Status: Active -- Writing in Progress

Guitar Notes Tug Heart Strings


“I’m so happy you’re home,” Jess said and threw her arms around her sister. Cecelia brought her hands up and wrapped them around her younger sister.

“What are you doing here?” Cecelia asked leading her sister to her living room.

“You gave me a key remember?” Cecelia looked around, there were glasses on the coffee table, and she could tell something was cooked recently.

“Have you been here all week?”

Jessica looked down and picked a lose thread in her jeans. “Maybe, but don’t be mad. I bought my own groceries, and I took care of Georgie,” she mumbled.

Cecelia sighed and looked at her sister. “Are things that bad at school?”

Jess nodded and began to tear up. “Jess, come here.” Cecelia said wrapping her arms around her sister. “Don’t cry. We’ll figure something out. I promise.”

Jess nodded and after a few minutes began to calm down. “Just relax, I need to shower and unpack.” Jess smiled and nodded.

As Cecelia left the shower her phone began blowing up.

"Are you home from tour yet you groupie?"

"We need some wine time; tell me you’re home!"

"Newest story looks good; keep it up."

Cecelia smiled as her fingers flew across the keyboard. She tossed the device onto her bed before heading out to the kitchen to pour herself some wine.

“So how was tour?” Jess asked as Cecelia sat on the couch with her tumbler of pink wine.

“Good,” she nodded and shrugged. “For spending a week trapped in a bus with musicians.” She took a sip and closed her eyes. “But Jack likes the story and Ren finally opened up.”

“That’s good, he seems like the quiet mysterious kind.” Jess smiled. “That’s what makes him so hot.”

“He’s quiet, but not so mysterious.” She shrugged a shoulder. “Also, he kissed me the other night and I’ve been avoiding him.”

“Oh my God, I totally knew that would happen.” Jess said grinning. She put her hand on her sister’s knee and squeezed. “Tell me all about it.”

“What do you mean you knew it?”

“Well he clearly likes you, and I think you’re starting to like him. You don’t shut up about him,” Jess said rolling her eyes.

Cecelia smacked her, “I don’t like him.” She grumbled.

“I mean, whatever. He’s hot, he can sign, and he’s successful, why not?”

“Because guys in bands are all the same,” Cecelia said before taking another sip of wine. “And he’s a source, I’m writing a story about him.”

“So wait until the story is done.” Jess said rolling her eyes like it was an easy solution.


“So you’re really mad at me for kissing you?” Ren whispered as Cecelia watched the guys tune their guitars.

She rolled her eyes and looked at him. He grinned and slung an arm around her. “No, you’re not. I can tell.”

She moved foreword so his arm fell. “I can’t kiss every guy I am writing a story about.”

“I’d hope not,” he said frowning. She watched as he stood and raised his hands over hid head. His baseball tee rose up and showed his firm stomach. “But you can kiss this one,” he said with a wink.

She rolled her eyes and looked down at her computer screen. She was currently working on the merch signing table side of the story. Every once in awhile the guys would sit at a table, after a show, and sign items for fans.

The guys were really good at interacting with the fans, and Cecelia could tell Ren really cared what each fan thought.

“So we’re going to the bar tonight, take a night off and come with us,” Steve said before he took a swig of water.

“I can’t, my sister is staying with me and we’re hanging out tonight.”

“Your sister?” Jake asked raising his eyebrows.

Cecelia shook her head. “Get that thought out of your head, she’s eighteen.”

“I like 'em young,” Jake said winking.

“Well, we can get her in. Our friend owns the place.”

“I’m not taking my sister to a bar guys,” Cecelia said closing her laptop. “I’m done for the day, have fun tonight.”


“Hello?” Cecelia mumbled into the phone. She barely opened her eyes and just hit answer when her phone blared and woke her up.

“Cecelia!” Ren shouted into the phone. She groaned and opened one eye to see her clock read 4 a.m.

“Are you fucking kidding me right now Ren?” She asked. “I will murder you if you’re pranking me.”

“No! I promise I’m not.” He laughed and she heard him talk to someone else.

“Hello? You called me remember? What do you want?”

“Oh so feisty when she’s tired.” He laughed again. “I want to see you,” he said quietly.

“Ren, it’s late.” She said closing her eyes and pulling her duvet closer to her face.

“I know but, listen, I’m drunk.”

“I’ve gathered,” she said sitting up in bed. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, cringing at the oily feeling.

“I like you, I don’t know if I’d say this sober. But I do.”

She opened her mouth and shook her head.

“You’re drunk, you don’t know what you’re saying right now.” She said as her heartbeat began to quicken.

“I do though, I kissed you for a reason.” He said slurring his words. She closed her eyes and looked at her ceiling.

“Where are you?”

She could tell he was smiling as he prattled off directions.


“This is a joke right?” Jess mumbled as she laid her head against the headrest.

“God I wish,” Cecelia said as she looked for the bar. “I’m going to kill him.”

“Why am I even here?” Jess asked and looked at her sister. Cecelia looked at Jess who was wearing a baggy pair of sweatpants, an old high school tee shirt and her hair was falling out of the messy bun.

“I don’t trust myself around him right now, alone.” Jess’ eyes widened and she smiled. Sitting up she looked at her sister.

“I was so right, you totally are falling for him.”

Cecelia ignored her comment as she found the bar. She saw Ren standing on the corner with Nick. They were laughing.

Cecelia pulled up in front of them and rolled down her windows.

“Get into the car,” she said. Jess grinned and jumped into the back seat and rolled her window down.

“Ren, you can have the front,” He grinned and winked at her.

“And who is this charming girl?”

“I’m Jess, Cecelia’s awesome younger sister.”

“You are indeed,” He said getting into the front seat while Nick piled in the back with Jess. “Thanks for coming to get us babe,” he said to Cecelia.

“I’m not your babe,” She mumbled as she drove out of the lot. “Where am I going?”

Nick leaned up and began to give her directions. He didn’t seem that drunk, but he told her his brother got a DUI and he wasn’t risking it.

“We don’t mind,” Jess said smiling. Cecelia looked at her in her rearview and glared.

“I really appreciate it,” Ren said putting his hand on Cecelia’s knee. She looked down at the calloused hand and then looked at Ren.

He grinned and turned on her radio before singing along to the song.

Cecelia pulled up to the house Ren shared with Nick and Jake. The house seemed big and Cecelia knew Braden lived down the street. The front porch light was on, but the house seemed dark.

“Do you have your keys?” Ren asked Nick. His head flopped back to the headrest. Nick patted his pockets and groaned.

Cecelia turned and looked at Ren, the Nick.

“Really?” Ren pouted and closed his eyes. She turned the car back on and headed towards her apartment.

“You guys can sleep on my couches,” she grumbled as she unlocked her door. Jess pushed past the three and went into the guest room before closing the door.

“You need some company?” Ren asked leaning against the wall across from Cecelia’s door. She smiled and shook her head.

He pouted and stepped closer to her. Placing a hand on her waist. He squeezed and let his thumb rub circles on her exposed skin.

“Ren, I can’t,” Cecelia said quietly.

He hung his head and nodded. “One day you’ll change your mind, I hope.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Please, I need feedback.