Status: ew

I'll Never Be What You Want.

Tay's POV.

"And if you don't text me at least 50 times every day, then I will." I was half-listening. Normally, I would pay attention but tomorrow was the day.
The day Jordan Allen Eckes walks out of my life forever.
Okay, well, the day Jordan moves to California, which by the way, is all the way across the country. So, same thing.
"Tay, you're not even listening." Jordan frowned.
"Sorry! But I mean, you're moving tomorrow, I'm distracted. I can't believe you're leaving me. You'll forget all about me." I was holding back tears, but I had to stay strong. Jordan would want that.
Jordan pulled me in for one of his hugs, the best hugs.
"Sardine, I could never forget about you. You're my best friend."
I smiled at the nickname 'Sardine'. I remember when we first met he thought I had said my last name was Sardine instead of Jardine. After that, he always called me Sardine.

"You better visit me, Eckes. Or I will come all the way over there and force you to." I pulled away from the hug, and he gave me a sad smile. It was because we both knew he couldn't visit. Well, until a few years, that is.

. . .

I woke up on my floor, which meant I fell off my bed. Great.
I looked at my alarm, 12:30 P.M.? I overslept! was supposed to wake up early so that I could say goodbye, so that I could tell him everything.
I didn't care that I was still in my pajamas, I ran down the stairs, And my mom was at work, so that meant I had to run to the airport.
I ran so far and so fast, I was surprised with myself, but kept going. I checked my phone, 12:35. "Fuck, he leaves in 5 minutes." I ran even faster, if that was even possible.
I ran past so many people. I would usually apologize, but I couldn't.

"Attention all California passengers, we will start getting people on the plane now." I was running out of time.
He was starting to board the plane when I finally found him.
"Jordan, wait!" I ran out of breath.
He turned around and smiled. "I knew you wouldn't forget to say goodbye." He hugged me.
"I would never forget. But listen, I need to tell you something." I pulled away.
It was now or never.
"Well, hurry it up, Sardine."
"Umm..." You can do it, Tay. Just tell him. Tell him how you feel.
"Um, have a nice flight." I smiled, but I felt so stupid.
"Oh... I will, thanks." He sounded disappointed. I was going to actually tell him everything then, but he was boarding the plane, leaving me forever.
And I never saw him again.
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