Dragonshire (This is the original version, extremely different from the other one)

Beau Talk (Chapter 10)

Dav'id was too busy to talk with me much over the next few days, but I wasn't lonely since Shannon had introduced me to the other girls. I liked them all but only eight of the girls were left after the first trial. I had taken the liberty to invite them all to my room after breakfast, besides Emmalea because nobody liked how she had acted towards me. Also thanks to Shannon I got to meet Dav'id's sisters, Kah'lie and Kym'mee. The rest of the girls names were Brehanna, Andrea, Libby, Danielle, and Mandy. The same girls Shannon had told me about at breakfast before.
We were all in my room talking when Kah'lie started to talk about beaus.
"Has anyone here ever had a beau?" she asked no one in particular in that rich, smooth voice of hers. Her hair turned green as she chuckled. I had been amazed at the twin sisters when I first met them. I loved how Kah'lie's hair changed color and Kym'mee's nails changed color instead of their eyes, a dragon trait no one else had.
"I have!" shouted every voice in the room besides mine.
"You know I have," said Kym'mee, to her fifteen year old twin. "He was so handsome." Kym'mee's nails turned pink as she remembered. Surprisingly though, her nails suddenly turned black and she frowned. "But he left me for a maiden he thought to be prettier, his name was Hay'len. I haven't had a beau since."
"Well, I know that Dav'id's a beau," said Kah'lie.
"How do you know that?" asked Kym'mee in her airy voice.
I had to bite my lip to keep from saying something. No one had found out about me and Dav'id just yet, I didn't want Emmalea to find out and go ballistic. It was nice having his sisters for friends though, it was them who told me how old Dav'id was. He was sixteen, just as I had suspected him to be around my age.
"Well lately he gets pink eyes at the oddest of moments. I suspect it's because he's day dreaming about something, or someone. Plus, I heard him talking to himself in his chambers about what he should do next to impress her. He has got to be a beau!" Kah'lie had nearly screamed her discovery and we had to remind her to keep quiet so Emmalea didn't find us and barge in unexpectedly.
"It's about time too," said Kym'mee, braiding my hair. "I heard Mom and Dad, the King and Queen, talking about how if he didn't find someone soon that they were going to marry him off to a dragon princess."
"An arranged marriage?" I asked.
"Yes, and that's what I had always thought would happen. I suppose things have taken a change for the better."
"So um, what about you Kah'lie? Surely you've had a beau?" I asked, trying to divert the subject from Dav'id.
"Well, I did. It was the same case as Kym'mee, only my beau had been Jay'len, Hay'len's twin brother," Kah'lie replied, and instead of feeling sadness, her hair changed red with anger.
"Interesting, is anyone else willing to share? How about you Shannon?" I turned toward her and raised one eyebrow expectantly.
"Me? Well okay, my last beau's name was Taylor," Shannon's eyes were sad and she frowned. "That was before I was chosen as a sacrifice. He tried everything to keep me safe. When they were pulling me away he punched one of the guards and knocked him out, trying to save me. We had both thought I was going to die, but he didn't want that to happen. Another guard had snuck up behind him and had a dagger in his hand. He raised the blade and in moments Taylor was..................................." Her voice trailed off as tears threatened to fall from her eyes. All the girls stood next to her and comforted her as she wiped away the tears. "I'll be fine, let's just move on to someone else, okay? Brehanna, how about you give it a go?"
"Well if you insist. His name is Bryan, he's the sweetest, kindest boy I've ever met!" she exclaimed in that energetic voice of hers. Brehanna's brown hair bobbed as she shook her head 'yes'.
I switched positions with Kym'mee once she had finished and began to put her dark blonde hair into plaits.
"He sounds nice, but I'm curious to know about Libby's beau search," I said
"Well I did have one once, his name was Austin. It was so long I can barely remember," Libby said in her peppy voice, tucking her blonde hair behind her ears. Something told me that by the way she had spat out the name and the sad look in her eyes that she did remember, just didn't want to talk about it.
It's amazing how happy she can make herself seem when her eyes are so full of sadness. I'll get the story from her later,I decided.
"So Andrea, how are things with you?" asked Libby. I could tell she was trying to direct the attention away from her.
"Well I'll keep it short and sweet. I have a beau, I plan to keep it that way. Oh! He can fit his whole fist in his mouth too!" Andrea gave us all a big toothy smile. I had learned why she wore the white dress of shock over the past few days. She had a tendency to say the oddest things at surprising moments. "Why don't you go next Danielle."
"Okay, I did have one. He left me for a rich noble woman who passed through town one day. I haven't seen him since, but I figure it's his loss," said Danielle calmly. "Since everyone else has gone but Katie and Mandy, why don't you go first Mandy."
"I have a beau actually. His name's Trevor, he get's just as nervous around girls as I do guys so we get along very well," said Mandy. "That only leaves Katie. So it's your turn to spill."
"Why don't we talk about something else?" I suggested.
"Wait a minute Katie," said Shannon. "You haven't told us your beau story. It's only fair since we told you."
"Well...." I never had time to finish, because at that moment Emmalea burst into the room. A look of pure hatred was in her eyes and face.
♠ ♠ ♠
You learn about the other characters in this story. Oh, and the characters, most of them, anyway, are based on friends from my old school.