With Stars in Their Eyes


Twisted family. Monsters. Your fault. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Fred's words shook me again and again throughout the holidays. I could still feel the acid in his words rip through my flesh and burn holes in my heart.

I wanted to protest, to tell him how wrong he was, but for the first time, I truly opened my eyes in my home and saw the evil I was living with.

Even if it wasn't for Fred's harsh explanation about his father or the Daily Prophet's vague description of the attack, I would have known about it from my brother's insufferable gloating.

It was the holidays, so my brother let loose and succumbed to his favorite poison: alcohol. He drank firewhiskey as if it were water and became more and more eager to share unpleasantly personal secrets regarding his career.

"The attack on the old Muggle lover was just the beginning," Niko whispered with wicked delight. "We're so close, and then there will be no limits to our strength."

"What are you talking about?" I asked quietly, uneasy with the madness behind his eyes.

"Let's just say we'll be seeing Uncle Garrett sooner than we thought." Niko laughed maniacally.

Besides my brother's increasing bloodlust, I couldn't help but notice my parents cold indifference when it came to me and my personal affairs. I didn't want to get married so young, but when I dared to voice my opinion to them, I was immediately rejected and scolded.

"Caelum Warrington is a fine young man, and you should be pleased he asked for your hand." My mother chided me.

So at the end of the holidays when Caelum asked for my answer, I left him with an insincere promise to think about it. I told him I wanted to focus on my studies, but after the year, I would be sure. Thankfully, that was good enough for him at the moment.

By the time I was back on the Hogwarts Express, I couldn't have been more relieved to escape the coldness of my home.

As I walked through the train, searching for an empty compartment, I noticed a flash of red hair. My heart stopped, chills piercing me down to the bone. When I met those brown eyes, all the air left my lungs and I crippled over.

"I want nothing to do with you."

His words rang in my ears and ricocheted off the walls in my head. I should have been angry, I should have been hurt, but instead, I felt nothing but guilt weigh me down like an anchor. I knew Fred was right about me and my family, and I had no right to begrudge him for making a decision that was certainly justified.

Quickly, I spun around and hurried off in the opposite direction.

Once I settled into an abandoned compartment, I dropped my things and crumbled into my seat. I tried to block out my thoughts as I rested my head against the window and stared out at the passing scenery.

Your fault.

Fred's words haunted me once more, and I couldn't concentrate on anything else.

He blamed me for his father's attack, and I felt like I deserved it. I myself did not strike him down, I didn't even know about it, but my brother did in a way. He knew every last gory detail. Could I have prevented it? Was it really my fault?

I had been growing tired of my family's wicked ways, but what if I would never be able to escape? What if I was damned from the moment of my birth? My mother used to tell me how lucky I was to be born into the Travers family. I was beautiful, intelligent, and pureblood. Everything necessary to succeed in our world. Never once did I consider that I didn't want to be a part of it… not until I met someone worth fighting for.

Even if I changed, would Fred ever be able to look at me the same way he did before, with hope and light in his eyes, so trusting in a girl with such a dark past.

The train came to a sudden halt, and I was surprised at how lost in my thoughts I must have been. I stayed seated for a while, watching as anxious students scurried off of the train. When the crowd began to thin, I got up and gathered my belongings.

As I opened the door and wandered off, I heard someone call my name.


The same voice that left me haunted just a week ago was now whispering my name in such melodic way.

I stopped, my heart halting with me, and turned around to face Fred.

"Astronomy Tower, tonight. We need to talk." Fred murmured urgently.

His twin shouted for him, and Fred vanished.

He left me, for a second time, standing alone and confused. I wasn't sure what more he could possibly want from me. Did he want to torture me more with his cruel words? Would I even bother to go?


Yes, I realized, I would do just about anything for that boy even though he harbored only hatred for me.
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Thank you for your lovely comments<3
Hopefully the last chapter didn't break your heart too badly x_x