Status: Active

Born Zombie


The smell of the metallic blood soon filled the open space and the wind whipped it around. I crawled on my hands and knees; to hunger to care that the ground was swampy. As I maybe my way closer to the smell and rustling of the reeds a mournful cry roses up from the depths. It was a cry the grim reaper new and it sent chills up my spine. As I parted the reeds I found a women face up. Her skin was pale and as thin as wax paper. Her lips were parted, eyes wide, hair tangled and breathing was ragged. Her stomach was ripped open and her organs were no longer In her body .where they were supposed to be. She was choking and tears ran down her face. She cough a glimpse of me and mournful sounds left her mouth. Sounds that made words I would understand if I was of a different mind. I could see her cheeks puffing out and her voice became desperate. Blood was trickling out the corner of her lips and the blood flowing from her stomach was warm as it socked into my knees. Hunger gnawed at my stomach and the wind tormented me with the tantalizing smell of the pail women. I moved closer to her and when her eyes fell onto the bit mark her eyes grow wider and panic changed her face. She screamed loudly; muttering words in voice filled with tears and blood. Her chest heaved and she choked on the blood, the tears and realization that I was not their to help her. She tried to pull away from me, but her body betrayed her to me. I scooped her head into my lap and gently stroked her soft mossy hair. She was beginning and pleading; to whom and for what I would never know. But I did know that I could never let her wake to the world in this state. She was too mangled. I could save her; save her from a life I would never wish on anyone. I could feel her shaking and her lungs worked hard to inflate after each breath. I could see her eyes staring up at the sky; they were clear and her blood stained lips only moves slightly as if she was whisper for an angel to float down from the sky and save her. God had ride heaven of its angels long before people started to wake. I gently hummed to her in an attempt to comfort her. I would be the close thing to an angel she will find. Her angel of death. I pulled a small rod of sold round stock melt. It was small enough to fit just inside the ear canal. I lined the rod up with her ear and shoved it into her brain. Their was a crunching sound followed by a squashing. She took in a sharp breath and then her chest sunk in and her body went limp. A tear gently rain down her face. "The last you will ever cry." I said to the still hear less women. I yanked the rod out and a small rush of blood followed. I wiped the rod off and put it back in my pack. I put her head down. My stomach roared loudly and saliva dripped from my chin. I just let it drip as I first dug her eyes out. I popped them into my mouth one at a time. I loved the eyes. I rolled the squishy balls against my teeth; sucking all the blood out before biting down. They popped warm fluid into my mouth and it slid down my throat making the best in my stomach demand more. I took large chunks of flesh and mussel from her arms and gnawed away until only bone was left. I ate until I was full and the sun was high in the sky. I took my knife out and cut off chunks from her legs, some of her intestines and then cracked her rib cage open to remove her hart. I salted the meat and raped them in some dried deer skins. I put the meat way and stood to my feet. I wiped my face off and maybe my way back the way I came. When I was back in the forest ,I checked the ground for any sign of my group. I found traces of a struggle, and a group of 12 moving towards the mountain.