The Pack

Chapter Eight

The group stood quietly in the tomb, their eyes fixed on the stone coffin. Alpha didn't know what to think about this. It wasn't possible. This was something that only tales of old contained.

Carlisle was the first to speak. "I believe this has something to do with the sickness. It has to be. There is no other explanation. He died from an illness that slowly made him lose control and now he looks as if he hasn't changed a bit since the burial. It's not killing the Alphas, it must be putting them in a sleep." Carlisle almost began to talk to himself about this.

Alpha took in a deep breath and began to speak to the group. "No one outside of this tomb is to know about this. That is an order. We can not risk chaos in the pack, not before the attack." She spoke and everyone gave a slight nod.

Soon, Alpha sealed the chamber once more and they headed back to The Den, making sure their faces had no hint of fear.

The sun was setting in the sky by the time they made it back and the pack members were preparing for dinner. To their surprise, Rosalie was helping set the table, which was out of character for her. She had decided that making everything so difficult for everyone wasn't going t benefit her in any way so she sucked it up.

The children around them laughed and played without a care in the world as they did not know what horrors were to come. The whole Den seemed to be alive like normal and it almost made Alpha forget about the future. An engine sound could be heard in the distance as it made its way towards the village. Some members left to sell the items made and they were coming back with the supplies they bought.

Alpha wanted this to stay this way, to not have to worry about what was to come when The Volturi decided to make their move. Their way of life could be destroyed and some members could die because of this. Alpha knew the risks but she had faith in Carlisle and her pack.

To her surprise, Adam walked up to her with two more who managed to climb out of the pit. "Get them cleaned up and feed them." She said to Adam and he nodded. She knew she had to formulate a battle plan if they were to fight. the young and elderly could not fight, the ones in the pit couldn't fight and she knew some had to stay behind to watch over all of them.

Soon, dinner was being served and the evening went on without so much as an interruption. Conversations all around could be heard but Alpha tuned them out. James noticed a change in her behavior and asked her what was wrong. "It's nothing to be concerned about. Do not worry." Alpha said softly. James opened his mouth to protest but quickly shut it, knowing not to question her.

After dinner, the Den went into a calm state as some were going to sleep and others went about their business. Most of the Shapeshifters went to join their imprints but the Cullens stayed out, walking around.

Alpha retreated to her own house, followed by James. Bella already knew Edward was aware of what had happened and sighed deeply. "I feel horrible for asking them to do so much for us. We are almost complete strangers and yet, they treat us like we are family to them." Bella spoke her thoughts.

Edward looked around. "They aren't like they are depicted in tales. They are kind and gentle people, most of them. I've never seen such kindness in a group of people before. It is interesting how they live. Three rings of safety surrounding the village, all led by prominent Betas and all with different strengths. If humans are to come upon them, they are given a choice and not forced into life that they do not wish. I'm almost envious of this. They have preserved their traditions and adapted to the times. They've chosen a spot in the forest where the tress give them the most cover plus give them more protection from interacting with humans. To think a whole community like this has been in this forest for years and they are still hidden." Edward commented on everything. Bella knew all this was true.

Alice wandered around with Jasper close behind her as she looked around the Den curiously. She was amazed as well about all of this. What she was most curious about was how they all managed to work together with almost no aggression. She guessed it was because Alpha put all the aggressive ones in the cavern so they had a place to be aggressive without really hurting those who weren't as aggressive.


In the cavern, a brawl was taking place and two bloodied werewolves went at each other with full force. This was a normal scene to see when you lived here. The walls were stained with blood that no one bothered to clean up, bones were scattered around from animals who entered the cavern and were caught and Thomas and Adam didn't seem to mind how it looked as long as no one killed anyone. Adam was sitting on top of a large boulder near the opening to the forest when he caught the scent of Leah. Adam smirked at her and said "What a lovely surprise." He helped her up onto the boulder before he noticed some of the guys giving Leah a look. "Back off. She's mine." Adam snarled at them.