Avengers of the Future

Chapter Seven

Sophia sniffed the flower and smiled before the trees began to shake. She gasped and started to back away towards the open door that she came out of. When she saw the tentacles rise above the trees, she screamed and ran back towards the door.
Francis was eating an apple as he chatted with the other men in the rafters when someone spotted a MegaDrone. Francis was about to flip the stitch to shut down the base but heard a little girl's scream. The young blonde ran towards a small look out opening and saw Sophia outside of the base. He began to shout at the other men to shoot down the drone. He climbed out of the small opening as he was skinny enough to fit through almost anything and began to shoot at the giant metal octopus like machine. "Over here you giant tin can!" He shouted and shot an arrow right at the base of one of the tentacles. The Arrow exploded, causing the metal arm to fall form the base. The MegaDrone turned towards Francis and then a loud metallic hissing sound came from it, making the older teen take step back. He had never seen it do that. For once, Francis was scared and he screamed. "Dad! Dad!". He had never shouted for his father before but unlike the other, Clint and his son were getting along fairly well. Francis trusted his father. Clint heard the shouting and the metal rattling, making him jump out of the small opening as well. What he saw shocked him, it was something that even he hasn't seen before. He began to shoot his arrows as Francis avoided the arms to try and get to Sophia. The young blonde almost tackled the little girl out of the way. Sophia was crying and clutched Francis tightly.
Alarms started to sound around the base, not the normal ones but the alarms to sound that they had been breeched. Laura ran out of her lab just as Tony arrived int he openspaxce as well. "Do you have Sophia?!" Laura asked her father and he shook his head. "I thought she was with you since JARVIS is shut down!" Tony said in a panic. "Sophia!" Laura screamed, and ran franticly around, calling her name. How could she not know where her daughter is!? What kind of mother was she!? As everyone began to grab weapons and run outside, JARVIS started up again and announced that the door on the far end of the base was open by a manual code and Sophia's thumb print. The sound that came out of Laura's mouth was mix of horror and fear as she ran towards the doors. Laura sprinted up the ramp just in time to see Francis dodging the arms with Sophia in his arms. She ran towards them but as she skidded to a halt next to Francis, another MegaDrone showed up, knocking down a large tree with a trunk about a 100 foot girth, separating Francis and Laura, who now had Sophia in her arms.
The commotion, woke James and he sprinted towards the open area only to hear fighting outside. He ran into his parents plus Bruce and Robert. Above them, rafter began to separate from the ceiling, causing the men up there to jump towards the brick ledge and climb out the openings to avoid falling to their deaths. Tony flew out of the base in his IronMan armor and began to attack the Drones. James began to frantically search for Laura and Sophia but in the panic couldn't find them. He shouted for them then he heard Laura screaming, a sound he knew very well but never wanted to hear again. The sound was coming from outside, making James panic even more. He dodged the falling debris and made it to the opening leading to the outside. James needed to protect his family, they were the only people he loved more then anything in the world.
James saw the battle taking place and Francis was bleeding from his ears and forehead. "I got separated from them when that tree fell and I can't got over it!" He shouted to James and James saw red before he ran over, shouting Laura's name.
Laura was dodging arms left and right with her daughter in her arms. When she heard James calling her name, she knew what she had to do. She had to get Sophia away from the battle and one wJames could do that faster then she could. "Sophia, remember, Mommy loves you more then anything in the world and she always will." Laura cried and kissed her daughter's forehead before tossing Sophia up and over the tree trunk, knowing that James or her father would see her and catch her. James heard his daughter scream and then soaring above the tree trunk. James' eye widened as he ran up the side of the tree trunk and caught his daughter in mid air, holding her tightly to him. Tony saw James and his granddaughter soaring in the air and rocket over to them, catching James by the back of his shirt before dropping them off of the ground when he got close enough. James easily landed on his feet and sprinted towards a safer area. Natasha and Steve were helping to battle the Drones.
Clint and Francis were in sync like the perfect father and son battle partners. The two climbed up the tentacles to get the the base of the arms. Clint followed his son's lead and help pry open a section of metal away in order to climb into the core of the machine. Francis was expecting to find single Drones controlling it but he saw nothing when he climbed inside. This meant it was being controlled remotely which was a good thing for the Rebellion. They didn't know where Utron's base was and now they had a chance to find out. Anytime they tried to get the location from a single Drone, the signal would cut off whenever they began to load the search. this may be the only chance that they have to find Aunltron's home base. Francis began to order his dad around and Clint followed the instructions while dodging the tentacles that shot through the hole to try and get the out.
Tony and Pym began to attack the second MegaDrone that was attacking Laura, who was dodging the arms as best she could. Even though Laura had a portion of the Hulk inside her, she also inherited Bruce's fragile state. She was running out of energy quickly and her dodges were slowing down. She needed to get over the tree trunk in order to get away from the arms. With one last burst of energy, she used the Hulk strength to jump over the tree trunk but as soon as she was in the MegaDrone's perfect line of sight, an arm reached out and wrapped finger like mini tubes around Laura's body before roughly retracting it into the core and tossing her inside the core. Tony's eyes widened when he saw his daughter disappear into the Drone's core. His little girl that he raised since she was little was now in mortal danger.
Tony watched her grow up and become very intelligent so quickly. He loved her like if she was his own child. He was there when she scrapped her knees, fell while running and anytime she got hurt. He would always make her laugh after he treated her. He didn't care of she wasn't his biological child, Laura was his baby girl and no one would convince him otherwise.
Tony shot himself towards the Drone but an arm knocked him out of the way and so hard that parts of his armor flew off, sending him soaring to the ground.
James was busy avoiding the tentacles with Sophia crying in his arms while he passed her on to Steve who rushed her to a safer area. Just as James turned around, He saw his exhausted wife jump over the tree trunk only to be yanked back and disappear. The two locked eyes as this happened and James' world slowed down. He could hear anything that was happening around him. His wife was taken away from him and will probably die within a matter of hours. He knew that people who are taken by MegaDrones, either ended up being found dead in the forest or never returned. James couldn't hear his own screams as one MegaDrone disappeared into the forest and the other crashed to the ground with Clint and Francis inside.
As the men who were still standing ran into the forest after the MegaDrone, the people left behind were in shock and panic as they tried to get everyone back inside to the base where they couldn't be exposed. The plus side is that the base wasn't broken into by the Drones, the bad side is, Ultron knows that humans are hiding out near this place and now will probably have more attacks around here. James looked everywhere around him, not being about to hear anything at all as his brain processed everything. He failed as a husband and as a father. He didn't make sure his daughter was safe with him before going to sleep, he didn't make sure that his wife was safe and now she is good as dead.
Steve had taken refuge in a near by hollowed tree. The tree was tall but the bottom of the tree had a large hole that could easily fit multiple people inside and not be seen. He did his best to calm Sophia down as he hid from the battle. She was his granddaughter and he would protect her, his son and his daughter-in-law with his life. It was now his time to be a good father even if James didn't want him to. When the forest became silent, Steve waited for a while in order to make sure it was safe for them to leave.
When he did come out, Sophia was clutching to him for dear life as he made his way back to the base. When he entered, he saw rafters had fallen, many were injured and those who weren't were either helping the injured or collecting the dead. Steve found James wandering around in a panic and wen tup to him. "James! James! Look at me!" He said and handed Sophia over to Natasha who had just joined the search for the injured. Steve made James look at him and saw James was crying and in a panic. "They took her. They took her." he kept saying over and over again. "They took who?" Steve asked. "Laura. They took Laura." Tony finished for James has he removed his armor. Bruce and Robert were tending to the injured as best they could. When the two heard that their daughter was taken, they almost went ballistic. Tony and Steve restrained them and told them to calm down, not letting them go until they were calmer.