To Love a Vampire...

The Smile Says It All

"Can you go get them now?" Troy asked impatiently.

"I agree. They've been in there for a fucking hour!!!!!" Alana proclaimed.

"Yeah I guess we really should be going now." I replied.

"I'll go get them. Wanna come?" Shawn reached for my hand.


When we got up there, there was no noise. I almost panicked and thought something bad had happened. After Shawn opened the door, he started to chuckle. I pushed him out of the way and I almost started to laugh as well. There was Connor and Sam, asleep in his bed. Sam had the biggest smile on her face. I was sort of confused by it. Did Connor tell her and she was okay with it?

"Can you tell what she's thinking?" I asked.

"I thought I couldn't." He mocked.

"Now you can. I want to see why she's smiling."

All I could hear was laughter and it came from Shawn.


"Apparently, he did tell her something." He chuckled.


He was about to tell me when suddenly he was waking Connor and Sam up. Sam was pretty bummed about it.

"Hey get up you and Caitlin should go. We'll see you guys later on."

"I don't wanna." Sam complained.

"Come on, Connor. Get up." Shawn had to smack him just to get him up.

"What the hell, dude!" Connor freaked.

"We'll be back. Don't worry, Connor." I assured him. Sam was shaking her head trying to get me to let her stay.

"Nah. It's okay. Look's like Sam could use more rest anyway." He smirked at Sam. She blushed.

"Okay," Sam sighed like she was in a trance. She's really starting to get suspicious.

"I'll see you later." Shawn whispered as he walked away.

I didn't say anything. I was trying to drag Sam out of there and get into her car... again.

As we left, Sam had the same smile on her face as she did when she was with Connor.

"Why don't you drive, Caitlin. I'm pretty tired still." Sam sighed as she tossed me the keys. "Crash my car and I'll kill you."

"Calm down. I've driven your car before remember?"

About five minutes later, we were half way to my house.

"So what happened between you two?"

"Huh?" She nodded off again.

"You and Connor. What happened? You had the biggest smile on your face."

"Oh nothing really. We just 'talked'." I could tell what she meant. I laughed and cut the engine a few paces down from my house.

"Ready to push?" I asked her.

"Oh yeah." She said as she opened her door and jumped out the back. I soon followed, we pushed it into the driveway and snuck into the house and went to bed we both fell right asleep.