Dragonshire (This is the original version, extremely different from the other one)

The Second And Third Trials (Chapter 13)

I recovered after a few days and was fit enough for the next trial. Dav'id had told everyone to meet in the courtyard after breakfast for it and told us not to wear dresses. When I arrived there, there were bows and arrows, targets on haystacks, a small puzzle box, and a rope with a series of knots. We all lined up in front of Dav'id as he began to explain.
"This is a timed trial. You all have a station with these various items." He indicated the items I had just seen. "Anyone who has them finished by noon will win. Then the winners will move on to the next trial, which is directly afterwards. For the bow challenge part you must hit one bull’s-eye. Everyone get started."
I walked over to an open station and easily got a bull’s-eye on the target, I had had to hunt to get my sister and I food. The puzzle box took me longer though. I had to slide the little squares around until it made an image on each side to open it. I looked over and saw Shannon already working on her knots. I worked faster and finally figured it out just as Shannon got on her last, huge knot. I was good at knots since I had had to use them to tie up the food I caught so I could bring it home. Shannon was nearly finished when I caught up to her. It was only a few minutes to noon so I had to work quickly. Shannon finished first and sat back to look at the clouds. I worked even faster, trying to finish before the time ran out. I finished just as the bell rang signaling noon. I sighed in relief and lay back.
"That was harder than I thought it would be," I said to Shannon.
"I know. That last knot was hard," she replied. Shannon looked up and I heard footsteps. "Here comes Dav'id."
"Great job! You two were the only ones to pass. You move on, follow me to the ring."
We stood up and followed Dav'id to the other side of the courtyard. There was a ring in the dirt and we stopped. Everyone else filed in away from the ring and listened as Dav'id explained what to do again.
"Here's what you do, the first person to fall out of the ring loses. The one who stays in the ring wins. Shannon, Katie, get in the circle and begin when you are both ready." He then stepped back and watched as Shannon and I entered the ring.
"Are you ready?" I asked once I had taken my place on the other side of the ring.
"I am," she said, and unexpectedly she came running at me.
"Hey!" I said, and I had to move quickly to evade her. She whipped around and came charging at me again. This time I was expecting it and crouched to the ground. I put my hands over my head and when she couldn't stop fast enough once she realized what I was doing, she collided with me and fell backwards. I took advantage of the opportunity and grabbed one of her arms and held it behind her back. She surprised me though by using her other hand to grab my wrist and twist it. I let her go when she started to dig her nails into my skin. She twisted and stood up. I stood too and decided to be the first one to strike this time. I grabbed for her ankles and she fell over. I tried to push her out of the ring but she twisted free. She grabbed my ankles and pulled me toward the ring's edge. I reached up and grabbed her wrists. I pulled her arms until she let go of my ankles and I pulled her over my head. We both stood up and backed up to the spots we had been when we started. My old bruises had started to ache again and a few of the cuts had reopened, so blood was visible on my shirt. Shannon drew herself up and I did so as well. We both ran forward fists raised. I felt a surge of force through my arm as my fist made contact with her face. I felt large pangs of pain in the left side of my head as her fist made contact with my cheek. I felt myself fall to the ground in a blur, and Shannon with me. We both turned to look at the other and then we blacked out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoa...Shannon can FIGHT!