Thirst for more


I woke up screaming bloody murder. I felt someone’s arms around me, and I looked up. It was Shane, but his eyes gleamed bright red. I shut my eyes again, squeezed them tight. I rolled away from him, screaming. He clamped his hand over my mouth, and I fought with growing panic.
“Baby” he murmured. It was his voice, not the whisper that had coated my nightmare. I opened my eyes, to see that the shade of grey I loved so much had returned. This was Shane, the boy I knew and loved. But...there was something different about him, wasn’t there? I searched my memory, but could not remember the events of the past few hours.
“Shane. What happened?” I whispered.
“You passed out. Then you had a nightmare. Presumably about the thing at the party” I remembered the face all too well.
“Yes” I mumbled. Flashing red, gleaming fangs, exposed skin...
“Why did I pass out?”
“I told you...About me” he said. His expression was guarded, careful. Suddenly it hit me like a brick wall. Shane, my beautiful Shane....Immortal?
“How?” I asked through the growing lump in my throat.
Shane sighed.
“Well, it was...I think 1898. I was sick and in my death bed. I hated being in the hospital. The smell of cleaner couldn’t quite cover up the smell of death. So I tried, I tried to escape. Amid all the confusion, nobody noticed me crawling out the door. I crawled all the way to the park. Only my strength of will gave me the power to drag my dying body all the way there. Then I lay down in the tunnel, prepared to die. That was when the angel- as I thought of her then- appeared. Despite my trembling, dying body, and the smell that clung to me, she seemed to find me attractive. She kissed me, and then she bit me”
I was lost in thought, listening to my immortal boyfriends story.
“Well, thats what happened. That’s why I’m here now”
“Well, why me?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why do you like me? You could have had....anyone. Somebody better”
Shane took my hand and held it to his chest. It felt cool on my warm fingers. He looked me in the eyes and said,
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the hangoff there. I have to wait till my friend sends me the next chapter, so it might be awhile.
