Dragonshire (This is the original version, extremely different from the other one)

The Betrayal (Chapter 16)

The days went by I began to feel more and more happy. For some reason though, Dav'id and Shannon always left the room whenever I entered. When I asked Kah'lie about it, she just said I was imagining things. I wasn't so sure about it, and my thoughts were confirmed when I woke up in the middle of the night to the sounds of my friends screaming. I jumped out of bed and ran to the voice's source.
"What's going on!" I shouted as I entered the dining hall. Instantly I knew why they were screaming. A portal of darkness was on the wall. Shannon was standing next to it, smiling. "Someone call the King and Queen!" I screamed.
"It's no use," said Shannon in an unnaturally cold voice.
"What do you mean?" I asked. I looked at her closely, she seemed like the same Shannon I had always known. Something was different though. She had and eerie presence about her, and her smile was chilling.
"They're dead. I poisoned them."
"WHAT!" screamed Kym'mee and Kah'lie at the same time.
"What's going on?" shouted Dav'id as he entered the room. His eyes turned black when he entered the room.
"Ah, Dav'id. I was wondering when you'd show up." Shannon looked at him and her smile widened. "That's right Dav'id. I told you this was going to happen. I also gave you and offer, it's time for you to accept it. Your parents are dead. What else can you do but join me?"
He looked at me, then he looked at the portal. He walked over to Shannon. Kah'lie and Kym'mee's color emotions were white.
"Dav'id what are you doing?" I shouted urgently. "Why are you doing this?"
"She was right," he said, "What else can I do? My parents are dead, and if I can't stop this from happening what else could happen? How many losses would it take for me to lose my kingdom? I have nothing else left that I wouldn't lose anyway."
"What about me Dav'id?" I yelled at him. "What about us. I thought you truly loved me!"
"True love? There is no such thing," he said coldly. "It's as I told you when we first met. A dragon's eyes can [i[not lie. No dragon has ever experienced true love in it's eyes. So it does not exist."
Then he and Shannon stepped through the portal. It disappeared instantly afterwards.
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What the HELL does Dav'id think he's doing?!!!! This just goes to show, all men are MORONS! (Sorry to any guys reading this...I don't really mean it...or do I? The world may never know!)