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Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge

- fallen angel -


I was a miracle. A talking, walking, eating, sleeping, breathing, miserable, angry miracle. A shot in the stomach, a shot to a lung, a shot just barely missing my heart, and I had lived. I had lived and my darling angel had died. Gerard. Gerard was dead and gone, waiting for me to get to him. I had begged the doctors to let me die, to let me be with him, home, in his arms. I wasn't really living anyway, not completely on my own. There was a respirator that made my heart and lungs keep pumping strong and a tube that fed me.

I wanted Gerard. I needed Gerard. If I just died, we would be together and that's all that I wanted. However, the doctors refused to let me die. Of course. I just lie in bed, forever staring blankly at something, wallowing in my sorrow. Occasionally I would beg a doctor or nurse to unplug the machines so my lungs and heart would stop working. No one would do it.

One day, while two nurses -- Corey, a friend of mine, and Rebecca, who was a fake bitch -- were checking the machines and how I was doing, a voice came to me as I stared at the ceiling.

"Helena. Gerard is coming for you. He's coming back to take you home with him," the deep voice told me.

"What?" I whispered in disbelief.

"Gerard Arthur Way, born April 9, 1977 in Belleville New Jersey to Donald and Donna Way. Your fiance."

I snapped my head around, looking for the speaker. I only saw Corey and Rebecca. "Corey?" I whispered.

"Yes?" Corey replied. I liked her. I trusted her. She had helped Gerard when he had had cancer. She had also helped me when I first landed in the hospital, where I had first met my fiance. She was a kind young woman and she was really good friends with Gerard and I. She had even tried to convince the cops that handcuffing me to my hospital bed and running me over with stupid questions was highly unnecessary even though she knew of the shit I had done.

"Corey, did you hear that voice?" I muttered.

Corey's big brown eyes shown with sympathy and concern. "No, honey. No one said anything. There are no voices here except for mine and Becky's."

"I'm in your head, Helena," the voice replied. "Only you can hear me. Gerard is working for me to get back to you. Only when he brings me one thousand corpses of one thousand evil men will you see him again."

This disembodied voice... I trusted it for some reason. "He's coming back from the dead? He's coming for me? He's going to take me home?"

Rebecca sniggered as she and Corey left the room. The voice rumbled, "Yes, now go to sleep, sweet Helena."

Before I could tell myself to do anything, my eyes closed...



I woke up in a ridiculously dark place. I couldn't feel anything. No feelings, I was just empty. I imagined that this place was cold. Very, very cold. I couldn't feel though to confirm this suspicion of mine. It reeked though. Reeked of the scent of burning and rotting flesh. I wanted to hold my breath, to stop breathing in the putrid smell. Slowly, I took a deep, deep breath. I held it for two minutes... then five.. then ten... What the hell was going on here?

As I sat on the ground-- whether it was hard or comfortable, I couldn't tell-- I realized that I could hold my breath forever. However, the effort would soon annoy me, so I began to breath in the horrid stench again. I should have felt scared, but I didn't. I raised my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them though. That's when I noticed my clothes. I was in the white, lace dress that I had been wearing the day I had been shot, the day that Gerard had died. Slowly, in a slight state of shock, I lowered my legs and looked down at myself. The front of my dress was stained red.

What was this place? Where was I?

"You're in Hell," a voice suddenly boomed out of the darkness. I recognized that voice. IT was the one that was in my hospital room, the one telling me that Gerard was coming for me.

"What?" I asked. How was Gerard going to get to me if I was HERE?!

"Hell," the voice rumbled simply.

Oh really? I TOTALLY didn't know that after you JUST told me. This guy was really no help at all.
"Who are you?" I demanded, deciding that this guy wasn't going to elaborate much more or offer up any info on his own.

"Lucifer," the voice boomed from all around me. "The Devil, Satan, whatever you choose."

Fantastic. "I"ll just call you Bernard," I replied. I was not scared at all.

My reply caused the Devil to laugh. "Bernard," he repeated thoughtfully.

"Please show yourself, Bernard. I don't much like talking to disembodied voices and I've got a LOT of questions," I stated, full of confidence.

'Bernard' chuckled. "Of course, my fallen angel."

All my life I grew up thinking that Satan was an asshole. Not literally of course, but figuratively. Now that I was speaking with him, he seemed kind of sweet. Weird, I know. Also, all my life I imagined Satan to be a little red guy with cloven hooves as feet, a long whipping tail that ended in an arrow shape, beady black eyes, two black horns on his head and a malicious smile placed between a pointy black goatee and mustache. I was sorely disappointed, but relieved to see nothing as hideous as I had always imagined. Instead, I saw a set of glowing yellow eyes about eye level with mine as I sat. I could hear the soft padding of feet as the eyes drew closer.

When the eyes were about five feet away, I began to see the outline of Satan. He... well... He looked like a... like a dog. Next to this... dog... stood the outline of a person...

"Umm..." I hadn't meant to say anything, but it slipped out.

As soon as I made a sound, the tall, human figured standing next to the yellow eyed dog looked down at me... with glowing white eyes. I felt my heart skip a beat and then it hit me. My eyes went wide as I put my hand to my chest only to feel nothing where I should have felt the thumping of my heart. Quickly, I put my hand to my neck to feel for a pulse, but there was no pulsating. I was really dead. This wasn't a dream like I had thought before. That's why I had been joking around with Satan. Oh God, I was going to be punished.

No, no, no, no.

None of this was making any sense. I didn't know what to believe.

Suddenly, a dim light lit the small space around me, illuminating the creatures in front of me. Eye level with my icy blues where the bright yellows used to be were malicious red ones. Red eyes surrounded by black fur... the black fur of a huge, black wolf. Standing next to the dog was a woman who was whiter than anyone I had ever seen. Her skin was the color of Gerard's when he used makeup to make himself more pale. The thing though was that I was pretty positive she wore no makeup to make her skin so white. She did have a black bar painted across her eyes like Gerard would do. It brought out the weirdness of her blank white eyes. Her facial features were a bit manly and strong, her shoulder-length, evenly cut jet black hair hung limply but in a silky sheet. The outfit she was wearing looked like something I would wear. It was a tight, black leathery tanktop that sort of reminded me of a bulletproof vest with how heavy it looked. The front of the shirt looked like a marching band jacket with it's white lines going across it. On her arms, she wore elbow length, fingerless black gloves that also looked to be made of leathery material. There was a strip of the same material going from the top of her glove to the sleeve of her shirt, holding the two together. Around her waist, she wore what I thought had been a skirt but was actually the bottom of her leathery dress. The bottoms was pleated and reminded me of a dragon's wing. It went to about five inches above her knee. Two inches below that, over her knees, were black socks and just bellow her kneecap started the most adorable combat boots ever, adorned with buckles all along the outer side.

"This is Regret," Satan said. I hadn't seen the wolf's mouth move, I was too busy staring up at the woman who was probably about eighteen or nineteen.

I looked down at the now red eyed wolf who was sitting calmly in front of me, but soon my eyes were averted to behind the dog to outside the dim circle of light. There, moving closer, was another pair of yellow eyes and a couple feet above those, glowing white eyes.

"That is my sister, Fear." I looked up just in time to see Regret close her thin white lips, then gesture to the wolf at her side. "And his other half." Her voice was more feminine than I had been expecting, not that I had expected her to say anything at all.

The other wolf looked just like the one in front of me except that it's fur was matted in some places. I realized soon that what matted it looked like... well... it was... BLOOD.

The wolf in front of me turned its head in a rather annoyed manner to it's 'other half.' "What happened?" It asked. I thought I actually did see it's mouth move this time, but I wasn't sure.

"Fear had to lead Way--" the other wolf began, sitting down next to the first one.

"Way?!" I gasped.

The second wolf glared its now red eyes at me and growled. "Not your Way," Fear replied. Fear was dressed just like her sister. The only big difference between the two was that Fear was about two inches shorter and her raven hair was cut chin length.

Knowing that it was not Gerard, I gave a sigh of relief. "Fear had to escort Way," the second wolf began again. It was strange to see a wolf actually talking.

"Wolff," the first one corrected. "It's Wolff now."

"Yes," the second agreed. "What a shame." I realized then that the way these wolves talked reminded me of Scar from The Lion King. "Fear had to escort her since you were not there. The woman tried to escape, so... I got my dinner a bit early." The second wolf gave a barking laugh.

I had heard of this before. Gerard, the Catholic boy, had tome that in Hell, Satan was two wolves. There was one to lead you to where you belonged and one to attack you if you attempted an impossible escape. I was still rather confused though.

"I'm sorry," I said, causing Fear and Regret and the wolves to all look at me with their red or white orbs. "But how can you kill someone if they're already dead?"

The first wolf took up my question. "He does not kills them. He grievously injures them to teach them a lesson. By 'supper' he simply meant that he took an arm or a leg or something inconsequential."

Oh. Wonderful. Realizing that I should be feeling like I had been rude right about now, I got to my feet with the intent of shaking hands with the girls. As soon as I was up however, the second wolf got to his feet, suddenly snarling and bearing his teeth at me.

"Stop!" the first wolf barked. "Do not hurt her. She will not leave." He simply laid down, resting his head on his front paws, totally unconcerned about me. Slowly, the second wolf followed the other's lead, but kept his eyes on me.

I walked over to Regret, who was several inches taller than me, and stuck out my hand. The girl was hesitant but the first wolf, the one I had called Bernard, told her to take my hand. The moment our skin touched, a flood of misery and memories flooded over me.