
And I'm Not Sharing

Ryann Chambers walked inside her house. She was mad at her boyfriend, Michael James. He had cheated on her and blamed Ryann because she hadn’t had sex with him in three months. That really pissed her off. She hadn’t been in town for those three months. Ryann wasn’t from Charming, so all her family was four hours away. When her sister, Amelia, wanted her to be the maid of honor and help with the planning, she had to help her sister for the last minute things. Make sure the dresses fit Amelia and the bridesmaids, know who all is coming, and help with the decorations were just a few of the things that she had to do.

She had stopped by Michael’s house first to tell him that she was home, and she had found another car in the driveway. At first, she didn’t think anything of it until she went into the living room to see him fucking some girl that Ryann had never met.

She sighed, sitting down on her couch. She didn’t want to alone, so she called the only person she knew that could comfort her. She waited for him to answer, and she felt a little better when she heard him pick up.

“Hello, Ryann,” Chibs said with his accent coming through thickly. He was a member of the motorcycle club Sons of Anarchy and worked at the Teller-Morrow Auto Repair Shop. He knew that she was going to be home today, but he didn’t expect to hear from her so soon. He knew that something was going on.

Ryann had gotten close to him when she moved to Charming to be closer to Michael. Chibs had told her it was a bad idea to move here just for him, and he was right. She just told him that she needed him here. She set the phone on the coffee table, sitting on the couch.

Chibs climbed on his motorcycle with a simple explanation of how he had to check on Ryann. Jax and Clay nodded, letting him go. He sped down the streets not even noticing the surroundings. He cared about her, and it was clear something happened. He didn’t bother to knock on the door when he got to her house.

Ryann looked up to see Chibs standing in the doorway. She gave him a weak smile, but there were tears in her eyes. She couldn’t quite hold back the tears as she wanted for the older man. She felt arms quickly wrap around her, and she leaned into Chibs body.

“What happened?” he asked, his thick accent coming through. He was pissed as he heard about what happened. The temptation to go find him flashed through his mind because he wanted Michael to pay for hurting such a beautiful girl.

“Don’t go after him,” she muttered, knowing what he was thinking. She knew that he would want to attack Michael, seeing how he had done that before when Michael had called her a whore. She didn’t even know why she stayed with him after that.

“Alright,” Chibs sighed, kissing the top of her head.

Ryann wanted to do something that she had always wanted to do, and it would piss of Michael at the same time. She had fallen in love with Chibs even though she had never really admitted it to herself, but now that she was no longer with Michael it just made itself more apparent. She looked up at the man, holding her. She looked up and planted her lips on his.

Chibs was surprised when he felt Ryann’s lips on his, but that didn’t stop him to kiss her back. He held her to him, keeping her close. When they pulled away, Chibs looked at her curiously. “What was that about?” he asked.

She didn’t answer him as she moved to straddle his lap. Ryann looked at him as thought of how she should tell him. She knew that there was no way that she could get out of answering him with the look on his face.

“I fell in love with you, and I would have been smart if I admitted it to myself before here recently. When I was out of town, I didn’t miss Michael. I missed you,” I confessed.

Chibs smiled at her and pulled her back to him. He kissed her again, moving his hands to her waist. Her hands were on his shoulders, making sure that she wasn’t going anywhere. He knew that he couldn’t let this go further than just kissing. It was too soon after she broke up with the idiot, and he didn’t want this to be a one night stand. He cared too much about her for it to be just that.

Ryann pulled away from Chibs, knowing that she shouldn’t have told him this so soon. “I’m sorry,” she said, starting to climb off of him.

“It’s fine, Ry. I have feelings for you to,” he assured her, pulling her back to give her another peck on the lips.

“I want you,” she said with a hint of seduction in her voice. She leaned into him, not even thinking about how she felt tomorrow. In the back of her mind, she knew that she should wait because of the most recent events, but she didn’t care at that exact moment.

“Ryann, I know you do, but not now,” Chibs said, holding her back a little.

She laughed, a little embarrassed. “Yeah, I guess I’m just like a little kid, wanting something too soon,” she said, absently.

“Hey, Ryann, you’re not a little kid. It’s just not the right time,” Chibs said, kissing her forehead. He knew that she was hurt, and he didn’t want to confuse it too soon. He just wanted her happy more than anything else.

She leaned in his side, loving his warmth. They both sat in comfortable silence for a while, not really knowing what else to say. That was what Ryann loved the most about Chibs; she never had to worry about keeping up a conversation with him. She just seemed to be comfortable with up until there was a knock on the door. It could only be one person that neither of the two wanted to see.

Ryann thought about not answering the door, hoping that he will just go away. Chibs was tempted to go at that moment and give him what he deserves, but he didn’t want to do it in front of Ryann. She knew what the club did, but she never wanted to watch it in front of her house.

“Come on, Ryann. I know you’re in there. Your car is sitting in the drive-way,” Michael pleaded. He seemed to be hurt, but no one could tell if it was real or fake. “Let’s talk, baby.”

She sighed, standing up. Chibs shook his head and stayed close behind her. Michael’s blue eyes scanned Ryann’s face, trying to find something when she opened the door. “What do you have to say?” she asked, irritated.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone out and had sex with some other girl. I just missed you so much,” he said, using the same line she heard earlier. He got the same response: her rolling her eyes. “I love you.”

“Yeah, well. I don’t love you, not anymore,” she barked at him, hoping to wound him.

“You can’t possibly mean that,” he retorted. His sadness was turned quickly to anger, and it was something that Ryann had never seen from him. “You don’t have family out here, besides me. You have to love me.”

“No, she doesn’t,” Chibs said, opening the door further.

“Oh, so he’s here. You called him, you little whore,” Michael said, angry that he saw the guy that he blamed for the distance in his relationship with Ryann. He hated the club because Ryann spent more time around them than she did with him. It happened with all of his girlfriends. They all seemed to like the bikers more than him, and he always wondered what they had that he didn’t.

“She isn’t a whore,” Chibs said, stepping in between Michael and Ryann. His accent was thicker now that his emotions started to seep into his words.

“She’s my girlfriend, and she’s over here having sex with you. How is that not being a whore?” Michael asked, just as angry and ready to fight.

“Michael, we were done the moment you put your small dick in someone other than me,” Ryann pointed out from behind Chibs. She was mad that he called her whore and expected her to still be his girlfriend.

“Maybe if you didn’t leave me by myself, I wouldn’t have,” Michael yelled at Ryann, giving her the lamest excuse possible.

“She’s mine,” Chibs said before punching Michael. Michael landed on his ass and watched the door slam. He was furious, and he was bleeding from his nose. He got back in his car, knowing that he couldn’t say anything else at that moment.

Ryann kissed Chibs once Michael’s car was out of sight. She didn’t understand why he had showed up at her door, but she was happy that he was gone. “I’m yours?” she asked, curious about what Chibs said.

“And I’m not sharing,” he replied, pulling her back.
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I do hope that you enjoyed this! Please let me know what you think! ♥