Dragonshire (This is the original version, extremely different from the other one)

Austin and Libby (Chapter 12)

I woke up in my bed chambers to find only Libby there.
"Where is everyone?" I asked, still half asleep. My head was pounding and I felt weak.
"Oh, good you're awake. The healer said you'd be fine except for some bruises. They're eating, and you've been asleep for two days. They've hardly left your side, and this is Dav'id's first time leaving!" Libby looked at me and smiled. "I offered to watch you while they were gone."
"I've been asleep for two days!"
"You were in a tremendous amount of pain, your body made you sleep it off."
"I suppose it's good though, I finely caught you alone!"
"What do you mean?"
"I've was wanting to get you alone and ask you what the real deal was with that old beau of yours, Austin wasn't it?"
"There is nothing to talk about, I hardly remember," Libby said turning away from me.
"I'm not stupid Libby, I could tell just by the way you said his name that there was more to the story and that you hadn't talked with anyone about it."
"There is more, but I just don't like talking about it. It brings back too many memories." She looked sad and she closed her eyes.
"You can talk to me, I had to listen to this kind of stuff from Lacey, my sister, all the time."
"This is different."
"Just tell me please! It'll make you feel better."
"I guess."
"Okay, start talking."
"Well, I had just moved to town and I met this really nice and sweet guy. His name was Austin. He took me to all the get togethers and such. He always made me feel special. He had been my beau for two years and always told me we would marry someday. Until one night after a get together at the local tavern. He had slipped away at some point in the middle of the dancing so I went to find him. I finally found him behind the tavern and he was," Libby closed her eyes again, fighting back tears.
"Go on," I urged her.
"He was kissing another girl! When I turned the corner and saw them he stopped and looked at me. He said it wasn't what I thought and that she had kissed him. I saw what had happened and she hadn't been the one doing all the kissing." Libby paused for a moment before whispering, "He hurt me Katie. He hurt me bad. I didn't forgive him. I packed my things that night and left the town, never turning back. I didn't even consider a beau again after that, so I turned down all the men at the new town I went to. I don't know what he told everyone about why I left." She smiled slightly at the thought of his discomfort.
"That's a sad story Libby," I said. I fought back pain and sat up to comfort her.
"You know what though? I feel better. I have never told that story to anyone before. It feels great to finally have someone to talk to." She smiled and hugged me. "Thank you."
"You shouldn't thank me, all I did was give support. You were the one who lifted the weight that was in your heart."
Just then Dav'id and everyone else walked into the room.
"Katie! Are you all right?" Dav'id said, rushing to my side and hugging me.
"I'm fine Dav'id. Really, Iā€™m okay." I said.
"You're sure?ā€
"You think you'll be ready in time for the second and third trials?ā€
Dav'id smiled. "Then in that case from now on things will go off without a further problem."
♠ ♠ ♠
Austin was a bastard. All in favor, say 'I' *rest of the world shouts approval* Yeah, that's what I thought.