To Love a Vampire...

Here Comes The Romance

"What?" I asked.

"Connor looks mad." She whispered.

"Oh crap. Is Shawn with him?"

"Uhh...I don't see him. But Connor is storming up the stairs. Umm I'm gonna go talk to him ok?"

"Sam!" I called as she got up quickly and started towards the stairs.


"Be careful."


"Just be careful ok?"

"Ok?" She said and turned back around and went up the stairs. I stifled a scream as I turned back because right where Sam had been five seconds ago Shawn was now sitting.

"YOU JERK!" I yelled over the music.

"Sorry." He said fighting laughter.

"No you're not."

"I know!" He said and I slapped his hand.

"So what happened?" I asked.

"Umm... I told him he should calm down and not to keep thinking your friend is his next victim and he got pissed off and he told me to fuck off and he ran away. Oh yeah and I told him that he should tell Sam the truth about us."

"What did he say about that?"

"Nothing yet. Where is Sam anyway?"

"Off trying to see what's wrong with Connor."

"Oh crap."


"His eyes."

"Oohh....oh crap is right." I said. "She'll be fine. She can take care of herself, but if she isn't down in the next half an hour I'm sending you up there."

"What? Why me?" He asked, I pointed towards him....

"Vampire." Then I pointed towards myself "Human."

"Right, right." He nodded in an agreement.

We sat just watching as people started to drift out, it had to be at least one thirty. Everyone drifted out until it was just Kat, Chris, Michael, Nick, Troy, Roxy, Alana, and Keira. Connor and Sam were still upstairs. I stood and so did Shawn. I shoved him towards the stairs. He tripped and nearly fell but he's a vampire so of course he caught himself. He looked back and stuck his tongue out at me. I just laughed; we made our way up the stairs and heard Connor's and Sam's voices drifting through a closed door. I stopped Shawn who was about to walk in.


"Why?" He asked clearly confused.

"I heard Sam's voice so I know she's alive. She and Connor need to talk. They’ll come down when they're ready."

"Ok." He said and turned around without another word. I followed close behind.

* * * * *

"Sam, I have to tell you something." Connor sighed.

Sam was on Connor's chest. She just looked up without saying a word.

"I'm a vampire." Was all he could say. They sat in Connor's bed in silence.


"I'm a vampire. You know, suck your blood, creatures of the undead."

Sam said nothing. She just stared at him.

"Why didn't Caitlin tell me this? And what about Shawn and them? I'm so confused!!!" She said as she pulled herself up off of Connor's chest and buried her face in her hands.

"Hey, hey, hey! It's not that bad. Caitlin just wanted me to tell you and yeah, Shawn, Kat, all of them, all vampires. But don't worry, I won't bite you. I like you. Alot." Connor mumbled. Sam blushed so much.

"Well I like you too." Was all that Sam could make out before she felt a sensation on her lips. She loved the feeling of Connor's lips on hers; Cold but warm at the same time.