Homophobia Is Gay.

Chapter One

-Sams POV-
I whistle as I walk down the street towards my boyfriends, yes BOYFRIENDS!, house. Ever since we got together, I’ve just been so happy. He makes me want to smile, even when things aren’t happy. He makes me want to laugh, even when things aren’t funny. I guess you could call it ‘true love’, hell, I do! With his black hair and his gorgeous bangs, his blue eyes and adorable dimples, I think I’m falling in love with him!

I approach his door and flatten down my already straightened hair. Personally, I love my hair. It’s bleach blonde and has electric pink bangs! But anyway…

I reach my hand forward to ring the doorbell, but I pause. I can hear shouting and sobbing coming from inside. The abusive words I hear are shocking, and the sobs. Oh the sobs! They’re begging and pleading for it to stop. For what to stop? What is going on inside my baby’s house? I need to find out, if anything has happened to him, I don’t know what I would do!

Eventually, I manage to control myself and reach the doorbell. As my finger touches it, the door flies open and a crying boy thrown at me, shaking. I cradle them carefully in my arms, a voice inside the darkened doorway snarls at him.

“There’s your stupid, worthless boyfriend, you fag! Now get the hell off of my property! You dirty piece of emo scum,”

Suddenly a bag is thrust at the boy and I, and he whimpers into my chest as it hits his already bloody and bruised arm. A man’s voice, I guess, laughs manically from the door and slams it shut, leaving me holding the petite sobbing frame carefully in my arms.

As I begin to open my mouth to talk, he looks up at me and I realise who it is. I realise that that the crying boy sobbing into my now rather wet chest, is my baby. My boyfriend. My Pete.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohhh! What is going to happen next? xD

I might not be updating for a while guyyss! D; I really fucked up my arm and I think I may need a cast or somethinggg. So it will make it harder for me... Sorryyy. I'll still try and update though. Because I love my readers/subscribers/one commenter.

Oh yeah! Massive thanks to Kirsty for commenting (: You rulleeee! (:

