'm think of a color. Any color. What is it?"

"Shiny." He replied.

"Wow. You're good."

"ANYWAY!! Sam, how would you like to come up to Shawn's cabin with us later?"

I could see in the corner of my eye that Shawn was glaring with rage at me.

"No!" Shawn demanded.

"Why not? She won't tell anyone where it is, it's more likely that your parents will find you here in my house than there."

"Still no!"

Sam was so disappointed. She made her lippy face and went into the corner like a little child. This made Shawn chuckle.

"I'm not letting her come. I'm sorry, Caitlin."

"FINE! I'll just go back to Cali and hang out with people who wanna hang out with me!"

"Fine! Go right ahead," I smacked him because of his rudeness. "Ouch!!! Jeez you're almost like my dad."

"That's not funny, Shawn. Sam don't leave please!!!!!! For me!!!"

"Fine but I'm coming with you."

Shawn just rolled his eyes and backed down in defeat. So, she went to get her car, a candy apple-red Ferrari with black rims, and then she met us outside the trail. We showed up riding in Shawn's Porsche 911 Turbo. My black Convertible was too slow for Shawn. When we got there, Sam was just shocked at the car in the drive way. It was just like hers but it was pitch black with red rims.

"Holy shit! I love this car! It's just like mine! Whose is it?"

"That would be mine. You're cars not that bad either." Conner yelled as he walked towards us.

"Hell yeah!! I love it so much!!! Shawn's car's awesome, too!"

"Yeah but, his doesn't go as fast as a Ferrari does. It's a little slower. By the way, who are you?"

"Connor, this is Sam. Sam, this is Connor." I announced.

"Nice name. Good taste in cars. We're gonna be good friends." Sam replied as her and I walk away. I just laughed.

Sam and Connor were getting to know each other a little better.

"So what's with this place? Why's it so secretive?" Sam asked Conner.

"Because everyone likes their privacy." He laughs.

Then suddenly, Sam came up with a plan.

"Well, what about having a party around here?" She exclaimed.

"Oh no! NO PARTIES!!!!" Shawn yelled.

"C'mon, man! Chill out once in a while. A party sounds cool." Connor laughed.

"You can't be serious! Caitlin?" His eyes were glistening like diamonds. I felt really bad.

"I don't know. A party actually sounds fun."

"Oh come on!!! Have you forgotten about my parents! They'll kill me!!"

"Well what if it's just a few people," I asked. "Besides, you can't die remember? You've got immortality."

"Well they know things that you don't." He sighed.

''Look, I'll make sure Uncle Mitch and Aunt Renee don't show up. It'll be fine, Shawn, don't worry so much." Kat proclaimed.

"Okay, fine. But just a few people."

"Sweet! DJ Connor is in the house!!" Connor cheered.

"I didn't know you were a DJ." Sam laughed.

"Neither did I." I announced.

"Yeah I am. It's so awesome!!! I hope you can dance, Sam." He hissed.

"Oh just you wait. Caitlin and I can tear up the dance floor." She commented.

"Oh really? Wanna make a bet?"

"What kind of bet?"

"I was actually thinking like you two against me and Shawn. Winner gets to take the losers cars for a week."

"What do you think, Caitlin?" Sam asked me.

"I say bring it. But, we choose the music." I explained.

"Deal. See you on the dance floor."

"Bring it!" Sam yelled.

"Oh it's on!"

"Whatever." Shawn muttered.

"Oh shit! We have to 'go home' and 'go to sleep' at least until my parents are asleep. Then, we'll come back." I screamed.

"Okay. Let's take my car," Sam glared with a competitive smile at Connor. "See you later."

"I'll see you later." I told Shawn. I kissed his cheek and he started to blush.

"See ya." He gave me that luscious half-smile that I love.

As we pulled out of the trail, Sam started to talk non-stop about Connor.

"How did you meet a guy like Shawn mistake? How did you meet any of them? I miss so much when I'm gone." She sobbed.

So, I told her the whole story, not including the whole vampire thing. She was stunned.

"Wow. That's amazing."

"Yeah but, what's going on with you and Connor? You to are way too competitive and you just met." I laughed.

"I honestly don't know but he's really sweet. Not to mention, he's hot! But not Zacky Vengeance hot."

"Whatever loser." Within ten minutes we were home thanks to Sam's crazy driving. I seriously thought we were going to die, we jumped out of the car and ran into the house up the stairs into my room and under the blankets of my bed fully clothed (in our regular clothes not pj's.)

"I'm a little to close to you right now but that's ok." Sam whispered. About five minutes later my dad opened the door and looked in. As soon as we heard the door close we were up and Sam was going to jump out the window i stopped her....

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" I yelled in a hushed tone.

"Caitlin dont worry I hung out with Avenged Sevenfold I know what I'm doing here just trust me."

"Oh really...How can I trust you? You're about to jump out a two story window." I said.

"Not jump...climb."


"Yeah we're going to climb down the gutter. Caitlin duh."

"Oh Yeah. That works." I laughed as Sam hopped over to the gutter. I followed behind her. "Sam?"

"Hmm?" She asked jumping to the ground with a little thump.

"How are we going to get the car out of here?"

"We put it in reverse, and then push it out of the driveway, after that put it in neutral then pushes it until we're a little farther down the road."

"Let me guess...Zacky?"


"He corrupted you."

"It was for the better." She said as we started pushing. As soon as we were about three houses down from mine we hopped in Sam's car and were off.