To Love a Vampire...

The Park

I woke in the morning to the sound of Sam's voice drifting from my shower...she was singing. What you might ask...none other then thee great Avenged Sevenfold. Laughing I rolled over and started to look at a magazine until she was finished. I heard the shower turn off and then the blow dryer start. Jeeze does she even ask to use anything? Nope that's Sam she does what she wants when she wants. After about fifteen minutes, yes it takes her like twenty minutes to get ready...insane I know...I agree, she walked into my room in her bra and underwear.

"SAM! Put some stinkin clothes on!" I yelled throwing a pillow at her all she did was laugh and walk over to her bag then threw on a red wife beater and some boys shorts. "I'm gettin in the shower now, ok?"

"Yeppers." she said walking over to my vanity and picked up my black nail polish, plopped on the floor and continued to paint her toenails.

I laughed and then got into the shower. After fifteen minutes I was out and dressed I combed my hair and left it to air dry. Unlike Sam I don't need to straighten my hair so I didn't really care. When I walked back into my room Sam had all of my makeup spread all over the floor.

"What the hell?" I asked starting to pick it up.

"DON'T TOUCH!" Sam screamed slapping my hand. I dropped the makeup...

"What the? Why did you do that?"

"Connor called we're meeting them at the park and I need that...I need to look pretty!"

"Oh...ok." I said and walked over to my mirror and started to put on some makeup when Sam grabbed my wrist,

"Ah, ah, ah I do!"

"Ugh, Fine." I said and closed my eyes.

It seemed like an eternity before Sam was finished. When she told me to look in the mirror it looked almost like hers except for in golden tones instead of red. It was a Smokey eye but like I said with golden and black. Sam's was red and black. She threw a necklace and earrings at me and I put them in as she stripped and threw on some hip huggers, I had on a plain black shirt and some Paris Blues. Sam grabbed her Avenged purse and flip-flops and I grabbed my Aiden purse and my converse threw them on and followed Sam down the steps. She called out,

"MOM DAD! WE'RE GOING TO THE PARK!" Yes she calls my parents mom and dad.

"OK! Be careful girls!"

"We will!" I said before closing the door. The park is within walking distance so we decided to walk.

"It's colder out here then I thought." Sam said hugging herself.

"I think it's nice." I murmured looking up at the clouds.

"Hopefully Connor will have a hoodie I can wear."

"I'm sure he will. And if doesn't he'll run home and grab one for you because he can hear every word you just said."

"That sucks! Now I can't talk about how sexy he is and how I just wanna lick him!" I laughed knowing that she was doing this on purpose.

"Oh yeah Sam."

"YOU KNOW IT! I bet Connor's gonna tell Shawn how much you LIKE him." she made sure to emphasize the like. I smacked her...

"You loser Shawn already knows I like him."

"Oh..." She pouted..."That’s no fun." By then we were on the outskirts of the park. I seen Shawn and Connor shooting hoops. Sam obviously did too because she screamed.

"CONNOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and took off running and jumping into his arms. Laughing I walked up to Shawn and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He kissed my forehead and asked, "So did you sleep well?"

"Great." I laughed as Connor flipped Sam around so she was on his shoulder and began to spin.

"CONNOR! STOP! I'M GONNA PUKE! NO JOKE! STOP!" she screamed. Laughing he set her down on the ground and held her until she backed away. "I hate you!"

"You don't."

"I know." She smiled and kissed him. But then something caught her eye.

Breaking away from Connor she walked over to a little stage where people were performing. She walked over to the manager and whispered something he nodded and then the next thing I knew Sam was grabbing a guitar and bounding onto the stage. She had a nice audience, too; about 75 people. She got to the mic and said, "Caitlin, Shawn and Connor I want to show you a little something Zacky taught me in Cali." Then the music started..."This is Misery Business." and she began to sing...

I'm in the buisness of misery
Let’s take it from the top
She's got a body like an hourglass
That's ticking like a clock...

Shawn and I are head banging to the music when suddenly Connor was just standing there with the biggest shocked look. I just started to laugh.

Whoa I never meant to brag
But I got him where I want him now
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag
To steal it all away from you now
But god does it feel so good
Cause I got him where I want him now
And if you could even you know you would
'Cause God it just feels so...
I just feels so good...

I'm just screaming the song with her when I find Shawn talking to the manager like Sam was before. What the hell is he doing? Then I saw him smile and shake his hand. I could tell I looked dumbfounded. He just walked up to me without saying anything.

"What the hell did you do?" I yelled.

"You'll see." He smirked his little half-smile. My legs almost gave in when he smiled. I love that smile and he uses it as my weakness. Damn him.

...I watched his wildest dreams come true
Not one of them involving you
Just watch all my wildest dreams come true
Not one of them involving...

Sam started to freak out during her guitar solo. She was spinning around in circles and I saw Connor laughing at the corner of my eye. I could tell he was enjoying this. Everyone was. There were cameras everywhere. And suddenly, the music stopped but there was still a bunch of screaming everywhere. Sam had fans. Who knew? She came over to us breathing heavily and with the biggest smile on her face.

"How was it?" Shawn asked.

"It was awesome!" Sam replied in a whisper. She lost her voice for a moment.

"Excuse me. May I have your attention? Thank you for showing up. That was... I'm sorry what's your name?" The manager called on the mic.

"Sam Lodge." She replied.

"That was Sam Lodge. Now, here's someone no one's heard of before," he called.

"Here's Caitlin Chandler!"

"WHAT!?!?!?!" I screamed.

"Told you to wait." Shawn snickered.

"I hate you! I'm not going up there!" I yelled.

"Oh yes you are!" Sam pushed me onto the stage.

"Fine!" I shouted in defeat. Sam and Shawn smiled in victory.

"What song?" I asked.

"You rock at "Hott" from Avril Lavigne. Do that!" Sam replied.

"Okay." I sighed and stared at Shawn.

"You'll do fine." He mouthed. I got on stage and looked at the crowd.

"This song's called Hot!"

Suddenly, I heard the music play and I could hear the lyrics in my head as it was playing.

Ahhhhhhh... You're so good to me, baby, baby,
I wanna lock you up in my closet
When no one's around
I wanna put your hand in my pocket
Because you're aloud
I want to drive you into the corner
And kiss you with out a sound
I wanna stay this way forever
I'll say it loud...

Sam was screaming my name. She knew I loved to sing. I just had really bad stage fright.

You make me so hott
Make me wanna drop
You're so ridiculous
I can barely stop
I can hardly breathe
You make me wanna scream
You're so fabulous
You're so good to me baby, baby
You're so good to me baby, baby...

I saw Shawn nodding to the music and I knew he loved my singing. He gave me his smile and all my fright just melting away. Everyone started to sway with the sound when it got slow.

...Kiss me, Gently,
Always I know
Hold me, Love me,
Don't ever go...Yeah!
You make me so hott
Make me wanna drop
You're so ridiculous
I can barely stop
I can hardly breathe
You make me wanna scream
You're so fabulous
You're so good to me baby, baby
You're so good!

When I finished, I was so out of breath. I came off the stage and nearly fainted. Shawn caught me and I was glad he did. I gave him this flirty smile and just stared at him. He looked pretty dumbfounded.

"What?" He asked.

"Um... Nothing." I laughed.

"Oh my god, Caitlin. You were so good!" She screamed completely ruined our moment... again!

"Thanks, Sam."

"Yeah, you were amazing, Caitlin." Connor told me.

"Have you ever done that before?." Shawn joked.

"Well that actually was my first time live." I laughed.

"No! We sang at that festival like eight years ago remember?"

"Really? I don't remember. Wait a minute," I suddenly remembered. "Why did you have us come here anyway?"

"Oh yeah we totally forgot, dude."

"Well when you watch these two sing, you lose track of time. We were gonna have a picnic before but then this happened." Shawn laughed.

"Oh well let's eat! I bet Sam's starvin' after her performance."

"Well, looks like someone stole our stuff."

"Ah well," Connor announced. "We can always go to a restaurant."

Suddenly, there were a bunch of people running up to Sam and me asking us for autographs and pictures. I was embarrassed actually.

"Uh... sure... there you go...!" Was all we could say to the people. About an hour went by and we just finished with the pictures and autographs.

"I swear soon I'm gonna get carpel tunnel." Sam announced holding her hand.

"Don't want that to happen." Connor winked. Sam blushed.