Status: Can't guarantee this will be updated a lot. We'll see how it goes.

Dream Tales

Black Chicken

I was sitting down on my grandmothers luscious green lawn, doing nothing but listening to the peaceful sounds the birds made around me. I glanced out past the white picket fence and noticed a white Toyota ute pull up against the curb. A man with dark skin got out of the car and slammed the door behind him. He didn't look very happy.

“Where is my P-plate!” He growled as a gang of his followed him out of the car.

They looked as though they meant business. Big muscled arms covered in tattoos. One was bald, another wore a cap backwards. They were heading straight for the gate into my grandmother's lawn. The guy who had lost his P-plate looked angry as if he was thinking someone had stole it. Him and his gang would definitely beat the P-plate out whoever they suspected. So I hid in my jacket trying no to be noticed and it worked as they passed by me.

As they passed me I saw the black man point to where he remembered leaving his P-plate. I saw lots of paper and books in a messy pile underneath a white plastic chair which they just walked passed. So I yelled out to the group.

“Hey I think your P-plate is in the pile.”

I hopped up off the ground and me and his gang walked over to the pile and searched for the P-plate. Sure enough it was there. But as soon as the black guy touched it, it turned from red to black. I looked around and saw that everybody's shirts had turned red.

The guys looked terrified and then ran out of the garden out into the streets.

Then as they disappeared into the distance an elderly black man came up to me and said.

“Because you are white and helped a black man you are worthy enough to go on this mission.”

He then started to explain the mission but I couldn’t understand what he was saying. I noticed the sky started to turn black and unexpectedly a vampire rose up from the ground and killed the elderly man right in front of me. Just before the man hit the ground he seemed to dissipate into thin air just like a ghost would disappear.

That left me and the vampire to face off. We fought it out viciously and in the end I managed to stake the vampire.Immediately after winning I was teleported into my grandma's house.

In the house I saw my grandma alive and well and before I knew it my family joined us. It made me feel really happy. I soon found out that me and my family were going back home tomorrow so we were going to have a goodbye dinner. I was told more or my relatives werecoming to the house.

Later on the phone rang and I was told to answer it. As I said hello there was no answer so I just listened. The line seemed very muffled however a voice came through.

“Need…help…outside….key…..chicken cage...”

The line then cut out and I was confused but as I looked out into the back yard. I saw the locked chicken cage and what was inside it…..
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Just adding the first couple of dreams I've remembered.