Thirst for more

Thirst for more~Chapter 1

My phone rang, Playing "Remember" a song that I had written for my boyfriend, Shane's, band Rage Against Evil. One of my best friends, David, is their lead singer, and he sometimes sang my songs (The ones that I show him)
"Hello?" I answered.
"Delanie?" Came Shane's voice.
"Shane! What's up?"
"Come outside"
"Just do it" he said, a bit impatient.
"Okay" I hung up and walked outside. Shane was standing there, looking goregous in black jeans and a Rage Against Evil shirt that he had made. A white studded belt hung around his waist. He was leaning against the hood of his sexy purple jaguar. He held a box of chocolate in his hands and red rose petals were scattered over the hood. One long stemmed black rose was tucked into the window shield whipper(sp?) I rushed forward into his arms, looking into those grey eyes.
"Shane, this is wonderful!" he kissed me, long and slow.
"Are you trying to seduce me?" I asked slyly.
"Maybe" he said, grinning. He was all I could ever want.

~My friends writing!~
"So, whats all this for?" I asked curiously.
"Oh, you forgot?" He gave me a smug smile.
"Todays your birthday. Did you forget how old you are?" UGH! I didn't want to hear the word "Old" anymore. 17 years....I shuddered.
"Hey, its not that bad" said Shane, pulling me out of my thoughts. And I was GLAD he had.
"So, whats the plan?"
"Well, I might have an idea" He reached down to kiss me passionately. He was so god-like, standing under the starry twilight sky. Oh, how I love him!
Suddenly, my phone rang. Another song by Rage Against Evil. It was David.
"Hello?" I answered, slightly peeved by the interuption.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY D!" David screamed.
"Thanks David. What are you doing that made you remember my birthday?"
"Oh nothing....Except getting ready for your best party EVER!" He shouted this and before I could say anything, Shane grabbed the phone.
"Damnit David! I thought it was gonna be a surprise!"
"Sorry. I got carried away. So, when are you coming over?"
"Soon. But we're stopping by my house to get something I forgot" Shane said.
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Well, it might be stealing from a few people, so I have to give credit for some quotes and ideas to: Stephaine Meyer, and the people who wrote A Walk To Remember.