Dragonshire (This is the original version, extremely different from the other one)

Reunion (Chapter 15)

"Katie, are you okay?"
The sound of Dav'id's voice brought me back to the present and I looked up.
"What?" I said and realized I was on my knees and that my cheeks were soaked with tears.
"Are you all right?" he said again. His eyes were black with fear and his facial expression was worried.
"I'll be fine, let's just go get Lacey," I said. I stood up and walked around the edge of the town until we reached the street with my old home on it. I crept down the street and knocked on the cabin door. Lacey opened the door and I ran in as quickly as I could, Dav'id right behind me. I shut the door as Dav'id moved Lacey away, holding her arms behind her back.
"What is the meaning of this!" Lacey cried, "Let go of me! Let go...................." She stopped when she saw me. She squinted her eyes before whispering, "Katie?"
"Yes Lacey, it's me," I said. I could feel a lump in my throat as Dav'id let her go and she hugged me.
"Oh Katie, I thought you were dead. I missed you so much," a teary eyed Lacey said. "But who is this? What happened? What's going on?"
I spent the next hour explaining everything to Lacey. When I'd finished she looked at me, astounded.
"So he's a dragon?" asked Lacey, scooting away from Dav'id in her chair.
"Yes, but he's harmless," I said.
Dav'id rolled his eyes but smiled at my tease.
"I'll take your word for it," said Lacey. "Now then, on to the matter at hand."
"Right, well we were hoping you'd come live with us at the palace. I really miss you Lacey." I said to her.
"Well, I suppose. I miss you too Katie. I'd be glad to come," Lacey answered.

Lacey hadn't taken very well to flying. She had freaked out the whole way there. Then when we entered the palace, she was so awed she stood grounded to the spot for five minutes. I took her to the dining hall once she'd stopped gaping where they were serving dinner. I introduced her to everyone and sat down to eat. It was nice having my sister meet my friends and, as I like to call Dav'id in my mind, my beau. I was so happy, and wished that we wouldn't have to fight the enemy before it attacked us. I went to bed that night wishing the happiness I felt then would last forever.
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Hi! I like Lacey. She's based on one of my old friends. As is Shannon, Brehanna, Kah'lie, Kym'mee, Katie, Emmalea, Libby...etc. You get it.