Thirst for more

His Thirst

"ah....yes....important" said David.
"Be there soon" said Shane, and hung up. He put my phone into my back-pocket. I giggled at him and kissed him again. He was so sweet. Then I pulled together the black rose and its red follower petals, and climbed into his car. I patted the smooth dashboard.
"Hey Sexy" I said, patting its dashboard.
"Thanks" said Shane, getting in. I hit him playfully, and stared at him. He was sexy. This was what I loved the most about this car. The windows were tinted dark, and only I could stare at him. Plus, people stared at us as we drove my, all of them jealous.
I continued to stare. His dark grey eyes, full of depth and caring, and yet.....They always left me with a strange sense that he was....thirsty for more. More than me? I didn't know, but it scared me. I moved on to his hair. Straight, and jet black with electric blue streaks, down to just below his ears. It shone in the light, although not in a too-oily way. It made me want to touch it. I resisted the urge and moved on. His thick full plump lips....And...he had and aura too him. An aura of love, strength, and power....and that incredible thirst for more.
"I'll be right back" he said, getting out of the car. He was inside his large Victorian-style house for less than a minute. Then he handed me a box with something red inside, and we sped off to the party.

We were driving up to David's house- where the party was, and OMG!! There were banners everywhere, my favorite colors, blue and black. I was so shocked with the decorations and all the people there, Shane had to haul me out of the car.
"wow" I could only say that. W.O.W. Our of nowhere, David appeared, almost falling on me.
"Happy Birthday D!" he said.
"David...Are you okay? You seem....high on something"
"Oh, it's nothing. Okay, so it's this really really good energy drink called Rockstar!"
I only heard about half of what he said because he was talking so fast.
"Okay, well, thats so great"
"Let me go get it so you can try it!" He ran off. Wow, he's really hyper today, I thought.
"Hello, I am still here" said Shane, slightly impatient.
"Sorry. He's really hyper right now, isn't he? You sure he didn't drink anything with alcohol?"
Shane chuckled. " I don't think he drank anything yet" He reached in the car for that red box thing and walked away towards the house. I was in a daze for a sec, but then I started to follow him into the living room. And, of course, Shane opened the box to reveal a large red cake and a small, silver-wrapped box....looked like a gift. I sighed.
♠ ♠ ♠
WOOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shane is so SMEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!