Status: Thanks for reading! Comments of all kinds welcome! (active)

This Is How Villains Are Made

That moment when your heart is skipping beats and pounding so hard you feel it'll make your ears pop; when you wipe the shit running down your face only to discover it's a dirty mix of blood and sweat.
Your body is shaking and your muscles are screaming bloody murder at every movement you make.
Your mind is begging you to turn and run home but your feet interrupt and tell your mind not to be such a fucking pussy. So you just fucking stand there, bloody and broken wanting nothing more than to be back in your bed under your parent's roof.
But you look over and see your best friend lying lifelessly on the cold concrete floor a couple of feet in front of you; and that jackass that thought it was ok to shoot, is just standing right in front of your friends body with his gun pointed right at you.
You could feel your blood boiling, pumping throughout your body by the gallons. The rage that is slowly rising begins to distort your vision so you clench your fist so tight that your nails draw blood from your palms, and you just couldn't give any more fucks of a fuck about the rat's ass that you start to lose yourself in the emotion that begins to take over your body.

Then boom.

That comfy ass bed you wanted just a few seconds ago no longer exists in your mind, your parents roof is just a fucking thought that no longer floats in the empty sea you call a head. Your body isn't shaking, your muscles are no longer screaming, your mind isn't fucking begging anymore; but your feet are moving. And your fists are making pure gruesome contact with that asshole's face faster than a fucking debt collector can dial numbers on a phone.
And once he stops moving you just keep punching the remains of what used to be a face because you're just so full of rage. So full of hate towards this one man that asked you for your wallet less than ten minuets ago.
And you just can't help but wonder where this will take you next.

Main Characters

Mama J
Nick Aka:Barney